3×6 Bee Blocks

I decided to participate in the 3×6 Sampler Bee for the round which is currently taking place. For those of you unfamiliar with this bee, each participant is grouped with 7 other people. Each person within that group fills out a short questionaire including the colors they would like used for their block as well as fabric likes/dislikes. After each participant has received that info. from the other peeps in their group they make one block for each person (so a total of 6 blocks) in the requested color scheme. The 6 blocks are all made using the same block pattern just different color combos.
Red & Aqua Requested:
Surprise Me Requested–she’s doing an Eye Spy quilt for her son:
Red & Pink Requested:
Gray & Green Requested:
Rainbow Requested(I think this one is my fave):
Blue & Green Requested:
The block I used is called the Friendship Scrap Block–appropriate, huh? =)  You can find the pattern here.

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21 Responses

  1. Mary on Lake Pulaski says:

    I love them all! What a great block!

  2. Rachel at Stitched in Color says:

    Oooh, these are just gorgeous! The rainbow is my favorite too.

  3. Terriaw says:

    What a cool Bee! I was not familiar with it, so I appreciated your explanation. It sounds quite fun! I love these blocks – so fun to see the range of colors on this one. I also love the block you chose. Thanks for sharing the link.

  4. traceyjay says:

    I adore these.

  5. Anita says:

    I love my block!

  6. Luv 2 Kreate says:

    These are awesome!

  7. Jane's Fabrics and Quilts says:

    I like how you look at blocks and see then in a different way. I have seen that block, but never would I think it could look so great. Wonderful!!

  8. Petit Design Co. says:

    each one of those blocks is just so amazing! and ditto what Jane said! I don't think I realized the potential in that block!

  9. SummersDesigns says:

    these are great!

  10. peaknits says:

    I love each one – especially the red and aqua! Thanks for the link to this pattern as well – it's a keeper:)

  11. live a colorful life says:

    This such a cool block. And such a great concept for a quilt block exchange. I would love to be a part of something like this. Do you think another one will be starting some time?

  12. Stacey says:

    omg… Those blocks are amazing. It is just the inspiration that I need for my red & aqua fabrics. Thanks for sharing. love 'em.

    Driving Miss Stacey

  13. Stray Stitches says:

    The bee sounds like a lot of fun. I really like the blocks you made. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  14. Jackie says:

    Gorgeous! I love them all but I'm with you – I think the rainbow one is my fav.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, those are so cute! You have such good taste in fabrics!

    xo -E

  16. josh says:

    That sounds like such fun, thanks for explaining it to the ones who are familar with that bee. Your blocks are wonderful as always.

  17. Jeannette says:

    okay so this is going to sound crazy but the comment above "josh" is from me….apparently my son was on the computer last and I didn't realize it..and I can't delete it and put my name. just to explain.

  18. Tiffany says:

    These are SO fabulous … thanks for sharing the pattern!

  19. a good yarn says:

    Fantastic blocks! I love them! ann…

  20. eamylove says:

    Each one is spectacular! I love what you did with fabric placement…quite different from the example in the instructions, and just gorgeous.

  21. Thrilled to Pieces! says:

    LOVE them all! Great color & fabric choices.

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