Moda Blockheads 5 Layout Info
This silly quilt was a tricky one to take pictures of! First off, she’s a roomy quilt finishing at just over 76″ square. Secondly, as I mentioned yesterday, Tiggs was a happy “helper”.
I finished my Moda Blockheads 5 quilt late Tuesday afternoon after spending several hours on Tuesday assembling my quilt top. As of Tuesday morning, my quilt center block was done (I shared that a couple weeks ago) and all of my blocks were complete. I still needed to cut all of the sashing/border pieces and assemble everything together. I had a couple meetings Tuesday morning, so before heading out in the morning, I cut and added the first dark blue border to my quilt center. I got home after lunch and set to sewing right away. I cut the pieces I needed for each border one at a time…sewed the completed border to the quilt center and then moved onto the next section. Within several hours, I had a completed quilt top. I hadn’t planned to film a video about this quilt top but I decided it would be a nice addition to the pictures/words I could share here on the blog. But first, we needed to take some pictures and get those checked off the list.
It was early evening and a bit windy and look who came rolling in…almost immediately, Tiggs needed to be in the photos.
We have so many photos of Tiggs sprawled out in the middle of the quilt, walking across the quilt, playing in the quilt, sniffing the quilt….etc.
Just outside the edge of the quilt…. =) Some of you might be surprised that I wouldn’t mind those outside paws walking across my freshly finished quilt top but I am very much of the mindset that quilts are to be used and enjoyed and his antics brought a smile to Ryan and I’s face. He’s so silly!
Now, muddy paws I am not a fan of! If he’s got muddy paws, he’s going to need to enjoy from a distance. LOL
The best picture we could get on Tuesday, was the very first one at the top of the page. Yesterday, I wanted to get at least one picture that showed the quilt top in its entirety. I was able to pop back outside (I really don’t have a great inside spot to show the whole quilt) and take a photo of the quilt in full. It was a super sunny day so the lighting isn’t quite as nice but you do get to see what the quilt looks like.
My quilt is made using my Peachy Keen fabric line mixed with Blueberry Delight by Anne Sutton. If you’ve missed any of the Moda Blockheads blocks for this round, you can find them here.
I spent some time talking about my layout in today’s YouTube video which you can watch here.
In the video, I referenced my layout/measurements diagram. You can download that diagram here. It shows the measurements for the pieces you’d need to cut for the borders and sashing for my layout. In the video, I go over that diagram and give additional information.
I hope you’ve enjoyed sewing along with MBH. I think it’s always a fun sew along! Have a wonderful Thursday. Corey
Tiggs is a Peachy Keen kitty! He knows that those are his colors. Love the quilt. I have a few more blocks to make before I start assembling. Thanks as usual!
He fits right in with the quilt, doesn’t he!
Great photos of a gorgeous quilt! Congrats!
Thanks so much!
LOVE this quilt. Colours are beautiful
Thank you!…it was quite fun to mix Peachy Keen with Blueberry Delight. =)
I just knew your quilt would be spectacular and it certainly did not disappoint! And what quilt picture of yours would be complete without your 4 legged helper!
He was happy to oblige! =)
It’s so pretty!!! I just love it!
Thank you!
Beautiful quilt!!!! I agree with you totally – quilts are made to be used! Tiggs is a handsome kitty and knows what he likes-your quilts!!!
He always seems to come rolling in when quilt blocks or quilt tops are ready to be photographed. =)
Love the finished quilt! Love Tiggs – I have had cats my entire life and can’t imagine not having at least one around! Can’t wait to finish my BH5 quilt!
Have fun finishing it up!
That quilt is beautiful. But best of all is Tiggs. How old is he. My cat Sparky is 12 yrs and missing his best bud. A black lab named Happy. she was 13. Linda
We aren’t sure how old he is. He was a stray that showed up at our house. In looking back out photos of him, he looks younger than he does now so we are guessing he was maybe a year when he showed up?…we really don’t know. We’ve had him for 4 years.
Beautiful blend of the two fabric lines, I also like that you made the quilt larger so it could be used on a bed. Tiggs is so cute, cats are so funny and they want to get all the attention! Every time I would lay out a quilt to get a good picture our cat would lay on it. When I would get her off then the dog would come over and lay on it. They are the cutest pictures of the the quilt. Thank you for sharing the measurements of the center block. I would have maybe started with the center block but now I see it would have been a mistake since using the extras left over from the other MBH s blocks were perfect mix of fabrics and you used up your leftovers.
It was really handy using up the scraps for the center. I wish I could say that was my plan all along but really I just didn’t decide what lay out I wanted until closer to the end of the sew along. =) Even after I knew that I wanted to use one of my Barn Stars for the center, it took me awhile to decide which one to use! =)
Tiggs blends in with the beautiful quilt! Adorable.
He made himself right at home. =)
Just love how you put it together! I have my fabrics and all the patterns printed. Hoping to do this quilt over the fall and winter. Great job!!
What a beautiful finish! I love how you used both sizes and came up with a great size!
It’s just gorgeous! I was inspired by you and used your Peachy Keen and Blueberry Delight for my two BH5 quilts. So fun! Thank you!
The quilt top is beautiful, I love cats.
Thank you.
You know I love seeing Tiggsy and in fact he is playing with YOU not the quilt because he wuvs his mommy

so sweet
And oh yeah, love your layout and appreciate you sharing instructions on how we can do it too! Thank you Corey!
Sarah @heirloominthemaking
It’s just beautiful, Corey! I see a couple of subtle Os in the design-perfect for an Ohio made quilt
This quilt is absolutely beautiful! I love the colors and all of the beautiful quilt block patterns! Your beautiful kitty seems to love it as well (so sweet)! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Corey, I wanted to use your layout from BH3 for the 6” blocks. I have the cutting instructions and the background requirements. Would 3 yards be enough for the grey listed in the layout? I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you so much for your time and help.
Fondly, Tarah Matson.
Corey, your quilt top is beautiful! I love those blues with a touch of peach, and a bit of yellow fur
. You design such beautiful fabrics.