Moda All-Stars Merry Makers Giveaway

Welcome back to a very Merry Giveaway!

Notice: Comments are now closed & winner has been announced.

I always love participating in the Moda All-Star books.  I think the projects are always so cute and I am such a huge fan of all of the Moda Designer’s work.  And Merry Makers is no exception–it just came out last week and I’ve been able to peruse my copies–so cute!

I designed a Merry Gingham quilt as my project for this book.

It uses fabrics from my Flower Mill collection of fabric and whips up in a jiffy for the holiday season.

These adorable stockings in the book are made by Joanna of Fig Tree Quilts and immediately caught my eye.

I had purchased these wools from one of my local shops, Plaid Sheep Company, a couple weeks ago and I’m thinking they might work well for some cute stockings.

The book is full of all different kinds of projects from large to small.  Martingale is having a wonderful giveaway/event over on their blog that you need to check out.

And, for a chance to win an e-book copy here, leave me a comment with your favorite Christmas tradition.  This was something each designer was asked to share in the book.  For me, I wouldn’t miss out on our Christmas lunch seafood extravaganza–yummy!

I will draw a winner next Wednesday!  Good luck. =)

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203 Responses

  1. Cindy Petersen says:

    Once the table is cleared, we play a game. Recently it’s been Left Right Center with one dollar bills.

  2. Faith Newcomb says:

    On December 20, 1977 we welcomed our beautiful baby girl. With a birthday so close to Christmas I wanted it to be special and not lost in the holiday rush. So on December 18th we buy our tree and set it up in the stand to relax. On December 20th, we decorate the tree amid Christmas carols, and cookies, and then celebrate her birthday with presents and cake.
    This gives her, her special day and kicks off the holidays each year.

  3. Eileen Maher says:

    My favourite tradition is making Christmas cookies using my mom’s recipes…first with my two sons, and now with my Grandson !!!

  4. Denise Lamothe Yale says:

    My favorite tradition is everyone gets matching pjs on Christmas Eve! I started with my kids and now continues with my grandchildren!

  5. Janet Tucker says:

    Spending a day with my Mom and sister making my grandmother’s 7-layer cake dessert. Great laughs and cherished memories.

  6. Diane M Wantaja says:

    We buy all the 22 grandkids pjs and take pictures. The ones that live away, open theirs that night too and send pics to us.

  7. Peggy Lynch says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is shopping for the perfect tree at our local farm/nursery. We live in an old farmhouse with very low ceilings so the challenge is to find one that is not much taller than I!

  8. Dorian says:

    Cinammon rolls for breakfast! I make them the night before, set them in the fridge over night, then take them out early on Christmas morning and pop them in the oven. The kids love it of course, and it gives me time to just relax for a few hours first thing on Christmas morning.

  9. Vickie Bell says:

    Each year the holidays are so busy that it is hard to arrange a time to celebrate that everyone can make so we have been doing a Christmas Eve lunch for the last several years that has worked out well. This leaves everyone time to visit with other family members( mostly in-laws!) on Christmas Eve/Day. Also we usually have a light soup & salad menu and cookies,lots of Christmas cookies.

  10. Elise SansSouci says:

    We always have a Tex Mex buffet for Christmas Eve and it’s so fun to make it as well as to eat it.

  11. Janet Richardson says:

    I love our family dinner on Christmas Eve followed by our evening church service.

  12. Julie Averill says:

    My husband and I always go and cut down a live Christmas tree.

  13. Judy Chastain says:

    Ours is a new tradition after moving from NYS to FL and now in Mississippi, we miss Christmas with our grown children and grandchildren. One of our sons has been able to make the trip to MS right after Christmas twice with our sweet DIL and our grandson and granddaughter. We’ve had a great time cooking and feasting and just being together.

  14. Teresa Alcántara says:

    My favourite christmas tradition is bake lots of gingerbread cookies

  15. lindak21 says:

    Our family loves to find the perfect live tree, the more kids home the better, the snowier the better. Even if the tree is a “Charlie Brown” tree, we always have so much fun!

  16. My favorite tradition is Thanksgiving evening all the grandkids decorate the Christmas Tree and decorate Christmas cookies. Lots of happenings and excitement is wonderful.

  17. Laura Smith says:

    We get scratch tickets in our stockings. It’s fun seeing if anyone wins.

  18. Cathy Smith says:

    Swedish Tea ring for breakfast.

  19. Tracie says:

    Singing Christmas carols with my family

  20. Andrea Hickman says:

    Christmas eve candlelight service followed by Christmas lights driving tour! My kids would be upset if we missed either one.

