Sew Colorful Giveaway Winner


Sew Colorful Giveaway

Good Morning!–Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway last week.  The winner is…

Jan Lewis

I love teal and brown together!

Congratulations Jan!–I’ve sent you an email. =)

And because a blog post isn’t complete without a pretty quilt picture:

Frances the kitty on my Blockheads 2 quilt

Let me introduce you to the newest member of our family, Frances (we call her Fran). =)  This little bit of fluff was a stray that found us about 3 weeks ago.  She was nothing but skin and bones and so cold.  We brought her in and got her all fixed up–she’s doubled her weight and her little personality is so sweet.  She’s so cuddly and silly.  I never thought we would have a kitty but it seems Fran is here to stay.

Blockheads 2 quilt

She was sitting on my Blockheads 2 quilt in the photo.  Blockheads 2 sampler blocks can be found here.  PS…who is excited for Blockheads 3? =)

Enjoy your Monday!


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24 Responses

  1. Judy Chastain says:

    Fran is adorable, and the quilt is beautiful.

  2. Susan R says:

    Awwww – just in time for the holidays too! She’s sooo cute! Happy Thanksgivingj!

  3. cherriberi1 says:

    Wait..there was a quilt? 🙂 Love the new kitty!

  4. Robin says:

    Congratulations Jan! Fran is so cute!!!

  5. MaryB says:

    Looks like Fran fits right in. She already likes quilts.

  6. Ronna says:

    Love the quilt & congrats to the winner, but think your thanksgiving adoption of Fran is perfect! I have a litter of stray kittens on my patio who seem to love my hospitality & momma knew a soft touch when she decided to deliver here! Too cute for words❤️ Have a very special week

  7. Barbara says:

    She will probably be your quilting cat. My cat loves to be on the sewing room with me.

    • Corey says:

      She loves playing with wonder clips–batting them across the floor. And she also climbed up into my fabric scrap bins. This morning I caught her trying to climb up the shelves where I store my patterns–I just never know what she will try next!

  8. Mabel says:

    Congratulations to Jan👏 That’s a great photo of the quilt an Fran!
    Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🍽 🦃💕🤗

  9. Katie says:

    Oh Fran! You are so adorable and lucky to have found a human that is a quilter! So much goodness is in store for you both and kudos for the rescue!

    • Corey says:

      Isn’t it interesting how many quilters also have such a soft spot for animals. =) We didn’t plan on adding a kitten to our family but we couldn’t leave her or take her to a shelter so into our home she came. =)

  10. Jen says:

    Oh my, she’s precious, thankfully she found you!! She looks just like my little Matilda when I was a kid. Enjoy that precious bundle.
    I love ALL you do, keep up the beautiful work and designing fabrics.

  11. Polly Perkins says:

    Love your Fran. Looks just like my Findlay who is 6 months old. Stray mama dropped off him on the 4th of July. Our humane society took mama and one kitten. Findlay and Frieda would not be caught, so….. I tamed them and they are now inside and a part of our family. By the way, love your blockheads 2 quilt and cannot wait to start blockheads 3. I did my blockheads 2 in browns and teals.

  12. Corey says:

    You’ve got a little stray buddy too–that’s wonderful!

  13. Little Quiltsong says:

    Congrats to Jan for her win of these lovely fabrics. Little Fran looks so sweet on your quilt – love those cute eyes looking up. Beautiful quilt, Corey!

  14. Carol Kuse says:

    Love Fran. She’s not a kitty. She is a quilt sitter so you don’t lose your latest work of art and love.

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