
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past week or so.  I have just one block to finish for Elonie’s Princess and the Pea and quite frankly it was been in the same state for the last week or so.  Do you guys have those times where you question why you spend so much time crafting or doing something else you love when in the end it’s not gonna  matter a hoot?–Like maybe you should be spending your time saving the world and giving of your time where it counts?  It really sucks the fun out of things for me sometimes and that’s when I know I need to step back, prioritize, and try to see the big picture.  I hope this isn’t too Debbie Downer–but, it’s just kind of where I’m at right now.

Anyhoo, me and the Chloe went on a little shopping trip this morning mostly to pick up some tights for church but we also “had” to swing into Joann’s.  I wanted to check out the new Denyse Schmidt line of fabric:

Daisy Mae

 It looked super pretty from the pictures I had seen online–the two above are from Denyse’s facebook page.  However, after seeing them in person I didn’t care for them and left the store without purchasing any.  I did, however, pick up the premier issue of Stitch Craft Create. 

And I am very impressed with it!  If you are looking for a great magazine–I really suggest you give this one a whirl–it has all kinds of neat crafts–some fabric related, some not but a lot of neat project ideas.  This stocking is my favorite project from the magazine.


Seriously, how cute is the flower on the stocking?  I also loved this little Joy DIY screen printed pillow–and it’s totally something I could do myself.  I’ve always been a bit intimidated by screen printing but this looks super DIY friendly.

A lot of great gift ideas and a whole lot of Red/Aqua/Green–my perfect holiday colors. =)

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28 Responses

  1. Heidi says:

    I get it! I really do get the slumps!! Especially when I think about my husband that really “works” as I “play” at home. But he insists that he loves work as much as I love my crafts.

    Hang in there….and thanks for the magazine idea. I just ended a bunch of my subscriptions because they were making me yawn!

  2. Toni says:

    Totally understand about those slumps…and it helps to know other people have them too! Do you have a group of friends to get together with and just create? I try to get together with my group at least once a month…sometimes nothing gets done, but it does help to talk and get inspired.

    Take care of you!

  3. Kimberly says:

    Well, Heidi from the comment above pretty much said what I was going to say! I hope your creativity drive perks up soon!

  4. Jackie says:

    I feel that way when I have deadlines. I’ve really made it a rule to not have any as they seem to suck the fun out of everything. I sew/knit/stitch throughout the year and give items away when they’re done. It really takes the pressure off which makes it so much more fun.

  5. amy says:

    i was actually having the same sentiments today as i was stitching away…what am i doing? but I like to do it…and the fabrics and colors are beautiful and quilts keep you warm and cozy and last a very long time. They make the recipient smile…and there is alot more so..keep on inspiring others with all your creativity:)

  6. Heather says:

    Oh, I think we all have those days where we wonder why we spend so much time crafting, and who really cares about it. But then there are those times that I am down and just touching the fabric, or sitting at the machine, or designing, or cutting or whatever just helps lift my spirits so much. Plus I figure once I’m gone I would rather my children be left with lots of beautiful, cuddly quilts rather than childhood memories of the cleanest toilet in town!

  7. rosa says:

    HYou`re not alone I have those days .

    Love the magazine,the projects are fabulous and the fabrics too.

  8. Sandra says:

    I think we all have those days. I just step back and go read a book or do something uncrafty for a day or 2 then am back at it again.

  9. It actually makes me feel better to hear you say that — I’ve been wondering the same sort of thing myself… I need to move in a few months and am trying to decide between being back in the city where there’s so much to do — but small apartments with not much space; versus going more out to the ‘burbs and having a full on house with a dedicated crafting area… I think I would be very happy being a homebody and spending all my time sewing, but then I think…why? For how long? Part of the crafter’s dilemma, I think! 🙂

  10. Larissa says:

    You are definitely not alone there – I am definitely there atm with my uni … with 3weeks and 4 assignments to go for the study period!!! I just don’t feel like I know why I bother … and it doesn’t help that I am trying to do this at home with the little one around during the day and then my parents here in the evening … all of whom are constantly making noise or watching tv which these days means my concentration levels are shot much of the day … doesn’t help that the computer is in the loungeroom where I can get internet reception!!! Hang in there hun! Hopefully your mojo will return!
    And thanks for the magazine info! Will definitely have to check it out!

  11. Angela says:

    Um, yes. YES! I have been feeling like that lately too. It is so easy to get wrapped in the excitement of some of the exciting opportunities that we get involved in. It is hard to say no, but then we get overcommitted. It is good to take a breather and refocus. All that to say, I can relate. 🙂

  12. Sharon says:

    I know where you are at but Heather (comment 5) has nailed it! Hope the joy comes back very very soon.

  13. Amber says:

    I constantly have to ask myself “Am I happy?” because I really believe the purpose of our lives is to be happy. I still clean the toilets, but that’s because cruddy, nasty toilets make me the opposite of happy. Just keep doing what you love 🙂

    Also, I didn’t buy the new DS fabrics after seeing them in person either.

