Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 19 (I made an alternate)

Today, our Moda Blockheads block is another foundation pieced block, so I’ve opted to make an alternate block for my block this week.

First up, if you’d like to download the planned block for this week, Center Star, by Sarah Thomas, you can download it here. It’s a really fun looking block and it’ll be fun to see everyone’s versions of it.

For my block, I opted to make Changeling Star which is a block from the second round of Sewcialites. You can find the pattern for Changeling Star here. Changeling Star is available in a 3″, 6″, or 9″ block. I needed another 6″ size, so that’s what I made. If you are needing 12″ blocks, one fun way to make this block work would be to make 4 of the 6″ blocks and sew them into the 12″ size.

This is what my 6″ pile of blocks is currently looking like…so many pretty stars!

Have fun sewing up your block! Corey

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14 Responses

  1. Annie RESSAN says:

    bonjour Corey. Je trouve sympa de simplifier les étoiles un peu compliquées..Bonne journée .Annie

  2. Lori says:

    I don’t know how to do FPP, and I have no interest in learning, so I really appreciate your alternate blocks. Thank you!

  3. Bonnie Wenzel says:

    Hi! I was just wondering if you put out the Block of the month 2024 for May yet? I haven’t seen it yet

  4. Terry Rupple says:

    Thanks so much, Cory! Not wanting to mess with that original Block 19. You rock!!

  5. Anna says:

    I love your take on the block, Corey and I also love your pile of blocks. You are going to have a beautiful quilt.

  6. Shari Tuttle says:

    Thanks so much for the alternate, and the idea to join 4 – 6″ blocks! Your pile is beautiful, so inspiring!

  7. Betty L Bridwell says:

    I have only found you recently and was wondering if you, Cory, have all the patterns in that pile of 6″ stars. I would love to make an all star quilt with different stars. so fun.

    • Corey says:

      No, these are only my 6″ stars from this round. I also have a pile of 12″ stars that I’ll be combining with the 6″ ones for my quilt.

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