Tagged: quilt block

Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Blog Tour

Today is my stop on the Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Blog Tour! My block, Star Gazing, is on page 51 of this issue–and can I tell you how much I love this block! Star Gazing...


{Not Quite a Sawtooth Star Block} Tutorial

This month is our last month in the Be Purposeful Bee and it is my mom’s turn to be the quilter and block/fabric picker-outer. After much debate, she has settled on having our quilter’s...


Wednesday WIP

Probably one of the favorite parts of my job(aside from the fact that it allows me to stay at home with my girls), is the opportunity that I have to work with upcoming fabric...


String Star Tutorial

September is my month in the Stash Trad Bee & I have totally been struggling with what block to have my group members make for me.  I have finally decided to go with a...