Shabby Dresden

I’ve been working on a few projects–this Dresden Plate being one of them.  I used this nifty tutorial from Elizabeth of Oh Fransson & it came together quite quickly.  The fabrics are a mix of designers that I had in my stash.  It’s a bit more pastel than my normal designs but I can go just as easy in this direction.
I used an all over stiple pattern to quilt this–I love these little projects for practicing quilting.  Easy and quick and no need to pin baste–a quick spray with temp. adhesive and I was all set.
Now I am left trying to decide if I want to go with my original intention which was to make a pillow or if I want to leave this as a little mini quilt and simply bind it.  I think it would make a terribly cute little mini quilt or small table topper.  It would make an equally cute pillow….decisions, decisions! =)

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8 Responses

  1. live a colorful life says:

    Ooh, so soft and pretty.

  2. Terriaw says:

    So pretty – the colors and the quilting! I love that tutorial too.

  3. Jeanette says:

    Bind it, that way you can use it for a table topper or a wall quilt. Two out of three isn't bad =0)

  4. Wendy says:

    Wow, that is very pretty. Thanks for sharing the tutorial you used as well. I like that it has pictures….easier to follow.

  5. Cris A says:

    I vote table topper…..or maybe pillow…..yeah a pillow….although, it makes a nice springy table topper, hmmm, I guess I'm not much help. But it is very pretty and would look great either way!

  6. Elsa says:

    so very lovely! whatever you do with it will be wonderful …

  7. shelia says:

    This is going to be gorgeous as any of them. Your quilting looks awesome!

  8. Stray Stitches says:

    Your dresden plate is beautiful. I love the all over stipling. My vote is to bind it and use it as a table topper.

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