Sharing Elonie’s First Quilt + Working With Homespuns

If you’ve been watching the recent YouTube videos, you know I’ve been sharing about Elonie (my 15 year old) working on her first quilt.

I couldn’t convince her to film with me so I had the fun of showing you her completed quilt top. She finished it so quickly! This is the first quilt she’s made and she finished it in under a week from picking out fabrics to having a completed quilt top. =)

You can see Elonie’s quilt in today’s video plus I answer view questions about working with homespun fabrics.

Happy Saturday friends! Corey

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4 Responses

  1. L says:

    Thanks, Cory!

  2. kelleherp says:

    I love your enthusiasm!❤

  3. Hilary says:

    Hi Corey. Love Elonie’s quilt – she did a great job. One thing I wanted to comment on is not only do I use the color catchers when i wash the quilt for the first couple of times, if it is a gift, I enclose a couple of sheets with instructions, but you might also want to share in one of your next videos that a very experienced quilter told me to use white vinegar in the rinse cycle to set the dyes. So, I wash in cold water, with 2-3 color catchers depending on the colors I have, and then fill my fabric softener dispenser with white vinegar. I only had a problem with a quilt running once and the majority of it was RED ouch! Again, it could have been the quality of the quilting cotton, but the white was pink. So now if I have a lot of red, I will pre-wash just that fabric., and then wash the finished quilt as I do the others. You don’t have to worry about the smell, I have never had my quilts smell like vinegar and it is supposed to be a natural fabric softener.

  4. Pattie Taylor says:

    Your daughter’s quilt is beautiful. It’s always fun to watch somebody else’s fabric pull and see what color they put together. I would have never thought to do it but now I think I may try it! It’s so fun to share the love of quilting with your daughter, I’m sure!

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