Moda Block Heads Block 15 & Giveaway

Starry Eyed Block
Welcome to week 15 of Moda Block Heads Round 3. I am excited to share my quilt block, Starry Eyed, with all of you.
You can find the Starry Eyed quilt block pattern by clicking here.
Now keep reading to the end for a fun giveaway. =)

Starry Eyed Quilt
For my block, I used a mix of Canning Day and Sugarcreek fabrics. This is a very versatile block and is going to turn out so cute in a lot of different fabrics. And depending on your fabric placement will look quite different. Yesterday, I shared my brand new fabric line, Apricot & Ash with readers of my blog. I thought it would be fun to show you how different Starry Eyed can look based on fabric placement using these new fabrics that come out in August. =)
It is always so interesting how different the same block can look depending on where you place your fabrics. I am sure you all will find even more variations of this block.
Now, on to the giveaway part of this post. =)
While I was not a designer for round 1 of Moda Block Heads, I did participate in making the blocks. I just got my quilt back from my quilter last week (although, it had been sitting in my needs to be quilted pile for a couple years!). I am just so happy with the way it turned out. My quilter, David, quilted an all over orange peel design.
This quilt is such a happy, scrappy mix of mostly my fabrics with a few friends thrown in for good measure. The blocks from round 1 of Moda Block Heads have since been turned into a book published by Martingale Publishing.
The folks over at Martingale have been kind enough to offer an e-book copy of this book to one of my readers. So, if you missed out on round 1, now is your chance to enter to win a copy.
To enter, all you need to do is leave me a comment with your favorite thing about Moda Block Heads in my comments section. Just scroll down below this post until you get to the comments. I will draw and announce a winner next Wednesday. If you’d like more chances to win, be sure to visit the other designers’ blogs today as well as the Martingale blog and the Moda Blog.
4.22 – Corey Yoder <–We are Here
4.29 – Sherri McConnell
5.6 – Betsy Chutchian
5.13 – Jan Patek
5.20 – Brigitte Heitland
5.27 – Lisa Bongean
6.03 – Lissa Alexander
6.10 – Laurie Simpson
6.17– Vanessa Goertzen
6.24 – Stacy Iest Hsu
7.1 – Robin Pickens
7.8 – Janet Clare
7.15 – Jen Kingwell
7.22 – Joanna Figueroa
Have a wonderful Wednesday and happy sewing! Corey
I live alkvthe new tips and tricks I learn from each one! Thank you sweet ladies!
I love the Wednesday anticipation. It is fun, exciting to find the new block each week especially during this safer at home time. Thank you for the great block this week.
Hi, I just Love the surprise each week
I like looking at everyone’s creation weekly. The designers are awesome and I seem to learn lots from each one.
I love seeing how different everyone’s blocks are; colour placement and fabric choices—I can look at blocks for ages!
I like the variety of blocks and the different skills needed to do them
I, too, really like seeing everyone’s interpretation of the weekly pattern. As someone who is color-challenged, I get so many ideas from the creativity of others.
I love the challenge to work outside my comfort zone. I’m fairly new to quilting and haven’t worked with so many small pieces but then get the odd easier block to calm my nerves.
Just one thing? Mostly I am learning new skills and how to slow down.
I was enjoying making each block each week until the kids started schooling from home- now I pull my stuff out once every three or so weeks, get caught back up, and put it back away.
Hi Corey! I love Blockheads because every week I learn something more about the craft of quilting from each block pattern.
I am really enjoying getting to know the different designers. Some designers are new to me and others I am getting to know better.
I love the support and ideas. I have enjoyed learning and pushing myself where I would normally avoid. And times like this I also don’t feel alone. It’s fun to get to know the designers and fellow quilters. Thank you!!!
I love the surprise and challenge of each block. I have learned so much from the designers. I am now making 6 inch blocks!
I am loving this weekly challenge and knowing its doing different blocks then my normal go to! What a great resource! Thankful
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is the way each designer uses their signature style to show off the beautiful blocks and fabrics.
I enjoy the Moda Blockheads because of the different designers and the tips and tricks.
Thank you Corey! My favorite thing about BH3 is Tuesday night! It’s a little like Christmas Eve knowing you’ll wake up to a new block and fun read from the designer.
Thank you for all the block variations you’ve shown!
I love Blockheads because of the warmth and support from the group. I remember one person had her house burn down and lost everything. People all over the world sent her fabric and some company gave her a new sewing machine. I also love the different ways the blocks look depending on fabric placement.
I am a novice quilter. What I love about Moda Blockheads is trifold: 1. I’ve learned so many new techniques. 2. I can actually see myself improving with each week’s block and 3. The Blockhead community, designers included, is engaging, supportive, encouraging, and an all round great bunch of folks
I just found Blockheads this year. Since starting I have also found year 2, so I’m making both at the same time. I love how different each designer is, and all their different fabric choices are. From the colors on the front of the book, I was thinking that quilt isn’t for me, but seeing your finished quilt in your cheery fabric, I really want to make it now! I will have to make a point of buying it in the future! Thank you for everything you do. I love today’s block, and can’t wait to start sewing it!
I love the variety!! I’ve also gotten a lot of ideas for so many quilts from the various designer blocks.
I’ve enjoyed the creative ways quilters, making the same pattern, get different results with fabric & placement choices.
I love the Moda block heads because it’s interesting to see the different designer blogs, the fabric they used and the block pattern. It inspires me and is fun to receive each new block! I am new to sewing and quilting so I appreciate the vast amount of creativity!
I love seeing the new designs each week and how everyone’s interpretation makes the blocks unique!
I have learned so much through Moda Blockheads. It disproves the maxin that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
I like that some of the blocks take me out of my comfort zone, so I learn new things!
Love Love love Blockheads it has made me up my
My favorite thing about Moda Block Heads is seeing every designers version of the blocks. Even if I don’t make a particular block it stirs my creative mind and then I’m thinking of all kinds of new things.
I enjoy the surprise each Wednesday morning seeing the new block and all the designers’ various takes on it.

I have the Blockheads 1 book, so I’m not entering the giveaway. Just wanted to mention how delightful the Blockheads 3 quilt-along is. It’s my first, and I so enjoy both how different each designer’s block is and how well they all work together. Oh, and I love the challenges of tiny piecing, applique, and paper piecing; I’m learning so much! I’m using Tilda fabrics, with various of her solids for the backgrounds. So far, so lovely! Thank you and your fellow designers for this amazing experience!
I love going to all the blogs and seeing each designer’s style. I also like to see the various methods used by each designer
I love the creativity from each designer and the different fabrics that everyone has used to create their blocks.
This is my first time participating in the weekly block heads. I do look forward to each Wednesday to see what each designer creates. Some blocks are easy others have been a challenge. I can’t wait to see what fabrics I will use for this week’s challenge. Thanks for being part of the blockheads.
Love getting a block every week and waiting to see how creative all the quitters can be. Thank you for all the blocks!
I liked going to the different designers’ blogs.
Gorgeous quilt!!! I love the variety of block designs & how easy it is to keep up with the quilt along.
I love meeting all the designers and seeing all the different techniques and colors each one uses to complete their blocks. I have met some nice new designers and I have learned lots of new techniques!
It is such a challenge for me and has gotten me to step outside the box. I can see a difference in my piecing already and I love the appliqué and paper piecing aspects as well. I can’t wait for Wednesdays!
I like being challenged to work on something that I do not know the final outcome but still get so much from… learning new skills all the time.
I enjoy seeing the different designers and their fabric choices and that in turn inspires me to try fabrics and placement out of my comfort zone!
I am rather new to quilt making. I watched my mom make and design quilts my entire life but never took up the craft until inheriting her machines and supplies. I love that the Moda Blockheads offer such a variety of blocks and challenges and ideas!!! Can’t wait to get started.
What I love about Moda Blockheads is how it stretches you to step out of your comfort zone and try new techniques. The thought of making an entire quilt with a new or challenging technique is overwhelming but just one block gives you more confidence to jump in and give it a go.
I love seeing all the different color variations and ideas to make the blocks look so different! I’m so glad I found this blog to following along with!
Love seeing all the different designers!
I am learning so much and I look forward each Wednesday to see what the next block is. The best things I have learnt is to be more precise and press and press and press!
Thanks for your contributions
I have enjoyed so much getting to learn about all of the designers and their families through this sew a long.
I appreciate that I am learning new skills .
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is meeting new designers that I haven’t really heard of, or known of before. I may see their fabric lines but have never seen their work. Getting to know them individually, as I visit their sites, and see what they are each into and good at, has been nice. This is a free quilt a long. Which of course is nice but there are free ones all over the place. This one is pretty high skill set. My skills have been improved.
I love the fact quilters from all over the world are making these awesome blocks together
I learn something new each week by participating! I so appreciate the work that you and the other designers do to give us the opportunity to learn from you! Thank you!
I love looking forward to a new block challenge each week!
I love how looking at the Moda fabrics make me feel, which is warm and comforted. Thank you for the great designs!
i love the blocks each week that challenge me and the great colors and layouts from everyone participating!
I love to see all the different ways the designer’s blocks come together and look!
Thank you!
I love the versatility of each of the block design and how they look together as a whole based on fabric selection.
All of the Blocks play so well together! Thank you all for the wonderful design and for sharing – Enjoying getting to know all of the designers!
I love the way the blocks all look great together.
I love how easily you can make the blocks your own with fabric placement. Gets my imagination soaring.
This is my first time doing something like this. I love reading the designers comments about each block. I have only been quilting for couple of years and would never had tried a 6 inch block without the support of this group
I love all the beautiful blocks that you make and all the different fabrics everyone uses. I look forward to reading your emails every week and getting to see all the work in process.. you are a great quilter!! Thank you for all you do
Love the blocks, especially with the flags, and how the quilt is put together. Also, love the orange peel quilting! Gorgeous!