  21. Gail says:

    My mom is from England so one of our favorite Christmas traditions is pulling apart a Christmas Cracker before our breakfast that is filled with a paper crown, a joke, and a small gadget. We all look pretty silly with our paper crowns eating breakfast.

  22. Betsy Lewis says:

    Every Christmas we set the table and use the same name plates year after year. It’s funny that we still use them since everyone already knows where they

  23. MK says:

    Midnight Mass has always made me truly feel Christmas is here. I love the family gathering, but Mass really brings it all home for me.

  24. We have no special traditions per se, We just love spending the time in our home with the little ones, eating and drinking coffees, teas, cocoas and ciders.

  25. Tina Bellotti says:

    Gathering Christmas Eve for pizza and reminiscing then picking out one gift to open on the eve. Our family also each make at least one ornament for the tree as a family keepsake for years to come…we’ve done this 29 years since my husband and I were engaged. Now that the kids are older we’ll have to swap or make extras to share for their trees. Makes the tree trimming an extra special event.
    P.S. love your gingham quilt….was looking to make one too.

  26. Sharon Sommers says:

    Christmas Eve hot chocolate bar, made complete with peppermint schnapps for the adults! Yum yum!

  27. carolyn says:

    My favorite tradition is Christmas Eve mass with my husband. The kids used to be with us, but now that they’re grown only my daughter and her husband join us and hopefully this year they will bring our newborn granddaughter, our first grandchild!

  28. Gwen says:

    Children’s mass on Christmas Eve. The kids dress up like characters in the nativity.

  29. Nicki says:

    Our family buys each child an ornament depicting something special from that year like a trip or new activity. Then when the kids grow up they have a wonderful ornament collection for their own Christmas trees.

  30. My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my kids and now my Grandkids! Seeing their faces when we turn out the lights and light the tree is magical.

  31. We’ve hosted our family for Christmas dinner for most of our married life and it’s a tradition we enjoy immensely! I get to see my niece and nephews and visit with them and enjoy their kids too!

  32. Danette says:

    One of our traditions is visiting our friends around Christmas time. We don’t get to see them too often in Winter months so it works out well. Thank you,

  33. Brenda seth says:

    Our family’s tradition is “the book fairy”. Every Christmas the book fairy leaves a book for each member of our family. Reading is so important and this is a fun way to foster that skill. Even those who aren’t avid readers, look forward to what the book fairy left for them under the tree!

  34. Katherine Gorman says:

    I have two traditions that I love. Since Christmas is not far behind Thanksgiving, instead of doing a traditional dinner all over again, we do Christmas enchiladas!
    We also get our kids 3 main gifts each year, representative of the 3 gifts the wise men gave to Jesus.

  35. Bethany says:

    Every Christmas, I make my grandmother’s dressing to go with our Christmas dinner – my mother passed the recipe down to me – three generations of a special tradition!

  36. kris says:

    Our family gets together on Christmas eve after church for food and fun games.

  37. Dayna Driscoll says:

    All through the years we’ve acted our the nativity on Christmas Eve-first with our children now with our grandchildren. I’ve saved robes and made a few costumes-we all sing the Christmas hymns, my sweetest memories.

  38. Linda says:

    For the last 14 years my quilting group of 9 has met just before Christmas and celebrate with small gifts and loads of fun playing games and sharing horderves. It’s a night of laughter and sharing with my sisters that love to quilt.

  39. Martha Davis says:

    Christmas morning we fire up the fireplace, have decadent french toast and mimosas, open presents, and “waste” the day in Christmas movies!

  40. donnalevesque says:

    Yummy breakfast! Kids open 1 present Christmas Eve..

  41. Elaine says:

    When our children were little, on Christmas Eve, I would make dough for Christmas rolls, refrigerate overnight and bake the next morning.

  42. Carolyn Sands says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is buying a new ornament each year for our grandsons. We sign and date the ornaments for them as well.

  43. Carol says:

    About 5 years ago we started taking a family photo on Christmas Eve. I think this is my favorite thing we have ever done. We just do it with a timer on someone’s phone. I look at them often.

  44. Lu says:

    Making a birthday cake for Jesus and singing happy birthday to our Savior is my most favorite event each year.

  45. pdhill2 says:

    I have made several Christmas quilts and wall hangings that I enjoy displaying.

  46. Laura Baumgardner says:

    Every year we go as a blended family to get our Christmas trees. It helps our daughter so that she doesn’t have so do the same task twice and we make it a fun day walking thru the miles and miles of trees to find that perfect one.

  47. Madeline says:

    After Christmas Eve Mass, we enjoy homemake cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate topped with a dollop of whipped cream.

  48. Madeline says:

    After Christmas Eve Mass, we enjoy homemade cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate topped with a dollop of whipped cream.

