Sharing Some Pie

Ringo Pie that is. =)  Ringo Pie is a quilting bee that I am in & I know you’ve heard me say it before but let me say it again…”the women in this group are amazing!”  This group is forcing me to step way out of my comfort zone.  I finished up my block last week for January–it is Lisa’s month and she has requested doors for her blocks, specifically midcentury doors.  This is the 3rd bee that I have been in with Lisa and the girl’s got some mad taste–so the fact she had such a great idea was no surprise to me. =) 

Here’s the block I came up with–it’s got a little bit of Nicey Jane siding going on and one of those fancy metal doors–you know, the kind that either closes so slowly you think it may never shut or it bonks you on the behind on the way in no matter how quickly you move.  It was a fun month and one that I wasn’t quite so intimidated by– now November, talk about intimidation, it was a dessert theme & talk about some amazing blocks.  I think my little black forest cake block is going to be left on the dessert table LOL!

For February we are making Union Jack blocks which I think will be a lot of fun–it’ll give my brain a bit of time to not have to give so much thought to a block. LOL!  IF you want to check out some of the amazing blocks this group is making pop on over to our flickr group. =)

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14 Responses

  1. Jen says:

    OH! Both blocks are terrific but I love love love your slice of cake. it is fantastic!

  2. traceyjay says:

    for real???

    that door. I can’t get over it. And then there’s the cake!!! (really takes it, kwim?). 😉

    beautiful blocks. Beautiful.

  3. I love the “door” concept. I’ll have to check out her blog!

  4. That bee is just fantastic. I’ve been Flickr-stalking you bee for a little while now, and I am just astounded by the amount of talent you girls have!

  5. Staci says:

    What great blocks! I know those doors! OUCH when they catch your heel!
    Your door is quite welcoming and your Black Forrest Cake looks delish!

  6. Sarah@SewMe says:

    With blocks as beautiful as these you have truly no need to be intimidated – enjoy growing in your own creativity!!

  7. delia says:

    Those blocks are seriously too cute! I love them!

  8. Carol T says:

    The door looks so real when you look at it. Both blocks are really awesome.

  9. Susan says:

    Very clever! I saw Lynne’s (Lily Quilts) also! You’ve done a great job! And your Black Forset Cake, with cherries on top, looks yummy! Well done!

  10. randi says:

    this is great! i love that the block ideas are quite challenging! 🙂

  11. Hope says:

    I love watching what this bee comes up with! Your door and cake are so amazing!

  12. Suzanne says:

    Sounds like a great group of artist…such creative ideas! Stay out of your comfort zone-you are doing wonderful work!

  13. Terriaw says:

    Wow, these blocks look SO fun! I love the textures and dimension they each have. Looks quite fun to make!

  14. Jan says:

    Your blocks are fantastic! The cake looks yummy! And the door looks like it will be opened by a lovely homemaker in an apron! Amazing work!

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