Seriously can not pick a favourite as they all are unique in their own way! So very blessed to have such great blocks made available!
Moda Blockheads has done so many things for me. I feel like my quilt knowledge has grown, but most importantly my confidence. Working on Blockheads 3 has greatly improved not only my skill level, but the way I see myself as a quilter. Thank you so much!
I love seeing all the possibilities. And all the gorgeous ranges of each designer.
Love your books patterns and fabric
Blockheads are the best inspiration for me.
Your block this week is so cute and really love it. So, I love the difference that all the designers bring to Block Heads and each one is so much fun to make or at least a good challenge! Plus we get to know the designers and look forward to new blocks each week. I feel stimulated and challenged and love seeing what everyone else has done with their colors and placement choices. Thank you
I love all the blocks in the Blockheads Series. Will have to check out your shop next time we’re in Berlin.
It started with the fun of making a new surprise block each week. And that was enough, But as the isolation continues, it has been such fun doing this project alongside my three sisters. We share thru messenger our projects, cheer on and tease each other. It’s become a highlight in my otherwise mundane social distancing. Thank you.
I think the Moda Blockheads is a great skillbuilder!
Blockheads makes Wednesdays a bright spot in the week. It’s so much fun to see how everyone interprets the block.
Oh I love the variety and the surprise each week. Plus the Moda Block heads are a happy bunch of encouraging people!
Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration!! Every week is a delightful new block and, very often, new ways of approaching the block assembly. Blockheads quilt alongs are always a great learning opportunity!
I have loved the challenge of trying something new!
I love seeing how each block looks sooo different with fabric placement
What I love about the Moda Blockheads is that each designer has a fresh twist on each block!
I enjoy the process of making each block, and seeing the blocks that everyone else made. its like a surprise every week. I also enjoy the challenge of making each block. Thanks for all you do and thanks to everyone else for sharing their love of quilting.
I love the different looks the people get by fabric choices and placements, It shows haw versatile these blocks are.
I love the variety of blocks and seeing people’s creations.
I love everything about it. Deciding on what fabric line I’ll be using, and the anticipation of waiting for each Wednesday morning to see the new block we’ll be making. I love scrolling through and looking at all the great blocks everyone makes, and the encouragement fellow quilters provide each week. I love the veriety of techniques used to create the blocks and expanding my quilting skills. I just love it all
This is my first time doing Moda Blockheads. I love the surprise and the challenge. This has been a great opportunity to try new things and push myself.
Wonderful block, have my sewing room unpacked finally and can begin to sew. Looking forward to seating the blocks and using the tips provide by all the designers and moda blockhead members. Thanks for the block design
I really like the quilting education that Blockheads provides – there is bound to be a new idea for construction in all the little tricks the designers provide each week! Looking at all the blocks with different fabrics, colors and sizes is inspiring – so many blocks, so little time!
I love how well all of the blocks complement each other but starry eyed is an amazing block with how versatile it is. One little change and it looks totally different. I love that. I love everything about Moda…such versatility, expressiveness, creativity, I could go on.
I’m fairly new to quilting and love the different designs. So many ideas
Love learning new things and testing my patience with 6” blocks!
I love the anticipation and surprise each week for the new block. It’s like Christmas every Wednesday morning.
Hello and thank you Corey for such wonderful designs (and the giveaway). There are a couple of things I love about the Blocksheads – the challenge of the blocks (I’m a fairly new quilter and these blocks ease me out of my comfort zone). I also love the facebook page and to see how everyone sees the blocks differently as far as color and or placement. Truly inspiring!
Its fun to make a different block each week.
Love your new palette of beautiful colors and print . I have been following the Moda Block Head and can’t wait for the next inspirational blocks design by everyone! Thank you so much

I love seeing all the different designs and styles from all the designers! You ladies are so inspiring!
This is my first block heads challenge and boy what a challenge! I’m learning so much about fabric coordination and design. Love all the tips.
I look forward to the new surprise each week!
I like everything about Moda Blockheads! The free patterns, visiting the designer blogs and seeing all the blocks done in all the different fabrics.
I love everything about Blockheads. Just this week I made a connection with someone who was using the same fabrics as mine. I looked at her profile and learned that she had a child with the same disability as my son. I reached out to her and we have been able to connect. Of course I also love connecting with others in the quilting world and the help available.
My fav thing is that most of the blocks are available in different sizes that all work together, so you can really customize the layout.
I love waking up on Wednesday’s to find the next block. Love this one
The patterns are just awesome and material choices are wonderful!!
I am loving polishing my cutting skills and how all the different blocks come together. Thank you.
Look forward to a new block every week. Thank you all for your inspiration.
The Moda Blocks are always so perfect, colorful and pieced to perfection. They make me dream!!
I participated and completed the round 1 quilt. What I love about blockheads is that it stretches my quilting skills. Several designers offer designs I would not be enthusiastic about tryig on my own. I love expanding my repertoire!
Long before the pandemic hit – Moda has been a weekly guest on my computer – a welcome visit with great tips and ideas.
I love having a new challenge each week! It’s something to look forward to, especially in these dark days.
Love the new block and the way we can change the appearance by changing the color placement. Thank you for posting that. It inspires me to try different color placement on the blocks. Having so much fun and think all the designers are awesome to take the time to design these blocks for us and appreciate all the helpful tips you all provide in making some of the more difficult ones for us “beginners”. Thank you!
I’ve learned a ton from each of them as far as technique goes. I’m a new quilter. Thanks for the chance.
I love looking at each designer’s block every week. Amazing how different the same block can look!
I’m enjoying seeing a variety of blocks and having some handy patterns in standard sizes to create beyond Block Heads!
Since I’ve only been quilting for a year now, I love the challenge that each block presents. I’m learning so much each week.
I’ve loved learning new techniques and getting encouragement from fellow quilters on the Facebook group!
My favorite thing about BH3 is going to the designers blogs. This has opened up a whole new world for me. In a time where ihave little structure I sure know Wednesday mornings.
I love the sisterhood of quilting together, whether it is at a quilt camp, at each other’s home, or even through facebook! Moda Blockheads gives us the opportunity to meet new quilting friends and share our love of quilting.
I’m new to Blockheads and only quilting a short time. I love learning new ways to quilt and the inspiration I get from seeing all the different blocks. It’s a wonderful community.
I LOVE seeing everyone’s finished block on Facebook!! Oh, & the anticipation for every Wednesday morning.. sure gives me something fun to look forward to during this quarantine!
I love being a part of this group. So many great ideas and fabric choices. Every week inspires me. Thank you.
Moda Blockheads makes me get outside of my comfort zone and teaches me new skills. In this crazy year it has also been a comforting weekly bit of normalcy. A promise & hope that if we take this project (& this pandemic) one week at a time, working through the tricky bits, it will all turn out for all of us in the end. Everyone’s finishes might look a little different than we initially planned, but it will all work out.
I love the challenge some of the blocks provide. Each quilt we make will be unique but will be recognizable as BH3.
I love the variety both of patterns and fabrics
I love to see the beautiful differences in fabric choices and color placement that makes each block so unique
I absolutely LOVE the new block! I really look forward to the surprise of what we are making. There have been several blocks that I would never have otherwise tried to make and the challenge has been fun! Not to mention I’m working away on using my scraps while making the blocks! I can’t wait to see the finished sampler style quilt! Your finished blockheads 1 quilt looks AMAZING!
Love to try the different blocks each week. Plus…this year the bonus of Wednesday releases is knowing what day if the week it is!
If it’s FREE it’s for ME…..I’ve had the best time doing BOW 2020 III, there are three of us in our quilt group that are doing it, I’m a little behind them, trying to catch up, but love the easy instructions, suggestions and views of what others quilters have done.
I love the variety and the ability to see so many different color options. Thank you for giving us so many examples of color placement.
I like learning new tips like color arrangement, sewing or cutting tips, and just learning from a variety of people. I never know when I will have the opportunity to apply any of these tips in future quilting.
I’m a very new quilter. Just seeing the blocks and reading all the comments has been an education!
I am a beginner quilter and my favorite thing about Moda Block Heads is that I can learn a lot of different blocks, piecing techniques, and fabric placements from a lot of different talented designers. Thank you.
I love all of the Blockheads! I have done all three and have vastly improved my sewing expertise with all the tips from the designers! I love the variety of sizes . Have saved all the patterns but Three will be my favorite with the sizes for all the different sizes.. thank you to all the designers for your knowledge and time spent sharing your talent with us.
I have loved doing Blockheads. I learn different skills every time, or refresh old skills. I do it with a friend and we have great fun together. Also, I love sharing and looming at what everyone is doing and the wonderful variations. Thank you to Moda and all the designers. It has renewed my love of quilting.
This is my first blockhead. I love the weekly surprises, I love the various block options and different layouts, I particularly love your fabrics choices and layout. But I think what I will love most is watching everyone’s final results. They will all be different.
The Moda Blockheads 3 has been challenging and inspiring, testing my piecing skills and learning new techniques. I love making the blocks mine with color arrangement and seeing what others have come up with. What a great learning experience! Thank you for having something to look forward to each week and the anticipation of creating something beautiful
My favorite think about Blockheads is the variety of blocks presented. I learn new techniques and they present challenges that certainly improve my skills. I’m certain by the end of this process I will have grown in my piecing/quilting knowledge. An added bonus is discovering all the designers blogs and their fabrics. It provides a new appreciation of quality fabric. Thank you!