  49. Becky Avers says:

    We have our Christmas Eve service at a park in a neighborhood. We live in Texas and can usually pull this off. I take all of my Christmas quilts and lay them over the picnic tables. We have about 3 families that participate. About 20 people or so. Everyone takes part in the service. A relatively new tradition, yet I see a long future of this one ahead of us!

  50. Susan says:

    A favorite tradition in our family is stockings on Christmas morning. Then we always have raspberry cream cheese coffee cake for breakfast and grill steaks for lunch.

  51. my favorite christmas tradition is decorating the tree with my husband. 🙂

  52. Joanne Moore says:

    So many special recipes, memorable ornaments, receiving lovely photo Christmas cards, the always fun Christmas party with my quilt gals, the smell of the Christmas tree in the house all culminated with Christmas eve mass and gifts Christmas morning…oh and the sountrack to Charlie Brown Christmas!!!!!!..just could not pick one thing!

  53. Laurene Stevens says:

    My favorite Christmas memory is when I bought a bunch of hams and we secretly left them on doorsteps of families in our church who needed them, but it was tricky because we wanted them to be home when we rang the doorbell and ran! I have 9 children 5 girls and 4 boys and the boys volunteered, they almost got caught a few times and one had to wait in the bushes for quite some time in the cold! We thought we were had! when we got home we all laughed and felt good about being able to surprise them!

  54. Clara says:

    The first item out of the box when decorating is a ceramic Christmas tree that my mother made for us in 1982. We flip the switch to light it up and listen to carols while we continue to decorate. Love your Merry Christmas Gingham quilt which may also make a good tablecloth.

  55. Julie says:

    Christmas Eve attending church and watching the Children’s program. Then after adults receive oranges and apples while the children receive paper bags of candy and a fruit. We normally go home and open gifts with our older children’s and their families.

  56. Audrey Neufeld says:

    My favourite Chrustnas tradition is decorating the tree. Most of our decorations are homemade and gifts so there are lots of memories. Turning on the lights on for the first time is pure magic. Thanks for offering a giveaway. Your Merry Christmas Gingham quilt is spectacular..

  57. Deb S. says:

    We always have orange rolls on Christmas morning before opening gifts. Also, the youngest kid/person there is tasked with passing out all the gifts to everyone.

  58. debby says:

    Taking each ornament out of the box and remembering all the times it has been placed upon the tree, where it came from or who made it, and then stepping back once the tree is finished and reflecting on all that has changed in the last year.

  59. barbara says:

    When a member of our family moved away, every Christmas Eve other members gather at my house and we sing a Christmas carol and record it to send to her. She looks forward to it every year.

  60. Susan Stanton says:

    Our favorite family tradition is to see the National Christmas tree in front of the White House on Christmas Day around 4 pm when it is lit! The grandchildren love watching the small-scale trains travel along the tracks at the base of the tree.

  61. sherrill says:

    When we had more family visiting for the holidays, our tradition was always to have a Christmas themed jigsaw puzzle out for everyone to work on.

  62. Laurie Vottero says:

    One of our traditions is to make peanut brittle and toffee butter crunch from my mom’s recipes!

  63. Lisa Marie says:

    We like baking lots of Christmas cookies and delivering them to family and friends.

  64. Anita Monery says:

    I love to bake Christmas cookies to give as gifts to neighbors and friends. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of this fun book.

  65. Dana Bartlett says:

    We do a secret Santa every year where we get bottles of sparkling cider and a gift card and leave it at the door of a few specially-picked people. Then we knock on the door and run! Our kids think it is great 🙂

  66. Jane says:

    Now that our children are grown and married, or live far away, we celebrate whenever we can all be together — usually one day the week after Christmas. Our tradition is a wonderful Swedish meal including Swedish meatballs, rice pudding and potato sausage ordered from a Swedish butcher in the Midwest!

  67. Kathy E. says:

    It’s Christmas music that I love the most. I sing in a local large choir and we have concerts, plus I play holiday music in my home, my car and always in my head! I love gingham too!

  68. Hildy says:

    Baking cookies is by far my most favorite tradition. And of course, eating them;-)

  69. Ruth Collins says:

    One of our traditions starts with a story of my moms first Christmas as a mom. She and my dad were poor and not sure they could afford a tree and decorations. On Christmas Eve they were out and about and spotted a tree stand offering 50%. My Mom was excited. They were able to afford a sweet little tree. Even without decorations the tree was beautiful. Then my Mom followed a hunch and found boxes of delicate glass balls for sale. She and my dad had managed to get a Christmas tree for their family’s first Christmas. My sister at 6 months was crawling and loved the bright colored glass balls. Unfortunately this meant pulling down the small tree over and over. By Christmas afternoon there remained 3 of the 24 glass balls left. Since this Christmas my Mom started our tradition of only putting homemade ornaments on the tree. I continued this tradition and on my first Christmas Tree as a new Mom there were several crocheted, sewn and cardboard with glitter ornaments. And ever year I get excited in the Fall to design new ornaments.

