Quarter Square Triangle Tutorial

We make so many quarter square triangle blocks in quilt making!

In fact, if you are participating in either the Bountiful Charity quilt along, or the Sewcialites quilt along, you’ve made several over the last couple weeks.  We used them in our Bountiful basket block:

Quarter Square Triangle blocks used for the Ohio Star block

Last week we made this cute little block for Sewcialites that featured a quarter square triangle center:

Quarter Square Triangle block center

And the week before, we made 3 quarter square triangles for this block:

Quarter square triangles are definitely a building block in many quilt blocks.

Today, I am sharing my favorite way to piece these blocks in my latest YouTube video.  You can catch the video here.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Corey

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6 Responses

  1. Sharlene Andoe says:

    Thank you, Corey for sharing this method on making 1/4 square triangles! I always like to see how many different ways there are to make quilt blocks! Looking forward to the next Bountiful block too! Have an AWESOME week!

  2. Lisa says:

    I am looking for a pattern for the last pillow pictured under that title on this blog. It’s a tree with birds in it. Thank you if you can help me.

    • Corey says:

      That was a pattern I created for the Summer 2012 issue of Stitch Craft Create. It’s the magazine pictured with the pillow in the image you saw.

      • Lisa says:

        Thank you. I’m on a Corey roll: stitching Wooly Stars, waiting on the last fabric for my Irish Chain, and have got to sew your pattern from the cakewalk book. Many blessings.

  3. Becky Blackburn says:

    I am making a quilt with Springbrook Blossoms fabric line and I am looking for a Bella Solid that would match that blue in the line. Do you know what Bella Solid blue would be a good match? Thanks!

  4. Barb Tibbetts says:

    I love your youtube videos excellent work you sure kn yr stuff .i tried opening an online store selling hand made babay quilts rag doll and stuffies but no luck and now i have to walk away from it all.My husband has always been the sole supporter .when he got sick in 2016 we lost everything even our house .After many years of despratley trying to get buy the landlord i took over all other rentals because i was assured i could live here forever and now has put the house up for sale.It is a night mare and My husbandd has congenital heart deseise.His main heart valve blow and the doctors took a whole year from a tronto surgen offered to fix him good as new in kn time well lets just say the fix part is a perment stay of the unfixable damage from waiting to long and damage was done .He is legally disabled and can do much but suffer and even that could be helped but kn one can bother to try .Sorry for all my ranting i digress my point is with the situation the way it is now their is no time to sew.it is a shame it is a amazing feelin when i sew .never the less i get that feelin when i watch you sew and i guess it eill have to do because i have no idea where we will find a house to rent neer sarnia ontario cañada.i meean we pay 1800 plus utitlities now so i dont kn how to find something nice safe neighbourhood that i can affors well that my juourney .A friend just told to do ango fund me page.but i havent had much luck i life other than being always surounded by loved ones.Once again i am so sorry for this enormous rate and i was just wondering if someone as together as u could give me any advice
    Oh i watch all yr videos im lookin forward to them.
    Take care
    Too streeed

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