
Hello Friends and Happy Friday!  So, I am sitting here waiting from some programs to download on my computer(I got a new computer yesterday!–yay!)  and thought I’d shoot up a quick blog post while I wait. =)

So, no pretty pictures–I don’t really have any on this computer.

What I really wanted to post was a huge thank you to all of you who responded to my call for pattern testers!–I appreciate each one of you so much.  I received hundreds of wonderful emails & comments from all over the world from ladies eager to be testers.

Thank you, thank you!

I wish I could have reached out to each and every one of you–and wish I would have the time to thank each one of you personally!

I have several ladies working on my current round of patterns and I will be adding all of you who expressed an interest in pattern testing for me into a data base to pull from as I design new patterns that need tested.  So, if you didn’t hear from me over the last week, no worries–I will have more patterns I’ll need tested down the road. =)

Again, thank you all so much!

I can’t wait to share the patterns with you all!

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7 Responses

  1. Colleen says:

    I’m glad you had a wonderful response!
    Have a good time getting to know your new computer!

  2. edith says:

    Too many is better than not enough. There’s a lot of talent in this pool. Have fun with the new computer.

  3. Diana Nelson says:

    Have fun with your new computer (come to think of it I’m needing one too). Hopefully I’ll be able to help you test your patterns in the future. Take care.

  4. Rosemary B says:

    Corey, you are the best.
    Have fun with your new computer. It is great to upgrade I bet.
    My MacBookPro is 6 years old!!! I do not want a new one right now, because I have a huge screen and I like that.

    I hope you have a sunny and fun week-end

  5. RuthB says:

    Can’t wait to see what’s new!

  6. Caren says:

    Glad for so many kindred spirits

  7. Nana Phyllis says:

    I’m interested in finding a pattern like your Dream On quilt. I absolutely love it. I’m a fairly new quilter. Thanks.

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