  70. Marie Eddins says:

    Once the family meal is consumed we gather around the cleared table to play a game of some kind. It has varied over the years, but it’s always a lot of fun!


    Simply going to our parents to spend the night and next day cooking and waiting for all the family to arrive. Played card games and Daddy had a pool table that was all in use whether to play pool or for Mom using it to lay out her newest quilt projects throughout the year. Always the best time!

  72. Brenda says:

    We always drive around and look at Christmas lights sometime during the season. Our kids are now in their 20’s, but they still want to go each year!

  73. Beth Simone says:

    In the oldest of 6 kids, all grown with our own kids and not quite to grandkids yet. Long ago, we started meeting for thanksgiving at various locations. Once our kids all came along we started celebrating Christmas the day after thanksgiving, since we all lived apart and usually spend the actual Christmas holidays with inlaws. Now whoever hosts “Christmas”, decorated the house, gets a tree and goes into full holiday mode. It’s an incredibly busy weekend but lots of fun.

  74. Jan Anthony says:

    I really look forward to making candies and cookies. My only sister and I always decide what each will make for the family gathering before we start making and baking, so there’s a wonderful variety.

  75. Audrey says:

    We go to Mass on Christmas Eve and then are treated to a light dinner, and ample time to relax at my daughter’s home. Christmas Day gets hectic with all four kids and their families joining us for the day!

  76. Janis T says:

    I love finding my tree in the forested mountains, sharing hot chocolate and cookies with my family then going home and decorating it! I’ll get up in the middle of the nights to enjoy the fresh smell and colorful lights.

  77. mred94625 says:

    Every year, on Christmas Eve, my Ma would read the Christmas story from Luke. We all sat mesmerized, as she acted out the story, adding the animals, voices, and creating the scene with her words…She died in April of 2016, so now the tradition has passed to me to do. I try to do it the way she did, but it isn’t the same…….but the kids and grandkids enjoy it… And I continue.

  78. Celia says:

    My very favorite is attending Christmas Eve services!

  79. Cheryl says:

    Making Dutch Baby Pancakes on Christmas morning.

  80. Kathryn Laposata says:

    I love making cookies with my daughter.

  81. Pattie Crum says:

    Christmas day is the only time our whole family gets together so everyone comes to my house and we have a big dinner and exchange gifts and just spend the day together.

  82. Becky Gibbs says:

    We all get together to have chili. Each family group brings their rendition of chili. Lots of fun comparing notes.

  83. Julia Plunkett says:

    Hands down my favorite tradition growing up was my Mom’s spritz cookies. I can make them but for some reason they’re not as good as my Moms.

  84. Elaine says:

    Just getting together with family is what i love about the holidays

  85. Cathy Hawkins says:

    We have Christmas night meal at my house, because there is always so much going on everywhere. We go to Church, and just end the evening with our family (Our precious Grandchildren)!

  86. Joan Figlar says:

    One of my favorite traditions is to have the head of the house come around the dinner table on Christmas Eve and “bless” our far heads with honey….to keep us sweet all next year.

  87. Stacy Lindblom says:

    My very favorite thing is getting out all the holiday decorations and putting up the tree. I love looking at the tree lights!

  88. Terrie says:

    loving this new book as I am a big lover of christmas. Advent calendars are my favorite christmas tradition !!

  89. Helen says:

    I could write a book on Christmas, love the decorating all done by Dec 1 st, smell of cloves, cinnamon, fir tree, baking with kiddos, carols, advent calanders, making gifts love it all

  90. Gail says:

    I love hosting an open house at our house following the Christmas Eve service at our church.

  91. Dorothy says:

    Before gifts are given out, a story is read that helps to remind us how blessed we were as a family and bring us back to the reason for the season.

  92. Doris stclair says:

    Going to church Christmas eve, coming home putting baby Jesus in the nativity, then opening 1 gift and off to bed.

  93. Renee Grandinetti says:

    One of our favorite traditions is hosting a large gathering of friends and family on Christmas Eve.

  94. Stephanie W. says:

    Christmas Eve dinner with my Mom and my brother’s family. Followed by Christmas PJs for the kids and nephews from our dog, Cracker Jacks.

  95. Susan Allen says:

    I love decorating. I have at least 6 trees of various sizes and themes. Playing Christmas music all the while I’m decorating.

  96. Julie Lee says:

    Favorite Christmas tradition is making Christmas cookies with the grandkids then later going to Midnight Candelight Mass with my adult children!