I am in the UK and this is my first Blockheads and most certainly will not be my last. I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it, but, I was wrong I am loving it. I am doing 8″ blocks and don’t feel confident enough to do a multiple size quilt just yet. I am learning loads. I have always been confused with the size of squares to start with when making the quick method 1/2 square triangle. Love looking at all the blocks on Facebook and watch your videos too. Stay safe.
Love learning blocks that are new to me and how one block can look so different depending on your fabric choices and their placement
I love being able to learn new skills. I am also really enjoying the community and support from thousands of others as we work on these blocks together. Finally, I am so inspired by the variety of interpretations and fabric choices.
I have a love/hate relationship with the MBH’s blocks each week. I love how they look when finished and while I know it is good for me to be pushed out of my comfort zone – it causes me some anxiousness each time I need to choose the fabrics for each block and sewing the blocks.
I love to see different fabric options and the personalities of each quilter in their fabric choices and tweaks to each block. Moda Blockheads help stretch my quilt education!
I enjoy seeing how each block can look so different due to fabric placement or color choices. Most of all I like the challenge of new skills from the various designers. A big than you to all!
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads (this is my first) is the sense of “community” with other quilters. These cheerful, Wednesday surprises has made “sheltering in place” a little happier! Thank you to all the designers!
Love the quilt blocks each week. A fun way to make a quilt!
I love this block. Actually I’ve loved every block. I’m brand new to this craft and have been using the blocks to learn as I signed up for a block of the month for June and thought this would be a good way to start to learn some skills. I’ve learned so much already. Colour placement and picking prints is an art in and of itself. I’ve made some major booboos but I’ve also learned to accept those mistakes which has probably been one of the greatest things I’ve learned through this process. Thank you for all you do !
I have been cross stitching since 1985 so am new to quilting. I love all the Blockheads because of the variety and learning techniques. The Springtime ones are my favorite. They look good enough to eat!
I love the variety and the options. Scrappy quilts are so much fun.
I like the community and the weekly aspect of the program. Keeps me on my toes.
I love this new line of fabrics. I work in an arts and crafts store that carries lots of fabric and we need this fabric line. Moda is always a popular fabric at the store.I have never done a quilt along but this one called to me and in between mask making I have been a block head. Thanks for your time that you are giving to this endeavor.
Love meeting all the designers and learning so many tips from them. I love the quilt along because it helps me stay on track. I love the encouragement to try things differently and to use your own fabric. The variety of designers and their distinct design styles are so much fun. It stretches me to see all the blocks differently and try variations outside my comfort zone.
I love all the different blocks!! I’ve learned so many things participating in BH 2 and 3!
This is my first Blockheads and I love so many things about it. But if I have to pick one, I’d say having something so positive to look forward to each week in these unprecedented times. I wake up happy and excited each Wednesday. The block motivates to get moving and to be productive. I post my block and get so much positive feedback and in return I love commenting on others’ interpretations.
Thank you for a beautiful block. I love blockheads because it is bringing me out of my comfort zone and it’s so fun to see everyone’s blocks each week. Stay well.
I love the variety of the blocks and in some ways it is all a mystery too, because you never really know what the final version will be. Also, love seeing the variety of color choices and placement in the blocks.
I like to order Moda fabrics. I have never been disappointed and they make my efforts look spectacular. I will continue to purchase Moda.
Love the challenge of a new block every week
I am a pretty beginner quilter and this is the first time I’ve ever quilted from a pattern. So I’m learning so, so much. And I LOVE seeing everyone’s blocks on the Facebook group! There is so much to learn from so many different experiences. Thank you all so much!
Love seeing the different fabrics
The beauty of these quilts is amazing. The square make you think. Choosing the right color combination has been my biggest hurdle. But they are blending real nicely.
Love the ideas.Re- jigged my mojo xx
I like starting a new block every week. Keeps me focused
Each week we meet and learn from different creative artists and then, in turn, use what we have to create our own take on this week’s block. The results are endlessly fascinating and the artistry of some of the participants is astounding. And it is a way to connect with our community of quilting during the quarantine!
I love receiving the new blocks every week in using up my scrap fabric. I am also improving my sewing skills with the different techniques. I enjoy seeing everyone’s interpretation of the blocks.
it si simple and complicated at the same time… it shows the way but leaves you to decide what to do:)
I love Moda fabrics! They all make me happy! Also love your blog!
I love learning about the different blocks and how each designer makes it her own!
This is my first round of Moda Blockheads and I love it! It is helping me stretch myself and learn new things!
I like the challenge of the different patterns. Some of them are easy and some take me out of my comfort zone. I like to try new blocks. The easy ones are great for charity quilts that I make and some are just make one to say yes I can do that. I would love to get the book to add to my library so I don’t have to go to my computer all the time to find a different pattern.
I love the variety in the block designs. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I find these very enjoyable to do
This is my first time participating in the Moda Blockheads. I love the anticipation of seeing the post of the new block on Wednesday morning and no matter how difficult the block is, I tell myself you can do this, you only have to make one.
I really appreciate all the designer willingness to give so much of their time to quilters. Thank you
I too, am new to Blockheads and have had my sewing skills broadened tremendously by following along! Seeing everyone’s various interpretations of the same block has been so fun and meeting all the designers and learning about their lines has been fun as well!
I love Sampler quilts. Moda Blockheads allow for totally unique combinations and block patterns for a variety of skill levels.
The designers and fabric they use to create the blocks
I so enjoyed MBH2, I used the same Kona Snow throughout with different colours every week from my scraps. Made my blocks into 3 fab rainbow baby quilts, so fresh with the white. As I still had PLENTY of scraps I have worked the same system for MBH3. I am again making different size blocks. Thank you & all the other designers, this is great fun!
I LOVE the Blockheads Moda BOM! This is my second time joining something like this and while it’s been a challenge at times for me, I love it! I really like the white used in the points in this block rather than for the background. I did that by mistake once on a block and actually turned out great!
I love the variety of designs and techniques!
I am thoroughly enjoying making all these blocks and missed the first round so the book would be wonderful
I enjoy seeing all the fabrics and color combinations along with the different blocks.
As a new quilter I love the ideas and seeing how everyone “sees” different blocks and uses color. I also really enjoy the sense of community QAL’s provide that is truly my inspiration. This is my first time seeing and participating in a QAL and I am hooked!
I love seeing all the different fabric combinations everyone comes up with in the Facebook group. All of them are beautiful.
I love the diversity of the blocks offered. It inspires me!
My Wednesday morning routing has become coffee and Blockheads. As soon as I see the block, I can begin to envision which fabrics will go where.
I love your designs!
I do love how many options there are for each block, and that the designers think the variations are great. The blocks are different than the usual sampler too!
The Blockhead quilt designs have exposed me to quilt designers and fabric lines that I may not have known about. I love seeing the various interpretations of a block and the fabrics each designer chooses. It has been such an inspiration to me.
This is my first time participating in the Moda Blockheads quilt along. I am loving learning about each of the designers and stitching up each block! It is so fun to see the blocks in so many different color ways. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
With Blockheads III, this is my first time participating. I have always thought these blocks were too difficult for me to tackle. I have struggled with a couple, but have really enjoyed the variety of the designs and seeing how everyone has done the color placement. It is hard to believe, but some of them look like totally different blocks. Every Wednesday Moda Blockheads is my first site to check out. It is late April and so far I have kept up. I am really enjoying them.
I love all the fabric selections and new tips and tricks
I love the quiltalong aspect of Moda blockheads, knowing that lots of quilting friends are sewing and creating right alongside me.
I love the variety of blocks and learning new skills.
I thing I love most is all the support and guidance the members give each other
Especially now my friends who are also doing blockheads and I can “get together” online and through email to see each other’s blockheads blocks. Even tho we can’t meet every Thursday like we have for around 20 years this is one way to keep in touch!
This is my first time to participate in the Blockheads sew along. Loving all that I’m learning from the designers. I am learning to step out of my comfort zone and try more difficult blocks.Thanks to all the designers helping all of us quilters so much.
I enjoy learning new blocks and seeing how different fabrics can make some of the blocks look so different.
Hi I am really loving all the new blocks. I haven’t followed Moda Blockheads previously and it would be wonderful to get the book ! EVeryone is so talented ! !
I am fascinated by the different looks created by participants and wait in excited anticipation to see each and every version of a new block.
love that BlockHeads gets you to try different patterns and techniques. Love seeing the colours that each designer does their block in, they all look quite different and each lovely.
I have enjoyed being introduced to each designers web sites and following the facebook page where quilters post their versions of the blocks. There is so much variety and I enjoy the ideas that I receive. Of course, it is fun to make my own blocks each week.
I love being connected to like minded people. We get to share and enjoy each others creativity. Challenging myself with new blocks is fun as well as using up some of my stash is fulfilling! Thank you to all designers.
Just to know that I can come to Moda BH’s and the designer’s blogs to find interesting block patterns makes me happy! So nice to have this opportunity to say thanks for all that is done here for the quilting community!
I love seeing everyone’s different styles – of block design and of fabric choices that make these quilts so unique.
I love seeing all the different blocks each week. So much inspiration!
I love all the different blocks and seeing how each one looks different depending on fabric and placement.
I love all the little tips and tricks that each designer provides with their blocks. And so many different takes on the same block! It’s great!
Love the versatility of the blocks! So cool!
I love trying new construction techniques that I normally wouldn’t try while making a whole quilt. It’s helping me stretch beyond my comfort zone and become a better quilter.
Good morning! Thank you for your beautiful designs! My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is the wonderful learning experience that I am having with such wonderful new quilting friends, and amazing designers! Thank you again! <3
i like the variety of blocks and skills used, and the fact making a block a week is (mostly) doable!
Hi Corey, I love that Blockheads lets me see new, creative blocks by skilled designers like you for free each week. I’m an “essential” worker during this pandemic so there is just no way I could find such beautiful patterns without Moda Blockheads.