  14. Judith1005 says:

    I’ve been wondering why it’s been so quiet over here. And, I’d like to say, Every single thing you do matters. You were created for a purpose.
    And if that purpose is to “create” and share your talent for the sheer love and joy of it then so be it. Your lovely creations inspire me and others and for that I thank you. I hope you find your joy again. And Heather, #5 expresses it very well for me as well.

  15. Shez says:

    Must chase that magazine up,looks great

  16. Elaine says:

    Dear Corey,
    I am very familiar with this feeling, in fact I have just emerged out of a slump that lasted nearly 6 months. I couldn’t stand to even go into the craft room. I would get something out to do, and stare at it as if it was alien, (which it was at the time). Absolutely nothing could gain my interest, I was so bad I just read books lots and lots of them. But a friend of mine said God has a reason for this happening, just wait, trust in Him and accept whatever comes from His hand. You know, I never did find out why I was in that slump, but I can happily tell you that I am sewing again. I am making Christmas presents for family and friends. Have finished 2 aprons, and 2 Tank top dresses and actually have orders for 2 more Tank Top dresses, and an opportunity to serve God by teaching the Sunday School class how to make some earrings or a bracelet to go into a box they have made with mirrored ceramics for their Mums for Christmas. God is so good.

  17. Just love the stocking it is the most lovely one I think I have seen. I will have to track down the mag. I am sure you will get your interest back soon, sometime we all need a brake even from something we love.

  18. Merrilee says:

    When I saw the title I thought- oh there must be some new technique I’ve never heard of with quilting. I’ve heard of “slumping” with glass (making it melt to fit the mold) but never with fabric. But yes, I think we all have good spells and bad spells. I work full time (which i love) but this time of year when I’m superbusy at work it always makes me appreciate long periods of uninterrupted quilting! Go with the flow- do something else for a week or two, and those creative juices will kick in. Maybe you’ll even come up with a new technique 🙂

  19. charlotte says:

    Everyone above has said it all. We all get the slumps sometimes. Why keep sewing and crafting? Because the world could use a little more beauty, color and sweetness. For me it signifies hope for the future when sometimes there is little.

  20. Suzanne says:

    I think everyone has a slump…I’m just coming out of one myself! Thanks for the heads up on the new magazine.

  21. Barb says:

    Those fabrics are just awesome! Hope you get your mojo back!!

  22. I know how you feel, Corey! You are soooo creative, and sometimes you need to just feed that creative part of you. You are one of those “go to people” that I check in on when I am needing a boost! Hope the mag helps refresh your creative juices. It looks really cute!!

  23. Lulu says:

    Hi there, I’ve read your blog for a long time but I haven’t commented before. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing. I feel the exact same way sometimes. Like, why am I spending so much time with my sewing machine? I should be playing with my kids not sewing silly things for them. Just give yourself permission to step back and re-charge. You’ll get the urge to get back to it! 🙂

  24. Debbie Hicks says:

    I too get in slumps….but I never wonder if I would be better off spending my time doing other things. I have had the experience of giving quilts to chemo patients and seeing them feel sooo touched and amazed that a stranger would make something so wonderful and beautiful as a quilt for them. Over the years I had many besides my own family loving the homemade goodies….Many of my daughter’s friends needed goodies stitched by me and I loved it. Recently my daughter got married and though I am not a clothing sewer, every person in the wedding had something I stitched on them…from the ring bearer wearing a teeny tiny bow tie to the bridesmaids sashes with flowers and the groomsmen with their pink ties….it felt great to put my love into something for every person involved. I feel like the blessing is two fold. I get to shower the world with my love and it’s a great mental health maintenance system. You have to have time for yourself doing something you enjoy. I’m sure all of us have times when we don’t feel the spark or enthusiasm, but when it happens to me, I trust it will be back and don’t push myself…and one day it does and my machine’s start whirring.

  25. nicke says:

    i had no idea that DS had released another line for joanns. i like a couple of the prints. i will have to go check them out.

  26. Sherry says:

    I’m like Heidi, feel guilty being home playing with fabric while hubby is at work. After many years in the work force & now home full time, I’ve had this guilty feeling. I’m a clean house freak so I spend much of my time cleaning, before I sew. Hubby is happy at work & laughs at me that I can’t sew before I clean. It’s an ongoing joke between us. I do what makes me happy…nuff said! 🙂

  27. Amy says:

    I can relate to both the slumping and the comments. You may not feel this way while you’re in the slump, but when you are creating – and blogging or giving or teaching, etc. – you are doing so much for others…healing, inspiring, motivating, loving. THAT’s the part where you change the world!

  28. Amy says:

    P.S. I had the exact same reaction to the DS fabrics when I saw some at my JoAnn store. I thought there was something wrong with my personal taste, since I don’t really “get” what all the fuss is about. I do like what other people do with these prints, but they don’t really speak to me.

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