  97. Sue says:

    We always read twas the night before Christmas and then the Christmas Story in the Bible on Christmas eve.

  98. Mel says:

    Every year, my mother buys each of us an ornament for our collection to open over the Thanksgiving holiday, when we put up our tree. For me, it’s always an angel, my husband gets elves, my daughter gets fairies and my sons get an ornament that represents their life for that year. This was a tradition that her mother, my grandmother, started, and she has continued to this day. And eventually, I will continue it when it is my time to do the same.

  99. Heather Johnson says:

    Growing up, we lived away from family. Since it was just my parents, my brother, and myself, we liked to stretch out the Christmas fun. We would take turns opening our gifts, one at a time and rotating from youngest to oldest. I loved how it forced us to slow down, enjoy the moment, & admire and exclaim over gifts. One of my most favorite memories of growing up!

  100. Christi says:

    It’s baking cookies for me. My daughter drives up from Florida and the two of us plus 3 grandsons bake 100’s of cookies. It’s all fun in this house.

  101. Susan Shaw says:

    I loved that no matter how old we got, we still hung socks for Santa to fill. There always a special surprise in the toe of the sock. It might be a ring or a necklace. It was always a special treat, especially when Santa was poor.

  102. Anne Dawson says:

    We have brunch on the beach which is very relaxing and sooo much fun. It is summer here

  103. Janice Mc Laren says:

    My family has a white elephant gift exchange. The best one to date is the pair of red long johns ( with a button up flap on the butt) my sister received from an uncle! Hilarious!

  104. annette ellis says:

    I love my family’s traditation of always getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve, so we could look pretty in our Christmas Day pictures.

  105. Tracey H says:

    Merry Gingham is so pretty! I’d love to make it one day. Lefse is my favourite Christmas tradition. My grandma used to make it, but she’s passed away so I’ve been trying to take that over. I’m learning, but definitely getting better at it! Thanks for this chance.

  106. Juri says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is at our family Christmas party. Each year my mom would choose a book and read it at the party – each family would receive a copy of that book to add to our collection. My mom has now passed away, but my dad has carried on the tradition.

  107. Jan Taylor says:

    Our family tradition is our dinner on Christmas Eve. My mom always cooked a Prime Rib, pontsetta salad, home made biscuits, and oh so much more. We were so stuffed we would go to bed early so Santa would come. I have done the same since I now have children. It is wonderful to keep family traditions going on… since both my parents have passed it is even more meaningful. Make Christmas Merry I always say. 😘

  108. Stephanie says:

    My favorite tradition is reading holiday books with my kiddos!

  109. Cecilia says:

    My favorite tradition is baking cookies first with my children and now with my grandchildren.

  110. Paula says:

    My favorite memory of Christmas is making home made candy with my mother and grandmother. This will be the first year both are gone. I plan to carry on the tradition with my girls!

  111. Jennifer Anderson says:

    Advent calendars, baking & the decorations 🙂 I need a Christmas quilt!

  112. Strphanie Neumann says:

    I love making Christmas Cookies eith my girls! Thanks fir the opportunity Corey!

  113. Jacki D. says:

    Love decorating the tree and all the Christmas music!

  114. Milla says:

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions is our family goes to a Christmas tree farm the day after Thanksgiving to chop down our tree. On our drive home, we decide on a name for our tree. We used to get our trees from a Christmas tree farm, where the owner named each and every tree on his farm after a character in a movie or book, like Stuart Little or Stinky Pete. He would then place a tag on the tree with its name. We loved that he did that. After they sold their farm, we were saddened because we had so many wonderful memories at that special farm, so we decided to continue this fun tradition with each of our trees. I make a special tag with the tree’s name to hang as an ornament, and then, we decorate it, playing Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate. I love starting the Christmas season with my sweet family this way every year.

  115. Candi Payne says:

    We have a family sugar cookie recipe that is the best! Everyone always asks for the recipe and we love the soft moist cookies!

  116. Diane J. says:

    When I was a little girl, when my sister and I woke up on Christmas morning, we weren’t allowed to go downstairs to open presents right away. We had to wait until our parents went down & turned the trees lights on. Then we would race down the stairs & the opening of gifts began. When I became a mom we carried on this tradition. We still do it this way even though my boys are 16 and 19. I have enjoyed seeing the excitement on their faces as they first see all of the gifts that Santa left for them. I hope my son’s carry on this tradition when they have their own children.

  117. Lynda Eickhoff says:

    My siblings and their families outgrew the limits of anyone’s home years ago but we still have a tradition of getting together to cut our trees. We meet on the first Saturday in December at a local tree farm. Choose our trees and then head back to my sister’s house for brunch. It’s crowded, but we like it that way.

