Party Time!

So, my oldest daughter is turning 5 next Thursday, a week from today.  I can hardly believe that she is almost 5.  I remember when she was born I prayed that the first year would go quickly–she was not a good baby to say the least.  My hubby asked if we could return her for a quieter model–LOL!  I remember the last night we were in the hospital, the nurses brought her in for me to feed her and they commented that she had slept really good–almost 1.5 hours–that was the longest stretch she had slept in 3 days–they called her “screaming Chloe” in the hospital.  And so it began…oh can I tell you stories about that one. =)
Anyhoo, next week, on her birthday, Chloe gets to take a little treat for all of her buddies in her preschool class.  I’ve been busy sewing up these little bags for her treat bags. 
I purchased the plain bags from The Oriental Trading Company along with some little goodies(mini dominoes & fishie tattoos–also some glow bracelets from Amazon).  I added the little personalized tags to the bags for each of the kids using some leftover denim scraps that I had as well as bits of fabric.
And voila–cute, inexpensive personalized goodie bags.  Chloe has a small preschool class of 10 kids so this was a quick fun little project.  I need to pick up some little candy bars or something to toss in with the other things and then Chloe will be all set. =)

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6 Responses

  1. Sandra says:

    What a cute idea and well done those goodie bags! And I can tell you about an other girl like yours…never slept more than 30 minutes during the day and every night for her first 2 years she waked up 4-5 times…goodness I`m glad this is over too!! ( She is 6 now :))

  2. shelia says:

    LOL..Has a 6 year old daughter that was the same way.. when we talk about her baby years we breath a sigh of relief that we made it. 🙂
    We were sitting in the living room one night when she was six weeks old and my husband said Oh god she's asleep and we are watching tv…short lived but now funny to think about!

    CUTE bags! Hope she has a great birthday. btw can't wait to see your pinwheel top!!

  3. Barb says:

    What cute bags! I'm so impressed with all that work.

  4. Jo says:

    They look great! I can't wait for my little boy to start having 'proper' parties (i.e. with friends rather than all the grandparents).

  5. Carmen Rigby says:

    So funny, must have been the tide or something around 2004 my 5 year old son was such a screamer my oh my…he was our fourth and FINAL. The other 3 were so easy compared to him. I'm sure we'd have hours and hours of stories to swap!

    Just found your blog thru "The Pillow Talk {Swap}" flickr group.

    So I'm wondering, what you are going to use your teeny hexs for? Someone told me that it was impossible to make hexs smaller than 1 inch…ha! You sure proved them wrong! 😀

  6. Little Miss Shabby says:

    Man, that was a rough year(s) for many of us! So, glad that time frame is in the past–maybe sometime I'll be able to look back fondly but, that hasn't happened yet–maybe once I'm older and my memory is going! LOL!!

    Carmen–I'm just getting ready to blog about my little minis so be sure to stop back soon!! And definitely not impossible to make these little guys–addictive…yes! =)

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