Spell It With Moda



Do you guys ever wake up in the morning and you suddenly want to make something new and totally not on any WIP list or project list you are currently working on?

Well, I got bit with the new project bug on Saturday.  Some of you may have jumped on the Spell it With Moda band wagon earlier this year.  All of those cute little letter quilts and handy free letter patterns–it was hard for me not to dive right in.  But then, Saturday morning, out of the blue–I “needed” to make a little letter mini of my own.

Spell It With Moda

Moda Fabrics has a wonderful Spell it With Fabric pinterest board with links to all of the blog posts that feature the free printable letter patterns.  I printed off Y,O,D,E,R and pulled together a fun mix of scrappy red fabrics and low volume background prints.

Last Name Mini

In about 2 hours, I had a completed “Yoder” mini quilt.  These letters fly together–including cutting time they probably took about 15-20 minutes each.  And with a short last name (so much handier than the “Hershberger” I used to be!) my little quilt came together quickly.

The quilting took a little bit of time–I opted for a one inch cross hatch and finished that part up yesterday afternoon.


Now, all that’s left is to add the binding!  I have wanted a Yoder sign above my kitchen sink for years.  I thought I wanted a wooden sign–but this little quilt was much more cost effective (I had all of the supplies) and just as cute! =)  Can’t wait to get the binding on and hang it in it’s new spot.

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7 Responses

  1. Michele T says:

    Love it!!! What does Yoder mean? I am from Canada and haven’t a clue!

  2. Dolores says:

    It turned out great. What a nice, quick project. I do sometimes have to make something that is not on my ‘to do’ list and it’s usually something that I can complete quickly. As a matter of fact, I just knit a baby hat last night and finished off this morning. It gave me a sense of accomplishment – and something finished.

  3. carol fun says:

    LOL – seems like every project I start lately is no where on my list of things I should do! Love the sign — thinking about a word that would work in my kitchen but would need to make the blocks smaller than the 8 X 10 pattern — oooooohhhh… another fun idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Sigrid Golnik says:

    Just LOVE your sign. You know I have an empty spot above my Kitchener Window. With just 6 letters in our last name – it just might fit. What a great idea!

  5. Christine M says:

    Your mini quilt looks great, Corey.

  6. Brilliant! I’m inspired… 🙂

  7. YAY for Yoder:):) Lovely Mini!! I have been thinking about doing one with the shop name:):) Thanks for showing!!

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