  118. Debbie Cameron says:

    My children decorate the tree while I play old fashioned Christmas music. Then we make handmade ornaments with folded fabric pinned onto a styrofoam ball. They especially look forward to selecting their own fabric kits that I pre-cut for the ornaments.

  119. Cindy Vincent says:

    So nice to hear all the Christmas memories. We used to share many of these ourselves. Seven years ago we started celebrating with the least of these. We’ve evolved to a 3 night stay, warm meals, singing, fellowship. We give them home and family for Christmas. Along with 150 volunteers.

  120. Joyce Comfort says:

    We have lots of family traditions, but my very favorite is the quoting from memory the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2. So fun that the grandchildren can mowcquote it, too.

  121. Amber says:

    We love going to my family’s house for a Christmas Eve dinner and unwrapping gifts!!

  122. Katie E says:

    Singing the Twelve Days if Christmas while we put the corresponding ornaments on the tree.

  123. Michelle Timmons says:

    I love decorating the tree with my two sons and husband!

  124. Esther G says:

    We like to go sledding after lunch on Christmas…it’s usually pretty quiet on the hill 🙂

  125. Chris Day says:

    I love Christmas Eve when Santa comes and has gifts for all in attendance!

  126. Tammy says:

    Every year in December, my mom comes over for the day, and we spent about 8 hours making candy. We make peanut butter cups, homemade caramel dipped in chocolate, chocolate covered mint patties, turtles, various flavors of truffles, mini almond joys, homemade Twix bars, chocolate covered cherries. The last few years, my daughter has joined us, which makes it even more special.

  127. Elaine Hager says:

    We have brunch with our children and grandchildren, open gifts and play games. Love the time spent together.

  128. Cindy Petersen says:

    When my daughter was young, I made a countdown to Christmas wall quilt. Each day, she would insert one of the little quilted blocks into a square and tell me her story about the square. As it does, time passes and her stories got shorter, but we still did the countdown each year. She’s married now with a daughter of her own and has that countdown quilt. Her daughter (my only grand child) loves to play with the little quilted blocks and is fascinated by the countdown process. I love that the tradition of the countdown quilt will continue through them.

  129. Sherry Riggs says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is the matching pajamas for the babies. Then we watch them open their gifts.

  130. Ginny Fisher says:

    When all the kids and grandkids arrive for Christmas Eve dinner and opening gifts

  131. Susie Gill says:

    Cookie Day with friends and family and hundreds of cookies made to keep and share!

  132. Karen Seitz says:

    I love listening to Christmas music all season long. And eating Christmas cookies that other people have made — lol!

  133. Mary Ann Boffey says:

    I give ornaments to each of my nieces, nephews, and grandkids, sometimes homemade!

  134. Nicole says:

    Christmas Eve the whole family gets together and we eat a big German dinner and play games all night and just enjoy each others company.

  135. Glynis says:

    I’m am a gingham nut that quilt would hanging on my wall for the holiday.

  136. Valerie Wills says:

    I still do an advent calender every year, even though my children are grown. They request it!

  137. Julia says:

    Every year, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my mother, her twin sister, myself, and my two girls make 10 lbs. of my family’s Italian cookies. Everyone loves them and we’re lucky if they last until New Year’s Day!

  138. Beth Stanfield says:

    We now celebrate Christmas at New Years with our 4 grown kids and their families. That allows them to have their own Christmas traditions or visit with the other side of their family. We eat, enjoy the 12 grandchildren and love being together- after Christmas but still Christmas!

  139. Tammy says:

    We have a new theme each year now and costumes and play games suited has become alot fun as all our kids are grown now, we dont have littles to enjoy yet. But this has been a fun ,bonding experience with them all. And laughs we otherwise wouldnt have. And if its it’s just too hot. We spend it at the beach.

  140. Deb Girotti says:

    Trim the tree party! Looks like a great book!

  141. Kathi says:

    We have fun as a family shopping for the perfect Christmas tree!

  142. Joan Brown says:

    We make Tourtiere pie every Christmas. It is a hamburg, ground pork, potato pie with sage. It is a tradition started from our French Canadian heritage.

  143. Becky says:

    Making our Christmas cookies and last year making stockings for everyone…

  144. Sherry says:

    We all go to the Christmas Eve service and come home to our house for a family “selfie”. Last year we had Santa hats, the year before we had deer antlers. I’m thinking about this years props.

