Tagged: bonnie christine


WIP Wednesday

I have been working on some mini hexagons using Bonnie Christine’s Sweet as Honey line of fabric for Art Gallery.  These little hexagons are pretty cute!  They would be considered 1/2″ hexies(hexagons in the...



I feel like I’ve been around in circles lately!  I think all quilt makers get to that point sometime or another.  For me, it’s when I have so many projects and commitments swirling around...


Bee Purposeful September

September was Toni’s month in Bee Purposeful.  For this bee, that means it was her month to choose our theme/colors and she will be receiving all of the blocks, piecing & quilting the quilt...


New and Coming Soon

I’ve had some great fabrics arrive at my door recently.  I hope to get to them soon–but in the meantime I thought I would share some of them with you. =) First up this...