Heaven’s to Betsy–not another one!! =0)

Another quilting bee…that brings my total to 7..ack!  I justified it with the fact that several of them will be ending within the next 2 months & plus this new one is pretty cool.  A Quilting Journey Round Robin Bee works this way:  Each person of the 21 members in the group design their own starter block & send it along with a journal to the first person.  That person then designs a coordinating block & writes a little something in the journal and sends the whole kit and kaboodle to the next person.  This continues on throughout the whole circle of people until all of your quilt blocks and your journal make their way back to you.  It’s a giant game of quilt “telephone”(remember that whispering game you played as a kid?)–each person having one block/journal at a time and passing it along to the next when finished.  My blocks will have traveled around the world by the time they get back to me.  Pretty cool, right?
Here is the block that I decided on for my starter block.  It’s constructed log cabin style–I just started with a different shaped center. 
I wanted something simple yet eye catching that showcased a lot of different fabrics. Most of the coordinating fabrics will be supplied from within each person’s own stash of fabric. Each of the blocks I receive back will have the multi colored polka dot in there somewhere.
And here is the coordinating journal:

I used this Moda Bake Shop Journal Cover Tutorial but I modified it slightly.
My package will be on it’s way to the first person tommorrow & we’ll see what happens from there.  I should have my first package from this bee arriving soon.  I think it’s a Mariner’s Compass block–more paper piecing–hopefully no sewing thru my finger on this one. =)

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3 Responses

  1. a good yarn says:

    Seven's a lucky number right? The block and journal are terrific! Ann 🙂

  2. That Girl says:

    How fun! I love your colors and the block design.

    Jennifer 🙂

  3. Angela says:

    super cute journal cover! I'll have to try that!

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