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16 Responses

  1. karenkay says:

    beautiful quilt….love the colors!

  2. Debbie Samuelson says:

    LOVE It! Such a beautiful quilt and tree 🙂

  3. Sinta says:

    Detail.. .I need to know what wonderful pattern is that? Love your quilt! Strawberry Fields is my new fav fabric!!!

  4. Tracy says:

    Fabulous quilt.

  5. Lynette says:

    Another nice way to frame charms 🙂

  6. Magoo says:

    love it! worth 10000 words 🙂 i’m working on a strawberry fields quilt too.

  7. Ali Honey says:

    What a lovely scene with blossom and quilt. Choice!

  8. Tami says:

    Beautiful, springy photo and quilt!

  9. Shelia says:

    Beautiful setting for a beautiful quilt!!

  10. Jocelyn says:

    So pretty. Love the sights of Spring.

  11. randi says:

    such a pretty quilt!

  12. Dawn says:

    OO so pretty.. PLEASE share the pattern name!

  13. Carol T says:

    What a pretty quilt. I am looking forward to see more pictures of it and words about it.

  14. Sissy says:

    I do love this has an Asian flare.

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