Peachy Keen is Shipping! [Matching Moda Bella Solids]

I got word that Peachy Keen has started shipping to quilt shops!  I’ve also heard from many of you that your Peachy Keen precuts have started arriving to you.  I hadn’t yet shared the matching Peachy Keen Bella solids, so here they are…of course we had a special guest visitor stop by. =)

Why hello there Tiggsy!…how unexpected of you to show up just after I got all of my pretty fabrics laid out. LOL =)

Yup, they seem to meet your “sprawl across them” seal of approval.  Not a care in the world that I had finally gotten that circle all “mostly” symmetrical and “mostly” evenly spaced.  Those silly fabric circles don’t look like they would take as long to lay out as they always do!

Oh that’s purrrfect Tiggs…I’m sure your tail in the middle of the picture is very helpful….at least you are moving your way out of the photo!

You almost got all of the way out of the photo…just move a little bit more…

And voila!…a Tiggs free photo with only minor circle straightening and fabric brushing off (looks like I missed a little piece of mulch on that one green print!) from some little wet paws. =)

He hadn’t shown up the last couple of times we took photos so I imagine he was due to make another appearance on the blog.  He always has to be the center of attention! LOL

Moving along to those Moda Bella Solid names/numbers….

From top to bottom they are as follows:

  1. 9900-227 Cobalt
  2. 9900-25 30s Blue
  3. 9900-63 Light Blue
  4. 9900-147 Coral
  5. 9900-297 Peach Blossom
  6. 9900-88 Bubble Gum
  7. 9900-344 Fern
  8. 9900-83 Gray
  9. Not pictured 9900-200 Off-White is always the white solid that will match my collections.  Additionally the white on white print in Peachy Keen is that little basic print you see in the right column, 4th print down from the top (medium blue with little squares/diamonds).  Also, any of the Coriander Seeds white on white line of fabrics will also match.

I hope this information helps you with your fabric shopping and fabric matching.  You can always find the Bella Solid matches to any of my fabric lines under the “Bella Solids Matching Information” at the top of my blog.  Thanks so much for stopping by! Corey

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37 Responses

  1. Charlene says:

    I have bugged my local quilt store about Peachy Keen. They are stashing me a fat quarter bundle and I hope I get a little yardage. It seems like an eternity before it gets here. Super excited.

  2. Terri says:

    If the day comes and you are tired of Tiggs getting in your way, Tiggs would have a happy home with me. lol I live alone now but had many cats at the farm back in the day and miss every one of them. Along with the horses and chickens. Love seeing Tiggs in your pictures.


    • Corey says:

      It’s so funny to me when he shows up for these pictures…it’s almost like he can smell the fabric and just has to mosey on over. =) We really get attached to our animal friends, don’t we!

  3. Anita Kendall says:

    Gorgeous!! And knowing how fabrics will coordinate with handsome cats is vital. Tiggs knows this.

  4. Michelle Combs says:

    I got such a good laugh out of this post and Tiggsy’s antics! It’s very generous of him to lend his cuteness to your photos =) My Peachy Keen order is on the way — so excited!!

  5. Lianne says:

    Even my husband asks what’s new with Tiggs so I had to share these pictures with him. lol. Peachy Keen is a winner! 🏆

  6. Donna says:

    I think Tiggs is trying to say “It would be Peachy Keen with me if you made me a bed in this fabric”. LOL

  7. Jan Lewis says:

    I love Peachy Keen and Tiggs’ coloring is purrfect with it. Is there a Bella solid that matches him? 😁

  8. Hi Corey.
    Thanks for info re Bella solids.
    Please could you match your collections to GRUNGE for us, I would really appreciate that
    Many thanks
    Fabric Treasure

  9. Carolyn French says:

    Tiggs just brings a smile on my face. I use to have one marked just like Tiggs. Just makes the fabric shine even more.

  10. Sharon Starr says:

    My fat quarter bundle should be delivered today! Can’t wait!

  11. Janet says:

    Another beautiful line!!!! Love that you included the Bella Solids that match. Thank you for your posts. They are so enjoyable to read and of course, they wouldn’t be complete without Tiggs in them. Cats are soooo funny!

  12. Maureen says:

    Beautiful fabrics and darling cat!

  13. Denise says:

    It’s my quilt Mom. Was just double checking the comfort level.

  14. Marilyn Stein says:

    Thanks for posting the Bella coordinates-my Peachy Keen is due to arrive today or tomorrow-can’t wait! Tigges looks much like my farm cats😊

  15. Debbie Ingram says:

    Thank you Tiggs for checking Mom’s work! And great job positioning your fluffy tail exactly in the center of the circle. LOL. I’m looking forward to receiving Peachy Keen.

  16. Sandi Silvestri says:

    My fat quarter bundle was supposed to arrive today. According to my USPS tracking info Peachy decided to take the scenic route. Doesn’t Prachy know I’m so excited to meet her? 🥰

    • Sandi Silvestri says:

      Oops, just got a tracking update. It’s in Lancaster, PA, 45 minutes from me. It’s now scheduled for tomorrow, yay. I bet Tiggs read the mail carrier the riot act 🐕❤️

  17. michelesews says:

    Our kitties instinctively know who is in charge. It’s not the human. I love your Peachy Keen collection. Those colors really speak to me.

  18. Leticia Janssens says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful new line of fabric. It’s gorgeous. I love all of your fabric. I don’t even mind your little tiggs sharing the spotlight. I also have a little cat that looks just like him, his name is Jake (like from State Farm). He is constantly climbing on quilts and/or fabric where he knows he’s not wanted. I don’t mind too much, he’s just wanting chinny scratches. 😉

  19. Robyn Carpenter says:

    I too like everyone have been waiting on Peachy Keen.   You created the most beautiful fabric colors and patterns in this collection.   With the Moda Solids there are so many options for design.   Thank you!

  20. pjn0524 says:

    My fat quarter bundle of Peachy Keen will be winging my way soon, I hope! I always enjoy seeing Tiggs; he reminds me of both our boy Angus who we lost several years ago, and of our daughter’s boy Alwyn, who is a big orange and white ball of trouble. I am going to have to check out those Moda Bella solids, too. Some of my favorites are in there!

  21. Alice says:

    Beautiful fabric design as always! 

  22. Not only do I ALWAYS love to see Tiggs but his question mark tail in the center of the circle is just the perfect picture!! <3 Are you sure you didn't stage him there HAHA

    I just wanted to say thank you for always making one of these Bella Solids info posts *AND* for updating the generic post at
    "" (erasing the linkiness so it won't make the comment need moderation) since I did a search of your blog and found that post first–and was delighted to see you had updated it to add links at the bottom each time you added another fabric line. You're so diligent about providing us with the info we need, Corey, thank you!

    I was adding more Bella Solids to my FQS cart and thought the 30s blue was totally wrong (could be a typo on the FQS web site since they have/update hundreds of HTML links daily) but thanks to you and your Tiggsy mulched pictures, I had confirmation 🙂 I'm so excited to get my Peachy Keen! No clue what I'll decide to make but I have a tote ready for it so it will stay clean and safe even though I lack the ability to add free cat hair to every quilt right now.


  23. Karen S. Burgoon says:

    Recommend a pattern for peachy keen? I got the layer cake and yardage, so excited.

  24. Eileen vaught says:

    I love love love that I can always find a Bella solid that you picked to go with whatever collection. This is such a help to me Thank you!

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