  145. Cathy Watkins says:

    My favourite tradtion is eating Christmas Eve dinner, cornish pasties, by candlelight. We have a Swedish ring of angels that fly in a circle from the heat of the candles underneath, every Christmas Eve of my life, beautiful! thanks for the chance

  146. Sue Mooera says:

    I love making cookies for gifts. I make my Grandma’s peanut butter kiss cookies and I use many of my Mom’s recipes. One of these years – maybe this year! – I’ll try making her peanut brittle and almond rica!

  147. Susan says:

    Making Peanut Butter Bonbons to give as gifts has been our tradition for many years

  148. Lise Saur says:

    I love our dinner at Christmas eve with the family ❤

  149. Maritza Hernandez says:

    Yo misma hago los adornos para mi casa;nada como lo hecho con amor;ademas de ahorrarme unos pesos mis hijos valoran todo lo que hago y la casa se ve hermosa!!!😍😍😍😍

  150. Debi says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is baking – and eating – Christmas cookies. Krumkake is my favorite.

  151. Marcy Henri says:

    I learned to make my Grandma Es’ traditional cardamom bread alongside her the last few Christmas Eves she spent on this Earth. The year my daughter wanted to learn how to make it was a highlight. It is my most cherished family tradition.

  152. Pat says:

    Definitely my favorite tradition is going to Midnight Mass. My kids have bailed on this tradition as they have grown and moved away, and my husband complains every year, but I won’t miss it. The service and the music are just beautiful! ❤️

  153. Pat says:

    Definitely my favorite Christmas tradition is going to Midnight Mass. The liturgy and the music are just beautiful!

  154. Wendy says:

    My family Christmas tradition is we sing songs of the awaiting of the nativity in and outside of the house known as the Posada. We gather all together and sing

  155. Robi Malone says:

    Our favorite thing to do is open stockings before anything else on Christmas morning. My kids are adults now so they make sure to leave zany gifts in everyone’s stocking. It’s a fun tradition that has blossomed as the kids have aged. I can’t wait to see how it changes as the grandkids get older.

  156. Debbie says:

    Gathering with loved ones, holding them close and feeling blessed to share Christmas with them all.

  157. Sarah Sheere says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition, other then watching all the cartoon specials, is driving around to look at all the Christmas lights!

  158. Teresa B says:

    One of my favorites is putting out nativity sets collected over the years! From a distance, the red part of your quilt reminds me of the plastic tablecloths that you might find in an old cafe. Looking closely, those little flowers in your pretty Christmas quilt are darling…no where near a plastic tablecloth!!! 😉

  159. Elizabeth McHam says:

    What a darling quilt! Favorite Christmas tradition is the candlelight Christmas Eve service followed by a delicious dinner with family!

  160. Kristin says:

    I grew up making cookies with my mom and grandma. I still make them to this day!

  161. Danielle says:

    My favorite christmas tradition is going to crest ranch in ben lomand California. Our family has been Christmas tree hunting there for 28 years!

  162. Linda Cated says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is making ornaments together after our meal. We could use this book!

  163. Becky Sneeringer says:

    my favorite tradition is making cut out cookies with my neices and nephews, then my daughter, followed by my great neices and now my grandchildren.

  164. Mary Beth Rucker says:

    My mom and I always made a Buche de Noel (yule log) for Christmas dessert. After my mom passed away, my son decided that he and I needed to restore the tradition. And so, we bake it together!

  165. Karen Rodriguez says:

    When my daughters were little we would all dress in red plaid pajamas and visit friends and neighbors delivering Christmas cookies. Now, we bring along my toddler grandson in his red plaid pajamas.

  166. Paige says:

    One of our favorite traditions when our kids were little was my husband would dress up as Santa. We would video him “popping” out of the chimney then placing each package around the tree. He would eat the cookies and drink the milk and leave the kids with a special message- to continue to love and be sweet to each other, to make good grades and study hard, etc.. Christmas morning we would watch Santa on our “hidden” video camera. The kids loved it and of course had to tell all their friends they “caught Santa on video”☺️
    Now that they’re older have said they want do the same with their kids❤️

  167. Britiney says:

    We have so many! There are always puzzles and I make strawberry waffles on Christmas morning.

  168. Britiney says:

    We always do a puzzle and I make strawberry waffles on Christmas morning.

  169. Kim Cundick says:

    We play Christmas Bingo on Christmas Eve. It’s so fun.

  170. Tammy says:

    Favorite tradition is making roll out cookies and decorating them with my family. The funniest was the time my husband put a cast on a gingerbread boy like my son’s broken arm.

  171. Julie Brack says:

    Love going to candlelight Christmas eve service at our Church, singing Silent Night as we light the candles….. gives me goosebumps!

  172. Diane K says:

    Decorating the house for the holiday!

  173. Kim Strickler says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating our Christmas Tree with all our old ornaments that we made and purchased while living abroad and stateside during all our military assignments.

