A Pincushion and some Silliness

Pretty normal right, not too crazy–some more cute hexagons. Which many of you may be tired of seeing by now.
 But, wait…look closer:
So, now I might seem a tad crazy. =)  I kept seeing this one cute pincushion over on flickr that had these little mini hexagons & I decided that I had to try them out.  These would be, I suppose, 1/4″ hexagons–1/4″ being the length of one side.
  My original plan was to make a rectangular “pillow” style pincushion with a pieced hexagon top.  Well, once I had all of these little guys made I realized they were not as uniform as I had hoped/planned.  And they were sewing together like crap and I ended up taking them back apart.  If I make these again I’ll have to make sure to pay attention to my paper a little bit better.  So I had to come up with a slightly different plan.  This is what I came up with:
I sewed the hexagons down using a small straight stitch.  I did attach them using a little bit of Heat & Bond Lite prior to sewing them down.  I added a little bit of fusible pellon on the back of the top and did a little bit of stipling, added the back, stuffed with fluff and there you go.  I think it turned out pretty cute and I really needed a pincushion.  It was also great practice for the pincushion swap I joined–I noticed a lot of people had that cute little hexagon pincushion in their mosaics.
Now, here’s where the silliness comes in–a little something is sneaking toward my pincushion:
And a wee bit closer….
And, got it…maybe mommy doesn’t notice because she has that crazy camera up there covering her eyes.
Hmmm…maybe I should just put my foot on here…it’s very soft.  My toenails are very cute–I think I can get away with this.
Silly, Silly! =)

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19 Responses

  1. Jacey says:

    That is an adorable pincushion, but the foot (and hand) is even cuter!

  2. Little Bluebell (Adrianne) says:

    The tiny hands and feet made me smile!! : ) I adore your pincushion.

  3. Christina says:

    How cute!!! Oh, and the pincushion is adorable too! I just ♥ everything you make.

  4. highwaycottage says:

    I LOVE the pincushion !!!! And the wee cuteness sneaking in, so neat.

  5. Alexis says:

    Those hexies are *tiny* and almost as cute as those little hands and feet!

  6. Barb says:

    Your pincushion is adorable! I just signed up for that swap too and I'd love one just like yours! But your tiny hands and tiny feet are even sweeter!

  7. Debbie says:

    Adorable – on all levels!

  8. Meg says:

    So sweet–I love all those little snippets of prints against the gray. (Child cuteness goes without saying. 🙂 )

  9. Kelly says:


  10. Jackie says:

    A beautiful pincushion!

    Tiny little hands and feet sneaking in are the best though!

  11. Greta says:

    Hope you are ready to make another one of these because if you have me in the scrappy pincushion swap I'm going to dream about this showing up on my doorstep. Going to cross my fingers and toes that you have me 🙂

  12. peaknits says:

    This is so clever! And great inspiration for the swap. I might need one – what a great way to experiment!

  13. Thrilled to Pieces! says:

    This is precious!

  14. jdthersh says:

    Another AHHHH moment!!! I always LOVE seeing your work and look forward to your posts! Your little fingers and toes pics are sending me off to bed smiling. = )

  15. SummersDesigns says:

    Adorable! Oh yeah and that pin cushion is cute too!

  16. twin fibers says:

    aaahhhh! too cute! 🙂

  17. Mary says:

    This is such a cute pincushion! I love the colors and hexies and the unique, modern design.

    P.S.- I love, love, love chubby baby hands and feet!!!

  18. Mari says:

    This has got to be the cutest thing ever!!

  19. Patti says:

    I know I’m really late but that little foot is even cuter than the pin cushion which is really really cute.

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