I love the variety of blocks and learning new skills.
As new quilter I love all the techniques I am learning as well as the wonderful and helpful community. I’m also learning alot about how to completely change the look of a block by placing things differently from designers such as you. Thanks.
I love how each block is open to interpretation and the different looks achieved by each quilter.
I love seeing the creativity of each designer as well as everyone who posts pictures of their blocks. Amazing how different each block looks with different fabric and placement.
This is a wonderful challenge to wake up to each Wednesday—So many options–techniques, colors and new quilting tips . Love it!
I like being introduced to new designers and techniques. I enjoy being in the Moda Blockheads group for the support and friends. I’m glad we have a week to finish our block as sometimes life gets in the way.
I love seeing how different fabric choices make the blocks look so unique!
I love the chance to try new techniques and seeing the blocks done so differently by the various designers.
I love that the block can be made in multiple sizes!
I love the experience of making new blocks (I’m sure that most of the comments are about the same) Learning new things is always a good thing. Thank you for all of these wonderful ideas. I guess the most important thing is, is that the patterns are FREE!!!!!
I love all the tips and tricks the designers share on their blogs about each block!
i enjoy seeing all these blocks in different materials!
I look forward to Wednesday mornings when I can see what new and different block awaits me. I love seeing each designers perspective and technique. During this difficult pandemic time, it is the bright spot of my week.
Being surprised by every new block is great fun. A bright spot in our current circumstances. Even better is seeing the variety of interpretations as all the creative quilters add their own touch to the block.
I love seeing the different fabrics being used.
I think what I like about Blockheads is the variety of blocks. I am a fairly new quilter so I can practice and learn different techniques from each designer.
The thought of having an awesome quilt made by me and designed by talented designers make me so happy and look forward every week to see what beautiful blocks they’re preparing for me. Can’t thank them all enough.
I like learning new blocks. I am a life long sewer and have made quilts on and off. This is my first time actually using designed blocks and methods. It’s always been using panels and creating as I go along. I am learning a lot.
I love MODA Blocks so-o-o much – they are inspiring and a great learning tool. Thank you so much!!!
Besides being introduced to new blocks I enjoy getting to see the new fabric lines on the different blog sites.
I love seeing how different each block looks. The same pattern has so many interpretations depending on style and fabric placement. I always go from designer to designer looking at their blocks before starting mine. I really appreciate the variations you included in this post.
I am brand new to the MODA Blockheads adventure! I love seeing others blocks and gathering my own ideas for when I am ready to start my own treasure!
I love your site and all the information you have plus all the blockheads
Thank you God bless
I love all of the different styles of blocks and new techniques that vary from week to week. And I’m trying to keep relatively on top of it so I’ll have a quilt top finished when we get to the end.
I love seeing the blocks made in lots of different styles of fabric. Helps to imagine the possibilities!
I love the variety and creative slant given to each block from some of my favorite designers!
duchick at gmail dot com
I love your fabrics and seeing all the different blocks and trying new techniques. You make it fun! Thank y’all!
I love the complexity and versatility of the blockheads blocks. Gives me something fun to play with during this time of i-sew-lation!
I love the sense of sharing with Blockheads. The designers always have such interesting blocks and the members share additional settings and techniques. It is such fun.
I just love the variety of blocks and the different sizes of blocks!
I look forward to Wednesday every week, to see what all you creative gals are creating. Thank you for your hard work at keeping us on our toes quilting!!
Thanks for a fun new Blockheads! I have that same one you just finished – Blockheads 1 – sitting in my UFO pile – now I love seeing your “finish” and you’ve inspired me to finish mine!!
Honestly, I just like the connection to other quilters doing the same thing as you and loving it!
Hi! I like seeing the fabric choices and color combinations
I love to see each new pattern, and think about how I might place the colors. I also actively follow the Facebook group because there are so many wonderful ideas posted there. Blockheads is a wonderful way to stretch your wings as a quilter because you can try new ideas and combinations without worrying about messing up an entire quilt. It’s just one block, so if you don’t like your combination, you can simply redo it. Thanks to all the designers for this wonderful project!
Love the Blockheads series, especially right now staying home so much. I also really love your fabrics and can’t wait until the Christmas fabric releases in July!
Something to look forward to each Wednesday in this time of unusually depressing daily news. Thank you
I love the variety of the blocks – I’m learning so much!
The smaller blocks, especially, are continuing to improve my piecing skills!
I love that Blockheads challenges me and is helping improve my skills while having fun!
This!! This is exactly why I love blockheads! Seeing those variations in apricot and ash…. it’s amazing how the same block can shift and change depending on the designer.
I love that a group of ladies from my quilt group (who were inspired by one who did BH2) are all doing the blocks together…yet at a distance. We all have different color palettes and it’s been great to see how awesome our blocks look.
I like seeing how all the designers visualize the blocks! They look soo different!
I love seeing everyone’s interpretations of the blocks. They are so inspiring
I love that I can learn new skills and take my time and not feel rushed. These are blocks I probably would not have tried otherwise.
Hi Corey! Its Nancy from Boise. Sew excited about your new fabric line. Very fresh and fun! So, the thing I’m enjoying most about blockheads 3 is that besides being fun and beautiful. It keeps me connected with the community. …and my sister in Missouri who is participating too. We really look forward to Wednesdays and comparing our creations! Such a positive thing in trying times. Thank you for the beautiful block. Now Ild better get this printed and get started.
My favorite thing about moda blockheads is that is challenges me to get outside my comfort zone and make blocks I wouldn’t normally make. plus getting to see all the beautiful fabric ladies use…..
I have finally conquered my fear of the diagonal. I love how fabric placement changes a block.
I love the variety and uniqueness of the blocks. It’s nice to be able to choose from my stash and still be able to create a beautiful quilt. Thanks to all the designers for their time!
For me personally I love that every block is different, and unique which makes it fun! I have been following a few different blogs each week to see the different colors and blocks, I’m looking forward to doing my own blocked in the future ♥️
I love all the new techniques and styles I’m learning from MODA Blockheads; as well as, interacting with all the talented quilters from all over the world!!!
OH, Corey! I love Block 15! I am loving the Moda Blockheads 3 blocks, and now I’m wishing I participated with MB 1 and 2 as well. I love the different styles of the designers, all the challenges I am facing and WINNING, and all the variations with each block. Thank you!
I started to participate in Moda Blockheads because of all of the wonderful fabric and pattern designers that were on the list. Then it started to be my therapy by taking my mind off of the weeks I have chemotherapy. I’m a little behind in the blocks, but it keeps me motivated to get up and sew even though I just want to stay in bed.
It’s been years since I’ve had a chance to enjoy this hobby. My home used to have quilts on every bed and a project going. I had to take a break to keep up with my 6 beautiful children and keep my house in order. Moda Blockheads is just the inspiration I need to start again. I particularly love your designs. I always check to see your point of view for each block. I love your fabrics! I may or may not have requested them a few times at my local shop
I find myself looking forward to Wednesdays like a little gift to me. Thank you for sharing your creativity!!
I like the variety of patterns and designers. There is always something new to learn. Thanks
The thing I like is that the blocks are 6″. I make charity lap quilts that have to measure 30″ x 36″, so I’m always looking for patterns for 6″ blocks.
I love the choices! Variations in the block, size choices, layout choices…
Seeing how others have made the block is exciting, inspiring, and challenging.
I like the pace of blocks along with visiting each blog each week. So many ideas, then you look at Facebook and your head explodes with more ideas.
Sampler quilts are my favorite and blockheads is the ultimate sampler quilt!!
As a brand new quilter I am loving everything about the Moda blockhead group. I have been exposed to paper piecing and tiny hst. But I really love when the new pattern comes out and everyone starts posting pictures- it gives me so many ideas and helps me decide how I want to arrange my fabric choices without being overwhelmed. Thanks for your patterns!
Watching all the interpretations of each block in various fabrics. I really like when sewers post their collections…so far…and we get a chance to see their colour story taking shape.
I love the variations in the blocks and getting to see the fabric lines from the various designers. My fabric of choice is anything by MODA!
Right now I’m loving having this little bit of cheery quilting show up in my inbox every day, even though I’m not keeping up on making the blocks. I also really love how you show alternate settings for each one. Thanks, Corey!
You are such an inspiration, I always feel the sunshine when I look at your fabric. I must tell you living in Wa state there is a lot of rain, and I long for the sun and you bring it into my sewing room. Love your blocks.
I fell in love with 6” blocks doing Splendid Sampler 1, so glad to have more beautiful blocks to work with. Looking forward to completing your block.
The thing I love most about doing the MODA blockheads blocks is that I learn so much for the designers of the blocks. This is a project that is not only fun but educational. Thank you, Corey, for the opportunity to get the MODA Blockheads 1 book.
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is the chance to learn new techniques. I started on the first MB1 and was afraid to try applique or FPP. By this round I have finally tried them and been successful. I thank each and every one of you designers for giving me the inspiration!! Thanks, Corey!!!
I am doing my third Blockheads and love each and every one. Each week I get a challenge and love picking out my colors. PS Love the apricot and ash line.
This is my first time doing Moda Blockheads. I sure enjoy learning new techniques and getting stretched with a new block pattern each week! A big shout out to all of the designers who have made this possible for us!
The variety of Block Head blocks is inspiring. Great to know read the blog of a fellow Ohioian.
What I love about MODA blockheads is that I learn a lot from fellow quilters. The tricks and ideas are amazing. BH3 does give me something to look forward to on Wednesday mornings.
I love seeing creations from around the world – all variations of each amazing designers’ block.
Thanks to all who work so hard for us.