  174. LeAnne K says:

    I love making a gingerbread house each year with my daughters and granddaughter.

  175. Kelly O. says:

    oh Christmas!! How I love thee! My favourite family tradition is a winter sleigh ride on Christmas Eve!

  176. Jacque says:

    My favorite tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner. We live in South Texas (San Antonio) where Mexican food is king – so our dinner is always chili, tamales, and either cornbread or tortillas. Everyone loves it!

  177. Cherilyn says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight. This looks like a beautiful book!

  178. Sandie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition unfortunately no longer takes place. All of my mothers siblings and their children and their children, used to gather on Christmas Eve and have a big potluck dinner and cookie and Christmas ornament exchange.

  179. Amanda Jones says:

    Every year I
    let my kids open one gift early on Christmas eve. Its usually new pajamas and a new book!

  180. Cindy Sudlow says:

    My favorite tradition is my mother’s poppy seed bread and homemade kougan. It’s the bestest!

  181. Lisa Atkinson says:

    Our favorite Christmas tradition is what we call “the turkey drop”. We choose a family that is in need (sometimes it requires a simple prayer to know who that may be) then we drop a frozen turkey on their porch and make a run for it. It is always fun hiding down the street watching the people open their door to a Christmas surprise🎅🏻🍗. Lisa Atkinson

  182. Misty amweg says:

    Decorating sugar cookies with my girls and nephew!

  183. Pernell Harris says:

    Strawberry Crepes for breakfast every Christmas. There was nothing special about the recipe or their ingredients, but I missed this when I moved away and couldn’t make it back home to my mom for Christmas.

  184. Margaret Wong says:

    Wrapping hand made presents for the family

  185. Cheryl Colby says:

    My favorite memory of Christmas is all the cookie baking I did for my family I would start one week before a make cookie trays for my family and friends watching the snow fall a little Christmas music 🎶 and a cup of tea oh an of course my favorite quilt to snuggle up with ❤️peaceful

  186. Callie McDannel Sadik says:

    Being in the mountains…

  187. Nadine says:

    go to the grandparents’ home to decorate the Christmas tree, and every year buy a new deco for girls that adds to the Christmas tree. and suddenly remember each gift of fir … of course fzire gifts houses bags patches for all

  188. Debbie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is the day after Thanksgiving. The family goes for a hike in the forest and spends the day picking out a Christmas tree and chopping it down to take home.

  189. Liz Littlejohn says:

    Christmas Eve the whole family gathers together we eat, play games, and later we take a drive to see all the Christmas lights and decorations around town. Family time is the best.

  190. Gail Johnson says:

    Our family opens stockings together that mom knitted for everyone after the other gifts are opened.

  191. Tanisha says:

    My families favorite Christmas tradition is when we all gather in the kitchen, listen to holiday music and paint/decorate Christmas tree ornaments for that year. Each year our ornament reflects on a event that has happened throughout the year. Ex: My son got a new puppy recently so I’m sure his ornament will have something to do with puppy Asia. We just love this tradition and look forward to it every year.

  192. Mary Jane says:

    Christmas Eve dinner with all our friends is a long time tradition. We have a ball and the children’s excitement is contagious. Long time friends are just like family, it’s a beautiful time.

  193. Sheri says:

    My favorite tradition is sitting in the quiet with hot cocoa with the Christmas lights on only just reflecting in the quiet on the past year of adventures

  194. Dorothy G says:

    Early Christmas morning, I gather with my husband, kids and furry babies. We have spiced tea and muffins and I get to enjoy just them for about an hour before hustle and bustle of extended family and friends begins again. For our family, that starts 2 days before Christmas and lasts through boxing day.

  195. Lisa Ann says:

    I love holiday baking!!! 🍪

  196. Kim F. says:

    I love decorating the tree on the Friday after Thanksgiving with any one else that hates Black Friday shopping.

  197. Susan Du says:

    It was always new pj’s for every member of the family plus holiday baking starting after Thanksgiving.

  198. Andrea W. says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is to take a picture in the front of the Christmas tree with my family🎄👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

  199. My favorite tradition is singing “Silent Night” at the Christmas Eve service, holding a candle while the lights in the church are dimmed.

  200. Lilian says:

    Watching grandchild opening Christmas presents on Christmas morning

  201. Cathie says:

    Mine would have to be making chocolate chip pumpkin bread with my granddaughter. It brings back memories of her mom and me spending time make this special bread for many, many years.

  202. Caroline says:

    We still use the sant sacks I made when they were babies even though they are in their twenties!

  203. Susie says:

    Our family tradition is my rum cake. It start many years ago when I didn’t know anything about the proof on the label. I used 151 and it’s been a hit ever since.

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