Category: Quilts


Sewcialites Block 31

Block 31 of the Sewcialites QAL releases today and I couldn’t resist taking a photo of all of my blocks so far.


Sewcialites Block 28

Welcome to week 28 of the Sewcialites quilt along.  Our block this week is brought to us by April of Prairie Grass Patterns.


Sewcialites Block 26

Another week, another Sewcialites block, our block this week, Courage, is brought to us by Joanna of Fig Tree Quilts.


Sewcialites Sew Along Block 25

Welcome to block #25 of our Sewcialites Sew Along. =)  So many fun new patterns this week!


Moda Block Heads Block 51

It’s time for Block 51 of Moda Block Heads…just in time for some New Year’s Eve sewing.  What a fun way to ring in the New Year.