My favorite thing about Blockheads is the connection to a community of fellow quilters. The posts are friendly, supportive and positive, and the variations of each block are endless! This is my first MBH, but I am sure it will not be my last. Thank you to all the designers for your efforts on your block(s), and your fun and interesting blogs. God bless you!
I love your fabric that is coming out. Moda fabric is always sturdy yet feels good. It doesn’t fray like many fabrics do. I would love to win the Moda 1 e-book .
Moda Blockheads offers the quilter an opportunity of creating designs from many of their favorite quilters all in one place. I love this year’s block and the variety of sizes per block. You can have a huge quilt or a small quilt–perfect for people who don’t have wall space to display their work of art. Your designs are fun with lots of possibilities.
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads 3? It’s hard to choose just one! I love the blocks and learning new skills. Who knew paper piecing could be so challenging? Oh and appliqué, a new love! I adore seeing all the beautiful blocks and the color combinations, some of them are quite surprising, I never would have dreamed a block could look SO different just by changing a piece of fabric. Looking at the pictures of your latest block in all the color combinations had been a wake up call to this novice. I think my most favorite of all is the Corey Yoder fabrics, I adore the colors. I have purchased 2 Sunnyside Up panels along with 4 each of charms and mini charms to make my granddaughters quilts. My husband found the first panel in a local LQS but they only had the one. It took a lot of looking to find the rest of the fabrics! I can hardly wait to get started!!!
Love how fabric and color changes everything. Quilting is my art form
I amcurrently behind on the Moda Blockheads, but enjoying the weekly release and all the beautiful blocks from everyone… I will get caught back up! Did not participate in Moda 1 and 2, so would love to win!
I love learning new piecing techniques and block patterns.
i love the great variety of blockks and fabric examples from all the different designers.
I love the fact that it is a one stop shop to make something from all the talented designers with all your fabulous ideas and all your beautiful fabrics. Thank you.
What do I love about Blockheads? The learning!!! Each new block is a learning process in the world of quilting. Tho I have been quilting for over 16 years, I still consider myself a beginner, because I’m always learning something new everyday, especially on Wednesdays.
I love doing the blocks because it keeps me quilting and it challenges me to do things I would not otherwise do. It is a great learning experience and I love seeing all the wonderful blocks that everyone makes. It provides inspiration and motivates me in these challenging times.
With nothing else on my calendar, it’s a pleasure to look forward to Wednesday! I look forward to the new block each week. And love seeing everyone’s interpretation of each block.
I love being introduced to designers I’ve never even heard of! So many wonderful blogs, ideas, designs, etc.
I love using the blocks as practice. Not just to expand sewing skills but to develop design skills. Its so fun to play with a couple blocks to design a whole quilt with or play with fabric placement for something totally different!
It is wonderful seeing everyone’s quilt blocks. It helps me be creative when sometimes I am not. Thanks for providing such inspiration!
I love collecting new patterns for my first sampler quilt.
I love seeing all the variations of blocks and variety of fabrics used from the designers and all who are participating!
Hi ! This is my first time participating in the Moda Blockheads ! I love how everyone is so positive . I also, love the visiting the designers and learning more about each one. My 98 year old Grandma loves to watch me create a new block each week and look forward to it. We use my Singer Featherweight and it is such a delight. Thank you for designing this weeks beautiful block !
I like moda blockheads for the connection with other quilters. I used to belong to a quilt group, but now where we live I haven’t been able to join a new group due to scarcity and my with schedule. Connecting online allows me to go at my own pase time allowing and still feel a mutual interest bond, especially now with this isolation and social distancing. It keeps us connected.
Keeps me up to date on what is new and great examples on how to use them
I love Blockheads. I have learned so much from this project
I love the variety of the blocks
I love your fabric lines… I love seeing all the different ways one block can look a couple of days after it’s been posted.
This is my first Moda Blockheads participation! I am learning so much from the experience. All of the designers are so talented!
Thanks for the give away. I had to look 4 time at the Starry Eyed! How different each block looks with the different fabrics.
I love how each block is unique but still blends well with the others. Can’t wait till they are all put together. Thanks for the great ideas.
It’s something to look forward to each week and I love the challenge!
My favorite things about the Moda Blockheads is seeing the blocks that you all design and how different they look depending on the fabric that each one of you uses.
Love your block and it’s so amazing how different all the blocks look with the different fabrics and their placement. I love BHs and seeing all the different designers. I’ve even discovered some new to me ones ;-D
I like the way fabric choices really change the blocks– I would like to try an all solids one for a more modern or maybe more amish twist
Love finding the new block in my email each Wednesday!!
I am addicted to quilt blocks and I love to see everyone’s block and the different ways it can look. It gives me a lot of inspiration
In this time of social distancing I really look forward each week to this fun experience of taking part in learning new designs and quilting techniques while stash busting which also honors this 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!
This block is my favorite block in this series! Can’t wait to make one. I would love to win the book. Thank you.
I love Moda Blockheads because I love seeing all the different fabric choices. Today’s post from Corey is a perfect example!
I love the variety of designs and the fact that you can make the same block more than once and just changing up the fabric placement can totally change the look of the block. The designers are very talented and really work well together. Love it!
I love the variety and the study of color and contrast. Just plain fun!! Such a great each week. Thank you!
This is the first I have heard of Moda Blockheads! I so wish I could have been sewing along with everyone. I love your blocks and especially your new Ash/Apricot fabric line. I would love to win this book as I love sampler quilts and building my skills. Will there be a Blockheads#4? If so, how can I be notified?
I like the Moda Blockheads blocks because it is interesting to see how different people interpret the blocks.
I love the variety of blocks and the surprise of seeing each new one.
I go all the way back to the beginning of Block Heads. I absolutely love seeing how each designer’s interpretation is so different! Can’t wait for Wednesdays!
I love seeing the variety of fabrics and how everyone uses them differently for the same block. Definitely a learning experience being part of Moda Blockheads.
I’m new to quilting – the moda block heads block patterns gives me the needed ideas, instructions and advice needed to expand my skills and confidence – loving it so far!!!
I like how the same block looks totally different when made with different fabric and color combinations.
I have always loved sampler quilts, so the Moda BlockHeads patterns have given me many ideas and tips for putting them together. I appreciate the time and work that each designer has put into their creations for all of us to enjoy. Thank you, Corey!
I have really enjoyed getting to know the designers and visiting their blogs. That, along with improving my piecing skills is what I am most grateful for.
I enjoy the designers’ creativity and seeing the colour ways selected by all the participants. It’s as though I’m looking at rainbows each day and that feels good.
I love seeing all the different ways blocks turn out based on fabric placement. So many unique designs from each block.
I enjoy seeing the blocks made in the different colorways chosen by the designers. Every block is wonderful in 14 different ways.
It is fun to see the difference fabric makes using the same block. Seeing everyone’s creativity is inspiring!
I love being able to create a small block. It feels good to complete a small project each week.
I love seeing how each of you interpret/create with each week’s design. It is a great nudge to consider other colorways, alternative layouts, etc. Thank you!
Hi Corey, I am just as passionate about color and how they compliment each other as you are. The blocks are so full of life and fun. They’re all inspiring to my quilting juices !!!!
The apricot in your new line is delicious!
I like the weekly surprise. The instructions are clear. The tips are great.
I have enjoyed this project thoroughly so far. I love how so many of these block look different when you arrange the puzzle pieces. Thank you so much!
Love to see everyone’s take on the new block each week! I think this group is going to make me more adventuresome in color choices…and I’m adding new tricks and techniques to my skill set almost weekly. I have put together any number of blocks during the last 14 weeks, that I would never have tried before.
I like seeing how each person interprets the blocks and how the placement of color can change the look of a block.
My Mom and I are both doing blockheads this year, and love surprising each other with how our blocks turn out. It’s a fun way to stay connected when we can’t be together because of COVID-19.
I love seeing the different blocks and fabrics being used. Such inspiration!
I like it all! But, what I like most is that you all participate in the new block and I can see how different color combinations look.
I love that Moda and you and other designers have so generously offered this free program! I am so grateful to have this during my isolation from the rest of the world! I cannot wait to see the quilt in its entirety!
The diversity

A friend hooked me up to Moda Blockheads 3; I’ve always wanted to make a sampler quilt, so this is perfect and I can go at my own pace. I love seeing everyone’s blocks, so many different styles with color and fabric, not to mention the interpretation of so many creative beings!
I haven’t made any of the blocks yet, but I have looked through each week and I have downloaded them. I love all the colours and choices for each block. Later, I can pick my favourites and make a wonderful quilt, all matchy-matchy or all scrappy.
I love all the tips, color combinations & tricks that come every Wednesday. It’s great to see how the blocks can look so different with each designer! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us as well as the opportunity to win something over & above being able to create a great project.
I love seeing all the different blocks that everyone is making and this is a challenge for me. It takes me out of my comfort zone and I’m getting more comfortable with triangles. Thanks so much for pushing me to my limits! lol
Love the look of sampler block quilts. Always interesting to see the variety of blocks and fabric choices.
I appreciate all the tips, tricks, and beautiful fabric choices!
I love the variety of blocks, colors and techniques. I became reacquainted with applique during Blockheads 1 and have continued making applique pieces.
I love that so many designers have come together to share their experience and knowledge. So many different views of each other’s block. The fabrics are all phenomenal and open up a whole world of options and possibilities. Your blocks, your fabrics but you give us full rein to explore within ourselves to be creative. I love Blockheads!
Oh my goodness …where to start!! First off I have to say that your newest fabric line is my favorite!!! Of course I sadi that about all of your others at release date as well. I simply LOVE your style of fabrics and colors!! THANK YOU!! As for the Moda Block Heads book and participating in the Block Heads sew alongs…it feels like a quilting bee of friends just buzzing along creating and chatting and sharing. I absolutely love being a part of the Quilting community <3
I love learning all the new techniques! I loved learning the appliqué and paper piecing!
