Wondering Wednesday Week 8

Starflakes Quilt with Etchings Charcoal background
Welcome back to week 8 of Wondering Wednesdays..It’s the day I answer the questions you guys have left for me. =)
Last week, I answered some quilt market questions from Pat. She left some follow up questions after I posted and I thought I would take time to answer them right away.

Prairie fabric
Question: “Following up on Market questions, do you mostly stay in your booth and answer questions about your new line, or are you free to walk around and socialize?
Answer: We are free to walk around. However we do try to stay in our booths for a large portion of the time. We are at quilt market to talk about our new fabrics and for many of us, new patterns. We lose out on that if we aren’t available! We also have things scheduled during the time we are at market that will take us away from our booths. This could include book signings, interviews, making videos, any collab. meetings or chats with publishers…things like that.

Sugarcreek Reds & Greens
Question: “Are you responsible for decorating your booth, or do the Moda people take care of that with you just supplying oodles of samples?
Answer: We are responsible for decorating our booth. Moda makes it very easy for us though. They put up the walls and the flooring and provide us with a prop of our choice (ladder, shelves, or baskets) and a chair. This is so nice because then we are just bringing our quilts and samples and any additional props we want to use. If I can get a flight that gets in early on the day of schoolhouses (this is the day before the floor opens) I can fly in and set-up right away in the morning–it usually takes a few hours. And we set up our booth around any schoolhouses we are attending.

Gingham Stripe from Flower Mill. One of my favorite binding fabrics!
Question: What about the schoolhouse sessions…do you volunteer for that or are you told it’s your turn to teach a class?
Answer: This varies a little bit from year to year. Sometimes we have a Moda Schoolhouse hosted by Moda that we are invited to attend. These usually happen when Moda is introducing a fun quilt shop program…like a block of the month program of some sort. We are usually assigned a block or we design a block that we then make a project for, for the schoolhouse and then share about our new line.
Sometimes we will be asked to participate in a schoolhouse hosted by a publisher. Sherri & I shared at a schoolhouse put on by Martingale (the publisher of Sunday Best Quilts) this past Spring as our book was releasing the following month.
And we have the option of having our own schoolhouse if we would like.

Starflower Pillow made by the Crafty Quilter, pattern in Playful Petals
Question: How long do you have between the time you receive your new fabric line and the market to sew up all things on display in your booth?
Answer: This varies. Moda has a pre-market fabric release and a market fabric release in the spring and in the fall. If your collection is a pre-market release you usually have a couple months if it is a market release, you’d have 2-4 weeks or so. It’s never exactly the same time frame. I’ve been pre-market this year and was market last year. They both have their benefits! It’s nice having the extra time when your collection shows before quilt market but it’s also fun having the big reveal at quilt market.
Thanks so much for your questions Pat!–Quilt Market is so much fun and it’s been a treat to share a bit more of the ins and outs. =)
I have gotten quite a few questions about pattern writing/publishing and fabric design. If you have any specific questions about these topics, I would love to hear them. I am planning a series on each of these topics as I think there will be plenty to talk about! And feel free to leave any other questions you may have below.
Happy Wednesday! Corey
Learning so much about the business and process of quilt and fabric design! Thank you Corey!!!
Where can I get that gingham stripe, I’ve never seen it before? We only have Joann’s and Holly Lobby.
P.S. I love your Wondering Wednesday!
Loving this series called ‘Wondering Wednesday’. What I wonder is, will you ever design a Christmas line? I know several of your prints can be used for Christmas but could there someday be a line exclusively for Christmas? Love everything you have done and can not wait for more of your lines to come!
Love your Wondering Wednesday and thank you so much for taking the time to answer all the questions. I also want to say i love your tutorials on You Tube your voice is very nice to listen to. Look forward to next week!
Regarding your upcoming topics, would you be able to provide all of us with a “layman’s” language explanation of copyright but kinda in a nutshell? There have been many lengthy, wordy, detailed explanations in the past that many people simple refuse to read thru as their minds go to mush after reading “technicalities”. The reason I ask is that I know it’s a real problem — everywhere! People are not only copying patterns for others but many don’t understand that you must receive permission (written I believe) if you wish to use a designer’s specific pattern as your guild’s raffle or opportunity quilt that your organization will profit from. Even I’m unsure if you must obtain a desigers’ permission to simply display a quilt you’ve made from their pattern in a quilt show. Patterns are very expensive nowadays & downloads, using our own ink & paper, are sometimes just as expensive or maybe a tiny bit less. I’m not sure if this is the many reason quilters refuse to purchase their own patterns or not but it’s happening everywhere! Even some quilt shops don’t require each student to purchase a designers’ pattern. They’re not only hurting the designer but also themselves for the sale of all those patterns. I’m sure this topic will open the floodgates on this topic but “rules” need to be repeated every now & again! Thanks!