Snow Day

I just snapped this picture a moment ago from my front door–it’s been snowing here all morning long–there is actually a road on the other side of that telephone pole…

This is our first good snow of the winter–we’ve had a dusting here or there but nothing major.  As a gal who loves all the different seasons, I’m glad to see winter finally representing. =p

Chloe’s school is closed for today so we have a nice long weekend.  Chloe was home sick the last two days so I’m glad for this extra day of getting better without missing any more school.

We’ll be staying tucked inside warm and cozy–perfect beginning to the weekend.

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16 Responses

  1. Nicole says:

    Finally, we’ve been waiting patiently for the snow to get here. We don’t often here a whole lot of squealing at our house, but we may have this morning…

    • Corey says:

      I know!–Chloe was pretty excited for her first 1st grade snow day. Last year they had a lot snow days on the days she wasn’t in Kindergarten and then the make up days were on days she had Kindergarten…this year I knew we wouldn’t have that problem!

  2. Nicole says:

    hear, not here… That’s what I get for not proofreading…

  3. Lois says:

    We are finally getting some snow. My mind clock has been confused because it has been balmy here when we should be experiencing winter. I know that we have to get by the winter before we can have spring.

  4. I had to laugh because I theoretically miss snow! We moved down to Texas from Alaska so normally when we’d be getting about 12 feet in October and it stays snowy through April or May. However here we run around in short-sleeves! It is just starting to cool down at night enough that we might possible get a sprinkling (we still routinely hit 70 and 80’s in the day though). Last year we had snow storms for a whole week and it was kind of fun to see everyone look around in bewilderment! Enjoy your snow!

  5. Got a little snow. Roads are slick .

  6. Cindy Sharp says:

    There is nothing as wonderful as a snow day. Enjoy every moment of it.

  7. carolld says:

    I’m so glad snow is here at last! I’ve taken pictures all morning. The snow clinging to the branches is awesome. Gives me a reason to stay inside and sew too!

  8. Johanna says:

    Enjoy the snow day. We missed our first day of school for a hurricane, and missed six day for a snow storm in October and haven’t had one since.

  9. Kimberly says:

    Have a warm weekend! I hear the snow’s on its way for us here too… FINALLY! I just posted yesterday about being a warm weather lovin’ girl but I actually am ready for a good dump of snow. It hasn’t really felt like winter yet without it. And a snow day around here = jammies, hot chocolates, quilting, and movies with my girls. Win-win!

  10. Heather says:

    Gorgeous. Winter may represent here this weekend too. But it so often happens that we get snow in the weekend, it gets all messy, but then clears up by Monday so no snow days for the kiddos, much to their dismay!

  11. Di says:

    Looks lovely – as winter should. More like autumn here in my part of England. Make a snowman for me. :). Di xo

  12. Dee Shaw says:

    NO Snow here and we realy need some, or no water in the summer and the woods will be closed 🙁 SO SEND SNOW THIS WAY please. Dee in Idaho

  13. Pamela says:

    Very pretty!!! You got a lot more than we did here in middle TN.

  14. Enjoy your snow day (snow weekend?) :o) and hope Chloe is feeling better soon!

    • Corey says:

      Thank you! Chloe is doing much better–still a cough but no more fever & definitely perkier. You can always tell they are feeling better when they start picking on each other again. =)

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