My Silly Little Cheesehead

I don’t share that many pictures of my daughters but I really had to share this one.  Plus my mom checks my blog regularly and I knew she would appreciate this snazzy little picture.  What a silly little goober, right?!–talented too!–Yes, folks that is a total of 3 pacis all at once.  And the snowman jammies in Summer are right on–(not to mention it was probably mid afternoon when I took this pic). =0)

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10 Responses

  1. Sandra says:

    HiHiHi this makes me laugh and brings back some memories…my daughter made the same thing too!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Too cute! Nothing wrong with snowman pj's in summer. Wishful thinking for cooler weather? (I'm an adult and wear Xmas socks and Halloween underwear year round. Sorry if that's TMI)

  3. Jeannette says:

    Aww how sweet she is! Funny photo!

  4. Mary says:

    Too cute! Love it!

  5. Jackie says:

    Is that mischief I see in her eyes?! She is *totally* adorable.

  6. jdthersh says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! Great way to end the day seeing your "silly little goober". = )

  7. Angela says:

    she is beyond adorable…those eyes! glad you shared this, so sweet : )

  8. wishes, true and kind says:

    Great picture! This will be a favorite for years to come 😉

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Oh my goodness! She is SO beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

    P.S. I don't think my kids got dressed at all today. Summer vacation. What can I say?

  10. izzy inspired says:

    LOL..I have a a picture (and video) of my eldest son with three pacifiers in his mouth too! so adorable!

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