I love love love the blocks! They are so challenging. Thank you designers. The quilters are so sweet and go out of their way to help you. Moda Block Head is just a class act.
Thank you for all you do, love your blocks.
I enjoy learning about all of the designers and how they create… I also love that I can pick and choose which blocks to make and how the colors chosen really can change the look of a particular block. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these blocks for us
I very much love seeing how the different fabrics make the same block seem like a completely different block. Love the tips and helpful hints from the other quilters, too. Thank you so much.
Moda has provided a whole new avenue for quilting. Each block has been a challenge to complete as well as placing the fabrics so they show off properly. I look forward to each week with great anticipation!
love the variety of blocks with the variety of designers- some I LOVE some not so much but that’s ok – gets me out of my comfort zone
This is the first time I’ve participated in any type of sampler/weekly mystery challenge and I have truly enjoyed it. So, having said that, I expect that I would enjoy doing many of the blocks previously done with Moda Blockheads.
I did miss the original Blockheads! I loved round 2 and now round 3. What I love most is discovering different designers Blogs. (I have subscribed to so many now it fills my inbox with all kinds of quilty fun).
I love seeing all the variation in the blocks
My favorite thing about all the blockheads quilts is seeing how each has its own “personality” based on the fabrics and settings. That was one of the things I loved when I first started to quilt, how you get to make a pattern your own by your choices!
Thank you for these wonderful blocks! I am an applique addict so this Moda Blockhead challenge has been the challenge I needed, great for the brain! And not to speak of the anticipation of Wed. mornings!!
My favorite thing about Blockheads is that you can mix and match the blocks any way you want and get totally different quilts. Also, there is so much to learn from each designer.
new blocks challenge your creativity
Love the variety and the community (seeing everyone’s blocks)
My favorite thing about the Blockheads is all the different fabric choices. I love seeing what other are doing
I am excited to see the possible variations on this block. I enjoy using a single block for a quilt and then changing it up with fabrics. This is one I’ll use for certain!
The blocks are such a nice variety and work well with many fabrics most would have in their quarantine stash.
First time participating in the Moda Blockheads, and I am LOVING it so much! While I have been a quilter for several years, I am learning so much from each and every one of the designers. All the participants posting their weekly blocks has provided such a variety of color choices and their own interpretation of the block design. Very enjoyable, and look forward to each weeks newest block. Thank you so much!!
So many great patters to view each week. Love all the different ideas that are shared as well.
thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.
I have enjoyed making the blocks so far, I love scrappy quilts and this is going to be a favorite. I have learned something new making each block.
I am excited for the new block when they come out. Right now I am a couple of weeks behind as I am still working outside of home and on my day(s) off I am making masks. Would love to win the book. Thank you for your talent.
I am new to the Moda Blockheads group and can’t wait to get started on a quilt using these awesome designs. So FUN~
Hi there, I too look forward to Wednesdays. I am here to tell you that I can’t believe how the different fabrics and placements change the entire look and feel of the block. Good job my friend
It’s fun to see just how many ways one can cut up fabric and sew it back together is so many different designs and fabrics via the blockhead designers. I didn’t quite complete Blockheads I, so this book would be fun to have to review my blocks as well as see the different layouts of the 6 first round designers. Thanks for joining in on the next 2 rounds and for offering this book.
Moda Block Heads has something to please everyone!
I love to see the different block designs and I learn a great deal from the extra tutorials. I enjoy seeing all the creations from the other quilters…so many talented people.
I love the anticipation of seeing a new block each week. It’s so much fun trying new designs I may never have tried otherwise. Thanks to all the designers.
I enjoy the different designs and fabrics. It is so fun to see everyone’s color variations.
I love the blocks. You quilt is lovely.
I love the variety… different techniques and skill level. Makes it available and interesting for everyone.
I love the challenge these blocks give me to improve my skills, and I love seeing all the variations that happen to the blocks with everyone’s twist on them!
I love these Moda Block Heads! They are so pretty and fun to make!
I’m new to quilting, so making the moda blocks has introduced me to designers, fabric lines, and block designs. It’s been a lot of fun for me to learn through the process.
I am a beekeeper so of course had to get Moda’s Bee Joyful collection. I had been looking for just the “right” pattern and nothing quite made the cut . . . until Blockheads. I love staring at my design wall every week picking just the right combination of fabrics for each block. The weekly block is a nice treat in the middle of a busy work schedule. Keeps me on track and totally motivated to get each one done before the next one arrives!
I like all the tips and tricks I have learned about piecing and fabric selection. I can see a progression in my blocks. Also I have learned it’s ok to change things up alittle and experiment with placement and color.
I like seeing the all of the different designer’s blocks. They all look so different with the fabric and block size choices
One of my favorite things about the Block Heads quilts is seeing the creativity of each quilter who makes a block. I love the variety of fabrics that people are using and how different one block can look based upon the fabric choices of the quilter.
Hi there. I just discovered the Moda Block Heads Quilt-A-Longs yesterday! I love the idea of a quilt-a-long and the anticipation of looking forward to a new quilt block each week. I also like the idea of quilting with a large group of people and getting to see what they are doing with each of their blocks with fabrics and colors. Good luck to all of us on winning the great prize!
Great blocks for all level of quilters. Great fabric choices from the designers.
I love seeing all the different ways each person’s block looks every week. It amazes me how one block can look so very different, with the change of color or placement of color.
I’ve just started looking at Moda Blockheads, and the blocks and variations and different fabrics are just so inspiring. I’m designing a sampler quilt of 12 inch blocks, and still have 5 to make. Star Chain and Starry Eyed will be in that quilt. Thank you!
Would love a copy of Moda blockheads 1 as I missed it. I enjoy the variety in the locks being posted and really enjoyed your display today of how different a block can look with the placement of the fabric.
I love all the different styles. The personality of each quilter shows through the choices they make.
My first ever trip with Moda Blockheads. During this time of COVID-19 iso this project has connected me with like minds across the world. I am inspired to continue to sew every week. Love seeing all of the gorgeous blocks. Take care everyone
I love seeing everyone’s blocks on Facebook.
I seemed to have missed BH1. I’d love to be in the drawing for it!! Thank you
I like the different styles and this time the different sizes.
I love that Moda Blockheads makes me try things that I wouldn’t normally do. I also love being able to see multiple variations of the same block.
Blockheads make me feel like I am a part of a very large quilt group, I love Wednesdays to see the new pattern. Then it amazes me on how different the choice of colors make it so beautiful. There are some that choose playful prints and that is fun to look for. This is a beautiful block. All the color choices and they still look good in the block. Great pattern and Thanks.
This latest block in amazing.
I love to make the 6″ and 8″ blocks. Nancy P.
I love the opportunity to see how others interpret each block and to learn new things each and every time. Sometimes it’s skill, technique or color that catches my eye. I have the patterns for Blockhead 2 and now B3. I’d love to have Blockhead 1!
Good afternoon. I love how we get to read about all the designers and we get to visit their web/blog. sites. I’m excited about the book to see all the blocks and the various settings for finishing the quilts. Keep up the awesome work.
I love the chance to try something new every week. I consider myself a process crafter…I enjoy learning new things. Thanks for the beautiful blocks.
I have a number of Moda Layer cakes and Blockheads has given me the opportunity to use one of my favourites called Persuasion, I have made up to block 7 but illness has prevented me from doing more. Each week I eagerly wait for the new block and print it off. I enjoy all the tips tricks and colour combinations on the designers blogs – thankyou. Looking forward to getting back to sewing and catching up.
I love Moda Blockheads because it helps me to see everyone’s choices for fabrics and colors. Really helps me to expand outside of my little creative box! Just love seeing all the beautiful interpretations!!
The different blocks that all the designers think of & how each one puts the blocks together!! So inspiring!!
I love that you can work at your own pace and get so many ideas on how to do the block from all the designers…there is something for everyone.
It is fun to see the huge variety of fabrics and how different the blocks can look based on fabric choices.
I love to see each designer’s interpretation of the block and how they choose colors and fabrics.
I like blockheads because it forces me out of my comfort zone.
The blockheads have simply become my group of friends who drop by every Wednesday to encourage me to make something wonderful…how lovely!
I love each of the different blocks and how they stretch my sewing skills each week. I also adore looking at each designers different take on each block. Don’t you just love how David quilts these into beauties for us? I do and I appreciate him very much.
It’s the inspiration and expertise from all the designers that brings me back every Wednesday. I love seeing everyone’s fabric choices for the same block and how different they all look. And especially this year, it’s keeping me connected to some very talented quilters, in the comfort and safety of my own home. Thank you Ladies!
Best thing about Moda Blockheads is the true love of quilting & block sharing each week. The thrill of waiting when the designers release the “fun”. I enjoy thumbing thru the posts & seeing everyone’s work of art. Great fun
I love seeing everyone’s work. It’s all so beautiful! I’m new to quilting and I’m enjoying it very much.
At the moment with COVID19 this has been a lifesaver for me, love love love participating, so much so I have been doing Moda Blockheads 2 as well as I cannot wait a week until the new block comes out! I am in New Zealand and we get the blocks on Thursday and some of the clever ladies have already completed theirs and posted them which helps with colour choices for me.
I love all the variations of each block!
This is my first Blockheads. I look forward to receiving the weekly block . Am learning new skills and it takes my mind of the dreadful COVID. Can’t wait to put it all together. I also enjoy reading through each designers blog to hear what you have all been up to. You are a very talented group of quilters.
So many wonderful, colorful inspirations! There’s no time to clean…so much to sew!
