Sunday Stash

Coquette by Patricia Bravo on Left & Bonjour by Diane Kappa on Right

I have been anxiously awaiting Patricia Bravo’s new line Coquette for awhile–I was pumped to see that Hawthorne Threads had gotten it in.  I’d also been wanting a couple prints from Bonjour so I picked those up at the same time.  I had a great mail day yesterday! =)

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6 Responses

  1. Anne says:

    Oh man, the Coquette is right up my alley! What a beautiful line! 😀

  2. Chris says:

    One word: Yum.

  3. Ryan says:

    Yum! I love Coquette and have been eyeing the same prints from Bonjour. Great score!

  4. so different from each other, but very cool. I have discovered “Happier” from Riley Blake. Trying to resist purchasing but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do that…

  5. Diane says:

    Your liberated w.r. quilt is so lovely. I have that block tutorial saved in my favorites for a long time now! I need to get out my reds and aquas and get going on it! Love Coquette! mmm good choice!

  6. kelly says:

    at first i thought the Coquette was a stack of vintage sheets… which means i love them! gorgeous line.

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