Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 27

Change of plans. =) Last week, I shared that I would be sharing the final block that I am making for my layout today. However, I changed my mind. =)

Today our block is brought to us by Brenda Riddle and I really like this one! It’s perfect for this late in the sew along as it’s one you can easily make very scrappy. This allows you to use up some of those smaller bits and pieces you may still have left.

You can download the block pattern here.

This might leave you wondering what the block at the top of this blog post is then. That block is the center block of my planned Blockheads quilt layout. It is the center of my Barn Star 7 quilt pattern.

I chatted about my planned Moda Blockheads lay out in this video:

For my layout, I need a 36″ finished center block. I am opting to use my Barn Star 7 pattern. The star in that pattern finishes at 32″ (without borders) so I’ll add 2″ finished side borders to bring my center block to 36″. That center block is the majority of the piecing that I need to do for my layout. Here’s a look at the complete layout:

After next week, when I have completed my last 12″ block, I won’t have a lot of sewing left to do. This week, I can go ahead and sew that first blue border around my quilt center as well as piece together my 6″ blocks with their sashing and then add that next light blue border. We’re getting close to the finish friends!

Have you been enjoying this sew along? It’s always fun to get to this stage and start to see how people are choosing to set their blocks (and even some finishes).

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Corey

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9 Responses

  1. Lisa says:

    Love your block; it will look fabulous in the quilt. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Hilary says:

    Corey – this is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see the finished quilt. I like to change the “shape” of quilts I do also, especially if I am doing a lap or baby quilt. Then square seems a better fit.

    • Corey says:

      Sometimes you want a square…and sometimes a rectangle. =) I’ve done rectangles for each of the first 4 rounds of Blockheads so I decided I wanted something a little bit different.

  3. Peggy Giese says:

    Just BEAUTIFUL!! This will make a Stunning quilt!

  4. Debbie Ingram says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing your progress! I was planning to do exactly what you did, sight unseen. LOL. However, I have been making only 12″ blocks and with light backgrounds. I don’t want to remake those so I think I will reverse your colors and do the 6″ blocks with the dark background. Stay tuned. I welcome suggestions!

  5. Sarah Yoffa says:

    I love this layout Corey! For some reason I keep seeing the Barn Star center with bits of background in the middles of the sides–not easy to explain so I might just have to make one of what I keep seeing haha

    Thank you for the inspiration–always!

    Sarah @heirloominthemaking

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