I love learning all the different ways we can make fabric placements into wonderful designs. You are all so talented! Thank you for sharing your gift and talent with us!
With my oldest grandchild getting married next March, I thought these blocks could be turned into a beautiful quilt for the newlyweds. Thank you for allowing me to use up my stash and make something beautiful from all the designers’ blocks!
Where to start… meeting the designers and seeing the personalities come out through their fabric choices and the subtleties in blocks. Don’t even get me started on the gorgeous fabric!! The way I can actually apply what you’re doing to learn new things… really what’s not to love?!!
I love seeing everyone’s take on the same block and the support the group offers to everyone!
I love the intricate piecing, and the way your beautiful fabrics turn the patterns from vintage to modern and fresh.
I love seeing all the different designers websites and their layouts!
I am doing the 6” blocks, like to see other’s layout and colors of interpretation. this one looks challenging with all the small parts. Looking forward to completing. thanks.
I love being able to visit the different designers blogs and see their newest lines of fabric.
Visiting the sight and all the different blocks with the different materials in each others aspects…so interesting and learning. So beautiful all of them
Hi – I love how it is always so interesting how different the same block can look depending on the designer and their fabric line. Now off to the other sites to see more variations of this block.
I love how it brings quilters from all over together!
I love being surprised each Wednesday with a new block from the featured designer! I sure have learned a lot about color placement while working on these blocks too.
Its been so much fun to make quilt blocks each week and knowing that others are doing the same. Now I want to go back and make challenge myself with Blockheads 1 & 2!
I love all the different design pathways you can use with each block. Thanks.
Every block is so much fun to see. It is also a learning project.
Thanks for showing the different fabric layouts!
I love seeing the variety of fabric choices people use.
Blockheads inspires me to expand what I know or I think I know about shapes and colors in placement.
I love the excitement of seeing the new block on Wednesdays…..making just one block each week makes it easy to keep up. I am using a fabric line from my stash that I bought years ago and it reminds me of my grandmother….so as I finish each block I think of memories shared!
I love seeing everyone’s colour and print selections. And how each block can change it’s look depending on individual choices of fabrics
First time doing this. Love seeing all the posts of blocks.
Just love the different look of each block by just changing fabric placement. Thanks for the beautiful blocks
Love seeing all the Designers different take on pattern & fabric. Then argue with myself over ability to make it.
One thing? I love all the creativity!!!
I really liked seeing what everyone has come up with. So much variation.
I started these and never finished. I love to see how each one changes depending on the fabric used.
I like “meeting” all of the designers and seeing their different fabric choices. And, a new block every week is a great schedule.
Love how the patterns take even a newbie step by step. Love how friendly everyone is along with the tips and tricks.
Thanks for sharing such a fun block. Love block heads group.
Love all the designers fabrics and tips.
I love the different types of designers and consequently blocks that are presented. It stretches me as a quilter.
the learning curve,all the blocks are so different and so grateful you all are taking the time to help us xxx
Love the blocks and seeing how they look in different fabrics from the designers
My favorite thing about Moda Block Heads is that you get to see and learn about all the cool designers that we may not otherwise know about. Thank you.
I’m new at quilting, I love learning from everyone.
Thank you
Such a lovely give away! This is my first time following the Moda Blockheads sew along and it has been such fun

I would love to win the book. I enjoyed seeing your quilt finished…there are some very cute blocks I would like to sew. The beehive is so cute! I live on an island 3 hours from any quilt shops so I do not have access to supplies or fabric. These blocks keep me busy sewing especially during our quarantine. So Thank you for being involved and providing this for me. I enjoyed seeing your samples of all the different beautiful fabrics from your new line! Very exciting 

Really enjoying Moda blockheads! Didn’t know it existed until now! It has enabled and enthused me onwards, when I was at a point in my life of starting retirement, Which left me a little out of the loop. With no fabric nor quilts shops for 60 miles here in Wales, Moda pulled it all together for me with their talented and generous designers. Particularly like block 15 with its many variations. Thank you all for your generousity of time

I find watching the fabric choices and color placements truly inspiring. Thank you.
I love seeing all the different blocks created by such an amazing group of designers!
I love how all of the quilting celebs get together and share their skills. This book looks like a great collection of goodness. Thanks for the giveaway.
Block heads has taught me a few new tricks.
I love the style of the Block Heads! So much inspiration!
My favorite thing about Blockheads is seeing how different fabrics, in different places in each block, changes the look of the block. It’s like fabric magic!
Enjoying the weekly block release and seeing the variety of blocks that are being created.
I enjoy seeing everyone’s different takes on the patterns. I marvel at anyone who does a 4″ block!!! Its a great comradery of all skill sets of sewers… I love it!
I love learning new techniques and the anticipation of each new block!
I love Blockheads because every week because I’m new to quilting and I learn something more about the craft of quilting from each block pattern. I also love meeting the designers and the stories behind each block and the additional layouts for the blocks. Love it!
I like learning new techniques and seeing all the different ideas others have for the same block. Thanks!
I enjoy seeing all the blocks and how all of you designers interpret them. This gives me the confidence to create my own so thanks!!
I love seeing the blocks come out every week since discovering the moda blockheads and wish I would have found them when blockheads 1 came out! I love seeing the variety of blocks and seeing everyone’s fabric choices and tips on the blocks. Thank you for your block this week too!
I so enjoy all the different ways your block can be put together. Love them all. Thank you and be safe.
I love just having something new to read and be creative with each week. It always brightens me up and I learn something new each time.
I am new to quilting and decided that this year I would participate and get better at my craft. The Moda Blockheads Family inspires my creativity and teaches me that nothing is impossible. To have so many creative people on one platform, from fellow quilters to designers helping each other is inspirational! Thank you!
This is my first Blockheads. I’m loving it as it truly challenges me in color and placement along with accurate seaming. This is such a wonderful thing you designers are doing! I would love to do both Blockheads I and II. Thank you so much!
I’m in the learning process from one year ago with my piecing and I found moda online and have learn a lot .
The number one thing I like about the Moda Blokehead series is that each designer shows the block in different fabrics and with different fabric contrast emphasis. Just like what you illustrated in your blog post. The contrast really makes you think what is possible with your own fabrics. Thank you for designing these blocks and sharing them with us, your readers!
Thanks to all the designers for coming up with designs to challenge us, and thanks in advance for picking me to win.
I love how supportive people are!
I love the variety of the blocks and this time around the choice of block sizes. Everyone is so creative. The alternate blocks give people an opportunity to stay within their comfotr zone.
I love this block! In particular the color placement options that make it look like rectangular segments are used on the diagonal, it gives a very unusual look. My favorite thing about blockheads is the collaboration between so many designers. A different person designs each block, and then all of the other designers show their interpretation and sometimes alternate methods or even alternate blocks. It’s fun to share perspectives in this way.
Love your fabric & color choices. Quilt is gorgeous!
I like looking forward to a new block every Wednesday!
I look forward to each week and a new block. It has been fun to get to know different designers!
I love seeing all the blocks come together in the end.
Your fabrics make the most charming blocks! They remind me of Spring or a gentle summer breeze!
I love to see all the designers different takes on each block. So much fun!
I love seeing how all of the designers created their blocks. And the tips and tricks some have added to their Blockheads posts. Your post of this block with your new adorable line, Apricot & Ash, has me salivating for August when it arrives in the stores (if we ever get to shop in stores again, sigh).
An ebook??? Ohmygoodness that would be amaaazing! Hem, so whilst I love choosing fabric and working on the blocks and everything, my favourite part is actually seeing everyone else’s blocks. I love how different they look with different fabrics, colours and tones. It can completely change the look of the block and really help to push me in new directions because there’s always at least one that I would never have done that way myself but I absolutely love it, so then I have to go and try it
I find it interesting to see how everyone uses fabric in their blocks! Just like you showed in yours. It makes quilting so fresh and interesting. It always gives me something to looks forward to making and using my noodle to experiment with colors that I might not always be comfortable using together! Thanks to all for sharing their time and skills!
I am “commenter” #493!! Wow! These are strange times but what a time to be a quilter. I am loving it and thank you to all the designers. It is appreciated.
I enjoy doing different blocks to make a Sampler quilt when I have enough to make it. This is going to be fun!
This is my first experience with Moda Blockheads. As a beginning quilter, I kind of lucked into the Facebook group and started printing each block as it came along. I haven’t started making the blocks yet, but I love seeing all the designs and color combinations!
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is seeing the block interpretations. Each designer has a different perspective for fabric placement, color, and style. The variety encourages experimentation.
I love this block! It’s so versatile by just changing the fabrics!! All of your fabric designs are beautiful! I can’t wait until the next line comes out!!
I love the challenge Moda Blockheads gives me every week and it keeps me out of my comfort zone!
I had to laugh when you talked about your pile that needed to be quilted and it was several years old! I also have such a pile! I also started the BOM several years ago but it got pushed aside when I couldn’t decide on how I was going to put it together. The book would be a huge help for ideas and tips to finish my project! Thanks for sharing your wonderful tips and ideas!
I love all the different selection of fabrics from each designer. They are all awesome. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
I enjoy seeing the colors play together in the blocks by different designers.
I love all the tips and techniques we get from each of the designers.
I enjoy seeing how different designers personalize each block with their fabric choices & color placement!
I am very new to quilting and am enjoying the challenge of creating these blocks. I am learning a lot and each week my blocks get better. Haven’t made this one yet but will start before next weeks.
This is soooooooooooooooo inspiring – each of the designers/quilters had such colorful examples and blogs. I am getting closer to setting aside other projects in favor of one of these blocks….as a small project to start.
