Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along: Release 2
Happy Friday!–and welcome to the second block release for the Heartfelt Charity quilt along.
For those of you unfamiliar with this charity quilt along, you can find the details here. And you can find the first block pattern here.
Thanks to your generous donations we have raised over $68,000 for Make a Wish Central/South Texas. Fat Quarter Shop is releasing bonus patterns for this quilt along based on milestones reached.
You download the block pattern for this month’s block, Buttercup, here.
If you are also participating in the Stitch-Along, you can find the second release pattern here.
When I was working on designing this quilt for Fat Quarter Shop, I knew that I wanted to design a “Log Cabin” sort of heart quilt block to go with my other heart blocks. I am so happy with how this block turned out. I really like how scrappy these blocks can be. They are wonderful scrap busters. Which is exactly what I did. =)
My fabrics for this quilt along are from a mix of my fabrics, along with some of my other Moda Friends’ fabrics.
If I didn’t mention last month, it has been so much fun digging in my scrap baskets for some of these fabrics.
I always seem to find such fun fabrics hidden at the bottom of those bins.
Thank you so much for letting me share my blocks with you! I hope that you are enjoying this sew along!
Just a quick reminder if you missed my blog post on Wednesday, Cotton Frock is my $5 pattern of the month.

Cotton Frock is my $5 pattern for this month. You can find it in my Etsy shop here.
Have a beautiful weekend! Corey
Love your blocks Corey, they are beautiful!
Thank you!
What cute heart blocks. Cannot wait to make them. I think they would look great in reds, whites and blues also for a great Memorial Day / 4th of July quilt. 🇺🇸 Thank you Corey.
They would be adorable in a patriotic theme!
I love this heart block pattern! I think it is my favorite of all heart blocks I have seen! Can’t wait to make some of these super cute stash busters! Well done, Corey!
Have a fun weekend!
I love how scrappy they are!
Oh wow! Look at all those great fabrics!! I recognize a lot of them 😍 I really love your fabrics with a scrappy look. You have re-created the look of the antique quilts I see in museums ❤️ SO beautiful. The colors, the designs – all of it just makes me so happy to see. Beautiful fabric can do that to us crazy quilters 😳😂🥰
I had so much fun going through my scrap bins!
I hope you received my comment?
Going to try this comment again! Please delete if it shows up again – I’m not very technology patient 😳 I wanted to let you know how much I love your fabrics. Seeing these scrappy hearts today made me so happy! I recognized alot of the fabrics you used. Your fabrics – to me- are a wonderful reflection of the antique quilts I see in museums. As they would have been when first made. The exception is that your colors are vibrant and luscious! I know this sounds corny, but, your fabrics just make me happy.
Seeing your scrap blocks is like looking through my scrap bins – lol.
The best kind of scraps!
I Had to make a test block of this right away! I Love it! Thank you So Much! I love your fabric lines and patterns.
I loved the heart block pattern you designed so much I made a throw quilt out of 9 of them using jelly roll strips (scrappy) but keeping in similar colorways and washings.
I love that idea!
I have only made one quilt. It was a small lap size quilt. It turned out fine. I have been bingeing on your videos. I love your fabric, your style & background. You are such an inspiration, thank you. I have finished enough Grandmother’s garden hexagons to put on blocks for a twin. I’m going to use your size 12 thread to hand stitch around the hexi’s. Just about 1/4 inch from them. I’ve watched all your stitching videos.
But, I would love to get involved in the Heartfelt Sew Along. How do I do that?
Thank you, Corey.
Thanks so much!–Your comments are so nice! You can join in the Heartfelt Sew Along anytime! Here is the first block release: https://corianderquilts.com/heartfelt-charity-quilt-along-release-1/ I shared more information in that blog post. =)