Spring Brook Blossoms Block 1: Larkspur Block

It is release day for the first block of the Spring Brook Blossoms quilt along.  If you’ve missed my previous posts about the quilt along…you can read more about it here.

Block number 1 is the Larkspur block:

The PDF pattern for this block is available here.

Each month we will use the same pattern to make two blocks using different fabrics.  As you read down through the pattern, you will notice I suggest constructing the “flower stem” portion of the block in advance if you’d like to.  This portion of the block is the same each month so you could easily work ahead if you wanted to.

The trickiest part of the piecing each month is going to be when you attach the outside flower petals to the center block.  The seams don’t nest in such a way as to allow us to know by feel that they are matching up.  The way I like to check to see if these are matching is as follows:

In step 7 on the second page, I lay one petal pair unit, right sides together with the block center as you normally would.  Then, I gently fold back my 1/4″ seam allowance and make sure it’s lining up right.  If it is, I will pin in place–if not, I adjust the top petal pair slightly left or right and check again.  You can also finger press your center block in half horizontally and vertically–then you will know where the center seam on the petal pair should fall.

I will do this same sort of checking when I am sewing together the pairs in step 6 as well.  It’s so nice when we can feel if our seams are matching when we place them RST, but sometimes we need to do a little peek test. =)  

Following the pressing instructions will help with getting everything to line up nicely.

The centers of our blocks change each month but the flower petals and flower stems are constructed the same way each month.  If you wanted to get a jump start on your flower petals and work ahead, you certainly could!

You are welcome to request to join my Facebook group if you’d like to see what others are making during this quilt along.  You will find the group here.  Please make sure to read the group rules and answer all of the questions when requesting to join so I can approve you.

And, if you are following along on Instagram, use #springbrookblossomsqalbom to share your progress there.  I post every day on Instagram @corianderquilts ( https://www.instagram.com/corianderquilts/ )

If you want to mark your calendar, the next block will be released on May 17.

Happy Sewing! Corey

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15 Responses

  1. Rachel Louise says:

    So excited to get started. I’ll be sewing along using Sugarcreek. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to do a BOM quilt along.

  2. mje2002 says:

    So cute, Corey! I’m all ready to get going. Thanks for the extra tips!

  3. Joyce Montante says:

    how to print pattern?

  4. Carla says:

    OMG! I am sooo excited about this. Thank you so much for doing this! Carla

  5. Jane Kimberling says:

    Looking forward to this! Corey, I don’t suppose you ever mocked this up in Sunnyside Up? I’ve been hoarding a bunch of fat quarters, but at a loss as to how to place them?

  6. Clara Renken says:

    Hi Corey. I can’t wait to get started. I am sew excited!! Clara

  7. CrusMaria Maldonado says:

    I am a new quilter and I know that some designers starch there fabrics. Did you starch and recommend?

  8. Marcy says:

    Hi, Corey, I’m wondering if there’s any possibility of a blank coloring sheet for this pattern? I love Spring Brook but the colors don’t work in my home & I would like to try out some other fabric options. I have a layer cake & some yardage but I’m having trouble visualizing them.


    This quilt is so out of my normal style but I am quilting along with Sew Becca on YouTube. My gardening friend is going to love it when it’s finished! Thanks for sharing your talents.

  10. Hi Corey. I’m sure Kimberly Jolly did a tutorial on your block 1 of Spring Brook Blossom. Could you provide us with a link to it, since I can’t find it? Thank you!

  11. Darlene L. says:

    Thank you for this beautiful block and taking the time for a free BOM! I absolutely love your Spring Brook collection and bought a yard of every print plus some precuts. This gives me an opportunity to use some of it! You are so sweet and generous to give your time and expertise to us!

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