Moda Block Heads Block 33

Welcome to week 33 in the current round of Moda Block Heads. =)

This week our block, Walking in Circles, is brought to us by Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic.

You will find the block pattern on her website here.

I don’t do a lot of curved piecing so this one was a little bit tricky for me. =)  I do think it is very cute though!  Once it is in the quilt, I won’t even notice that it’s got a little bit of extra “character”. =)

Here is the line-up of Moda Block Heads designers:

8.26 – Brigitte Heitland  <–We are Here
9.2 – Lisa Bongean
9.9 – Lissa Alexander
9.16 – Laurie Simpson
9.23– Vanessa Goertzen
9.30 – Stacy Iest Hsu
10.7 – Robin Pickens
10.14 – Janet Clare
10.21 – Jen Kingwell
10.28 – Joanna Figueroa
11.4 – Corey Yoder
11.11 – Sherri McConnell
11.18 – Betsy Chutchian
11.25 – Jan Patek

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Corey

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7 Responses

  1. Amber says:

    I love that you shared your block with “character” and plan to use it. You’re right, it is going to fit right into your quilt. Sometimes we think we have to make only “Instagram perfect” looking blocks, when quilting is a hand art and should be enjoyed as pretty and not perfect every time. It can be both. You’ve inspired me to create and use this block in my quilt! And I hope mine will turn out as well as yours!

  2. Stella Napier says:

    I love the apricot and ash fabrics. Where can I find your easy peasey log cabin pattern?

  3. Linda M says:

    Thank you for sharing your less than perfect block! I have been avoiding curved piecing because my block would probably turn out worse than yours. You are reminding me that it’s ok if it’s not picture perfect. Thank you!,

  4. Nancy says:

    I cannot get the pattern to download anywhere. All the websites link to hers and it will not download. I get an error message that it is unavailable…..?

    • Kim Shepherd says:

      Apparently there’s been a row about the providence of the block – somebody is saying she copied it from somebody else so the link has been taken down. I’m confused because I’ve always thought of that block as being a traditional block like Hole in the Barn Door or Courthouse Astra’s or whatever – I didn’t think any of them were copyright. Very disappointing for those of us who didn’t get to download it 😏

  5. Betsey Law says:

    I thought Block Heads 3 was over because I didn’t receive a email or a FB post for #33 or #34 ( I am following you on this Block Heads). I was very happy when I received one today. So I went to Moda Fabrics to find them. What a story about 33. I felt so bad for her and I printed the Alternative Block. Hope all is well with you and your family during this crazy time.

  6. Janelle Elliott Casson says:

    I would love to know where the original Block 3 no.33 went.
    I haven’t been able to received some blocks
    I too have missed and just received no 35 to day but unable to get the curved Bock 33
    Can you send it to me please

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