French Roses Complete

Scrappy Binding

My French Roses Quilt is complete.  My goal was to finish it up over the weekend and I stitched the last of the binding on yesterday.  And got a hole in my finger from so much hand stitching–do you guys use thimbles to sew on binding?  My poor finger thinks I need to—I’m fine if I don’t stitch a lot of binding on at once–but, last week I did two pillows and a quilt so my poor finger has had it. =p

I straight line quilted about 1/8″ on either side of the seams which I think framed the roses nicely.  Since I could use the seams as my quilting guide I didn’t need to mark any quilting lines which was a real time saver.

The roses frayed up nicely in the wash & the fleece backing that I used makes this quite a cuddly quilt. (You might be interested to know that Ryan is calling this my Pig & Turtle quilt…why?, you ask….Tip your head to the right and you’ll see the pig  & if you look at the rose right above this one you can see the turtle.)…men….

Here’s a closer pic of one of the roses–it’ll fray a little bit more after a couple more washes.

Quilt Stats:

French Roses Quilt Pattern by Heather French

Finshed Quilt Size–57″ x 57″

Fabrics used–Secret Garden by Sandi Henderson for Michael Miller Fabrics

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34 Responses

  1. robin says:

    Wow – I love it. 🙂

  2. Dawn Hendrix says:

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME…. I have never in my life seen ANYONE hand quilt as fast as you… HAVE MERCY another FABULOUS FINISH for YOU! I have quilter envy ya know!

  3. Rita says:


  4. Lovely quilt. So cozy and comforting…turtles and pigs and all! Thanks for sharing it with us. 😀

  5. Heidi says:

    After handquilting my Hawaiian quilt that was only 21 inches, my fingers looked like a 20 year diabetic. I tried EVERY single kind of thimble and they never work for me. So finally, on a whim, I started putting thin electrical tape (only about 1/4 inch wide) around my fingers. I can “feel” the tip of my needle and not get poked too much!

    I have been watching you do this quilt and I just ADORE it! ADORE IT!

    • Corey says:

      I might have to try this!–I have a leather thimble that works well enough for hand quilting but I have never used it for binding as I don’t really care for using a thimble–I think electrical tape just might do the trick.

  6. Stacie says:

    Absolutely beautiful! A new must have!

  7. Beautiful I love the pink shades as pink is my favorite color.

  8. Jan Krentz says:

    I was forced to learn to use a thimble (and now its all good!!) – when hand-quilting the border of a Queen-sized quilt that I stupidly used a tightly-woven sheet as the backing, before the days of wide backings. I had accidentally punctured the tips of my fingers due to the tough backing, running the EYE OF THE NEEDLE AND THE THREAD into the tips of my fingers. YE-OWWWW! Take a look at the Clover Protect and Grip thimbles – soft transparent flexible finger cap with a metal outer tip to push the needle. They come in three sizes:

  9. Hilary says:

    I love this! It is so beautiful, and I really like the idea of the fraying edges, it is going to age beautifully. Your colour choices are great too! As a newbie to quilting I am very inspired!

  10. Ruth B says:

    So pretty! Secret Garden was a perfect choice for this quilt. Well done!

  11. traceyjay says:

    looks so beautiful Corey!

  12. Greta says:

    So I must be slow because I don’t see a pig or a turtle. The quilt is lovely as always. I don’t use a thimble either, they just don’t seem to work for me. I did find these little sticker things at Michael’s that work okay for me. I don’t really love them but it’s better than a thimble for me.

  13. Ursula says:


    YES I use a thimble! If I don’t my finger looks and feels like swiss cheese by the end! I can’t imagine all of that work without one, you must be very sore. I couldn’t get used to the metal thimbles (can’t feel anything and I feel out of control), so I tried a leather one, but then on really thick projects (not binding) I still managed to punch the needle threw the leather and into my finger. So now I use a leather one with a metal circle (to cover the pad of your finger) sewn into it. Absolute perfection!!! I can NOT live with out it now. You can see it here:

    • Corey says:

      That is the exact one that I have and I agree that it is so much better than the metal ones–I just couldn’t get used to them. So, I guess I need to give in and use it for binding too!

  14. Simone R. says:

    What a lovely quilt.

  15. Karen says:

    Oh your poor fingers! Using a thimble is a must. You might also try those sticky things (cannot remember the name)….they help also for the other fingers.

    Love, love, love this quilt!

  16. Beautiful quilt beautiful finish xxx

  17. Julz says:

    lovely quilt…very fresh colours!

  18. Barb says:

    My favorite colors – gorgeous workmanship!

  19. Marilyn says:

    Love this, I think for the colours you have used as much as the actual design. I did “get” the turtle, but the pig needs much eye squinting. I can see what he means though.
    I use a thimble for sewing on my binding too. Usually the leather with the metal disc, and also I have one of those coloured silicone ones which I find comfortable. A lot of the secret is finding one that is a perfect fit, and that can be difficult if your finger size is an “in between”.

  20. Beautiful quilt, it is amazing.

  21. Carla V. says:

    Very pretty! Love your fabric choices and the colors. To make it fray a bit more you might want to ruff up the edges with a soft hair brush,… like a babies. Then give it a wash and you might get the look you want.

  22. Larissa says:

    Purdy!!! This quilt really came up a treat!!! … Per the use of a thimble, I use mine on and off … if I have a LOT to do I will always get it out, though I usually only do it when I have binding or am going through several layers … I don’t when I do stitcheries or needleturn applique unless my fingers are calling out for one, lol! … Keep in mind when you are starting to use one though, that they do take time to get use to using — especially if you’ve gone so long without using one! … Also, the ‘fit’ is essential! You don’t want to get one that is either too small or too big — work out which finger you would usually push the needle through (not a finger you use to do the ‘stab’ of the stitch, but to push it through the fabric after the ‘stab’ is made) and then choose one to fit … my best advice (lol) would be to get one from your LQS rather than online … that way you can ensure that it is the right size for you!!

  23. CJ says:

    Soooooooo pretty! I can hardly wait to make my first one.

  24. Love the scrappy binding!!! So fun!!!

  25. Your French Roses look fantastic. Well done.

  26. sandra parsons says:

    Beautiful Quilt!!
    I have tried and tried but I can’t use a thimble, so I usually end up with a very sore finger.
    Funny thing is …. I collect thimbles. LOL. Sandy.

  27. Deb F says:


  28. Susan Mayberry says:

    Is this ‘French Roses’ pattern available anywhere? I love. it.

  29. Sharon says:

    Hi Corey, your quilt is beautiful!! I love your colors!!! I have a question! I’m just about to start sewing my petals on my blocks and I noticed the instructions ask us to cut out extra fabric behind each petal layer. I was not going to do that,, thinking that there would be more layers….more puff. Is there a reason to cut it out?
    Thank you for your help. Sharon

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