Monthly Archive: January 2012


Tuesday Stitching

Man, thanks so much for all of your thimble advice yesterday!  I do have a thimble that I like so it seems that I will have to be popping that puppy on more often!...


French Roses Complete

My French Roses Quilt is complete.  My goal was to finish it up over the weekend and I stitched the last of the binding on yesterday.  And got a hole in my finger from...


Snow Day

I just snapped this picture a moment ago from my front door–it’s been snowing here all morning long–there is actually a road on the other side of that telephone pole… This is our first...


#1 it is! =)

Thanks so much for all of your help in my “hard” decision! =)  It’s always fun to pick and choose fabrics.  I really hadn’t decided until just moments ago to go with Bundle #1–it...