The Moda Block Heads have inspired and encouraged me to push the envelope and go beyond my comfort zone – I am a fairly new quilter! The creativity of the designers are incredible and the quilting community participating is amazingly positive, friendly and helpful to share their expertise.
I love all the different blocks and styles, learning new techniques each wed. and everyones different take on the blocks or alternate block. this is alot of fun!!
I discovered modablocks this year. I’m quite behind because I’ve only done logcabin or square patchwork, and these are really challenging. I don’t know how many times I had to undo!!! It is an opportunity also to watch tutorials, and what I have learnt is to have a lot of patience, be precise and have fun, because it is so rewarding when I see my blocks (slowly) finished!!!
I love the blocks they are teaching me lots I am a bit behind but that’s fine I’ll catch up, it’s great no pressure thank you

Each week waiting for the new block causes such anticipation.I am so amazed how the same block can look so different based on fabric and color choices. I love to see everyones finished blocks. I also like the occasional kudosthat I recieve after posting pictures of your own block. I have had so much help when stuck.
I like that it is pulling me out of my comfort zone, challenging me to do what I did not think I could do….
I love how the same block yields do many different outcomes.
I have been quilting too many years to count and I love seeing the enthusiasm and camaraderie between the newest and most experienced quilters. We are all someone’s daughters and we all appreciate the encouragement of our mentors.
I love how each block can be turned into traditional or modern just by the fabrics that are chosen.
My favorite part of Moda Block Heads are the awesome designers who continue to share their creative talents with the quilty community. You have us so excited to pick out fabric for the project before it begins and then more excited each week to see the new block! I feel so blessed to be a part of this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I love all the different patterns and looking at what other people have made. My problem is picking the material.
I love the quilt and the flair the different designers bring to it thank you so much
I love all the blocks and learn so much….I try different techniques that are a challenge and such a joy when I get these blocks done.
i love the variety of all the blocks and the multi-sized options in the pdf.
Im new to this blockheads, and very excited to get started! I just downloaded all the blocks and am heading to my sewing room to catch up!!
I love Sampler Quilts and appreciate the ironing instructions included in the patterns. I Love how visually seeing fabrics make blocks look so amazingly awesome!
What I like best about Blockheads is that there is only one block per week, so it doesn’t seem overwhelming. I also love seeing all the various fabrics people use.
The Blockhead designs are such a wealth of ideas and inspiration.
It’s hard to choose one thing from Blockheads. But I must say thank you to all the designers who have donated their time to share beautiful blocks and all the different options for design.
I love to follow the Moda Blockheads on Instagram for color inspiration. Some of the most beautiful color combinations in these blocks are of choices I’d never thought to put together
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is seeing the blocks done in so many different ways.
I like getting a new block each week so I can try something new!
My favorite thing about none of them are heavy. You could go in any direction you wat – traditional, modern, etc. And, of course, they’re free, which makes it so easy to just jump in and do them.
Not sure how so much got dropped from that last post. Second try:
My favorite thing about Moda Blockheads is that none of the Block designs are heavy. You could go in any direction you want- traditional, modern, etc. and, of course, they’re free which makes it so easy to just jump in and do them.
There is so much creativity assembled in one place! I love that!~
Hi Cory ,I am loving the Moda Blockheads 3. I find it a great challenge and am learning many things I didn’t know how to do. Thank you.
Thank you Cory for this great offer. Love love the way Moda Blockhead writes up their patterns. So easy and clear to understand. Always compliments fabrics.
I just found your weekly quilt block on week 15. How can I get patterns for the other 14?
I really like the smaller size of the blocks. So many possibilities when it comes to layputs and settings. Too much fun.
I love getting a new pattern to try each week and only having to make one block. Somehow, that’s a project I can keep up with (most of the time).
I love the great designers and their generosity in sharing all of the beautiful and different patterns and color ideas with us. They make it easy to love quilting and renew faith in humanity.
I am new to quilting and I’m excited to learn new techniques with each new block.
I really like the choice in size this year. I love the fact that the directions are given for 4″, 6″, 8″, and 12″. This way I can work them into some of my other quilting projects.
quilting comradery especially during quarantine times
For each Block I make I always learn something new, be it a very small change or how I can do things better.
My aunt and I are doing these blocks together, I love discussing with her each block and the fabrics we will use. It’s been a ton of fun!
Hi Corey, I am enjoying each different block every week….and trying to find just the right fabric in my “stash” for it. Thank you for your contribution of blocks.
What I love about this quilt along is the chance to personalize each block with my choice of fabric. I can choose to do each block or just pick the ones that appeal to me. Enjoying this!
I was so excited to see all the new blocks and see all the different colors and how unusual some of the blocks were put together I envoy all you ladies who get to work and make all these blocks and create all the beautiful quilts from them I wish I was younger to be able to do alot more but I still do alot Thank you for all your time designing these blocks
I love the fun blocks and beautiful fabric choices!!
I love the way different artists approach a Blockheads pattern to make it look unique. Having made a Dear Jane and Lucy Boston, I am also a fan of small pieces and like having the 3 different size options to play around with.
I love learning new skills and seeing how others are using color placement in the blocks
After organizing all of my fabrics I am trying to exclusively use my stash. I love the blockheads as that allows me to do just that. Thanks for all your free offerings and talent.
I love the variety of the blocks and then being able to use them however I need. Thank you for the free offerings
I love the community of quilters sharing their blocks and variations & offering tips and helps.
I’d recently discovered your blog& will hopefully get a few of these blocks stitched up too.Thanks for sharing all these tips& looking forward to hearing about the winner of the contest as well.
I so enjoy seeing all of the beautiful blocks that people are posting. I have not yet posted any of my blocks, however I have finished several of them and will be posting soon. You ladies are the best, I love all of your designs. I guess I should just say I love this site and each an everyone of you blogs. THANKS!!
thank you for your blocks
I love each designers take on the blocks. They are fun to collect. I really like the flying geese setting in the new book.
Being in Australia, we get the blocks a day behind & by then there have been so many made & posted. I love looking at all the colour combinations & how people put their own twist on blocks. Also I like the challenge of working outside my scope. It not only stretches my sewing abilities, but also my imagination. Thanks for the time & effort you all put into making these sew-a-longs. Love them.
I love this block. Fabric variations offer creativity for me within the bounderies of a beautifully drafted pattern. Thank you.
I love your blocks!!! I’m totally enjoying blockheads 3.
Looking forward to new and different ideas on Wednesday.
Good morning Corey. A friend suggested this group on Facebook and I have fallen in love. I started quilting as a form of divorce care. I have been sewing for 48 years but never quilted. I really appreciate the ideas and encouragement from others & have truly appreciated becoming aware of designers. Thank you so much:)
I love the anticipation of the next block and seeing the block in so many different fabrics!
I just found the Moda Blockheads and there are a lot of things I love about it. I guess the biggest is learning about the different designers. I have been away from quilting for quite a few years because of stuff in my personal life. But I have a new job with a great group of women that have re-ignited that quilting fire!! I also have a house that we are half way through a total renovation and I already have plans on using the blocks from Blockheads 3 for a quilt for the front porch. I will be using Corey’s Sugarcreek, and hoping I have enough, and was excited to find out that is where she grew up because i grew up not far from there in Coshocton County. I would go to Sugarcreek all the time as a kid with my family.I know this is longer than it should be but just so excited about being back into quilting!!!
I love being challenged with blocks that make me think. Also, learning new techniques (paper piecing) helps me be a lot more confident to try different patterns that, typically, I would have admired and kept on searching for the ‘easier’ quilt to make.
I like windmills and applique blocks the best, but I really like your fabrics. The prints and colors are soft.
Wow! I never imagined how different a block could look depending on fabric placement. I truly am “Starry Eyed!” I will make this for a challenge block each fall at my quilt shop. Thanks!!
i’m new to this…it is surprisingly how the same block changes with changes of fabrics. thank you for your inspiration.
I like the way the blockheads program is set up. One can come and simply enjoy the eye candy or one can make a block with whatever fabrics they have!
Hi Corey! My favorite thing about Blockheads is seeing your blocks! I’ve become a big fan and cant wait for the release of Apricot & Ash in August
I love all the grays you are adding to your lines too!
I love seeing other people’s creations. It is so inspiring. Your blocks are outstanding and I love the colors in Apricot & Ash.
I love that I have been challenged each and every week with Moda Blockheads. I also especially love the
camaraderie of all the members and how they all share their colorful creative talents every week with inspiring encouragement. Thank you to all the designers for your fabulous blocks. Such Fun!!!
This is my first Blockheads quilt along!!! A challenge on so many levels, from fabric selection to accurate cutting so the piecing fits together without dating jack for weeks on end. I love the freedom for personal creativity even though quilters near and far are all making the same blocks. Each block post I see is as individual as the creator. The unity of all that participate and post their lovely art in fabric is beyond compare.
This is my first Blockheads and it is inspiring me to get back into quilting. I’ve been on the 9 to 5 grind for so long.
I have just discovered these and I love the variety of patterns and seeing how each person does their own variation. I am printing out the patterns as I type!
Hi Corey so I’m relatively new to quilting I have been watching printing pattern buying patterns I joined fqs for the sew sampler and sew colorful club and kept watching YouTube and following this fun community of makers, and this is my first blockheads I am getting better every single time I sit down! Thank you such generosity to me!
Kayleen Rich
Hi, I have to say that waiting for a new block of the week is a new highlight of my days now. I have been so busy at work lately, we are happy to be able to work still, but it can be very demanding now. when i find a little time for myself to sew I can get rid of unpleasant thoughts at least for a while. This Block Heads challenge has come for me in the right time. I would not have time to make a whole quilt at once and this is a great way to spend at least few moments with my hobby. A big thank you to you and all the other designers. Take care.