{Not Quite a Sawtooth Star Block} Tutorial

Not Quite a Sawtooth Star

This month is our last month in the Be Purposeful Bee and it is my mom’s turn to be the quilter and block/fabric picker-outer.

Almost Sawtooth

After much debate, she has settled on having our quilter’s make an “almost” Sawtooth Star Block.  The quilt block is assembled in the same manner as a traditional Sawtooth star however the star points do not go out to the edge as in the traditional block.

almost sawtooth

It’s a fun, quick little block to make and because it’s got a built in border the star really becomes the focal point of the block.

Almost a Sawtooth Star Quilt

Have a happy sewing day!

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8 Responses

  1. Carla says:

    Easy peasy. Enjoy your week end. I will be sewing : )
    This will be a lovely quilt to donate

  2. Peg says:

    Cute! And I’m just loving that checkerboard cornerstone border you’re doing. I usually avoid sashing like the plague but now I’m starting to like it because of this particular style. Thanks!

  3. Linda S Jones says:

    Is there a print function for this tutorial? Love the block.

  4. Deb Johnson says:

    Way to go Mom!!! I see where Corey gets her talent! Love the decision not to run the star points out to the edge. Fun without the pressure!!! Hugs, Deb Quiltbeeme

  5. Katy says:

    I love star blocks! Thanks.

  6. Becky Thompson says:

    I’m so glad you contributed to SMS today. I leapt over to your blog and now you’re in my morning list of favorites to share my coffee with each day. In the “queue” of my quilting projects is a Crown Royal quilt. A co-worker asked me to do it and for months I’ve had a large reusable shopping bag of purple flannel bags under the sewing table. I knew I wanted something like this star but not real sure how to go about it. I needed a block to show off the Crown Royal logo in the center and I found a perfect gold batik to match the embroidery but I wasn’t sure about how to put it all together. This block gives me the solution! I’ll find a dark purple batik for the star points and use the gold batik for the background. Yay! Thank you!

  7. Joyce Weaver says:

    How can I print these, there is not print icon? Love your site and work. I made 100 lap quilts for nursing home. I love quilting.

  8. Nancy says:

    I agree with Joyce and Linda and would love to see a print option for your tutorials. Love these nuggets of info! Thank You

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