Summer Slump? {and what to do about it}

Happy Friday and weekend on the way.  Do any of you have a longer weekend with the upcoming holiday?

I wanted to talk a little bit about a creative block, summer slump….whatever you may have heard it called or experienced.  Every creative person no matter who you are has experienced one of these “dry spells”.  And, I’m here to tell you…it is fine!

It’s so easy to get down on yourself about not feeling creative when, by just taking a peek at Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest, it is easy to see how productive everyone around you is being.  You need to know that every one of us has these moments.  It just doesn’t make for a very interesting blog or social media post! =)

I think one of the most overlooked parts of being creative is the “be still” part.  How many of us have created our best work when we weren’t feeling it?  Of course we haven’t!  When you don’t feel like making, when nothing wants to be created…just don’t.  Step back, take time to do something else, relax, enjoy…and just be….and don’t compare!

For me, I tend to have pretty low key summers and can go weeks without sewing.  I spend this time with my girls while they are home from school, we hit the pool, we get snow cones, we take time.  Once the school year rolls around, I am ready to get back in that sewing room.  Another thing to note is that I very rarely spend a whole day sewing.  I am very much a morning and early afternoon sewist.

I would encourage you not to view these less productive times in your life as failing or being less than.  I hear ladies so often getting down on themselves for this.  Rather, it is our mind telling us we need to step back a minute and focus on something different.

So, aside from slowing down and stepping back what are some other helpful suggestions when we want to regain our sewing mojo.

  1. Try a little bit of evening hand work.  This slower paced activity to wind down with might be just the thing.  Hand quilting, English paper piecing, or embroidery are all relaxing activities.
  2. Spend intentional time away from your sewing area.
  3. Take some time off of social media.  Do this especially if you find yourself comparing your work (or lack thereof) to others.
  4. Finish up some WIP’s.  It’s possible that your lack of sewing mojo is guilt about unfinished projects.  Check some of them off your list and you might be ready to go.

I hope some of this information is helpful.  My main point is, if you aren’t feeling it, that’s okay…give yourself permission to get out of your sewing room.  I promise you the creativity will come back once your mind has had a chance to step back.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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19 Responses

  1. Genevieve says:

    Thanks for this post hope you have a wonderful time with your girls & may God Bless

  2. Helen in Montana says:

    Love this post!!

  3. Rita Nichols says:

    You so perfectly said what we all go through. So many of us don’t give ourselves permission to step away but feel so guilty. We all need to fill our wells now and then. Enjoy your summer.

  4. Pat says:

    I’ve been sewing up a storm this summer, but I know what you mean. Especially if you have kids, you can be busier in the summer than during the school year. I especially liked your advice about not comparing your work to that of others. It’s so easy to feel less creative than someone else. God made each of us just the way He intended. Have a great summer with your family!

    • Corey says:

      Good for you Pat!–It feels so good to accomplish those tasks. I hope you have a wonderful summer as well–busy sewing or not! =)

  5. Colleen says:

    One of my favorite scriptures. But harder to do than it sounds. Thank you so much for the reminder today. I was giving myself a pretty hard time for my lack of quilting productivity. And thank you for the inspiration you bring here! It is very much appreciated.

    • Corey says:

      It can be difficult to do!–sometimes we fight against it, don’t we! Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my blog–so glad to have you here. =)

  6. JuliaP says:

    Here, here to slowing down and enjoying the little things in life!!

  7. Karen Seitz says:

    Happy Summer, Corey! I hope you have a season filled with pleasurable memories.

  8. Lorrie says:

    Just what I needed to hear! 🙂

  9. Corey says:

    Wonderful!–Enjoy your weekend. =)

  10. Karen says:

    Thank you for this post. I really needed to read this right now. You have made some great points and suggestions. Thank you!

  11. diane evans-spackman says:

    Ya, number 4 is me…and you mention be still…I have, just in the last week heard/read so much about being still…listening, stop talking, etc. etc. I believe in quiet! 🙂 Thanks!

  12. QuiltGram says:

    I loved the article and all of the comments. It’s great to be reminded that both scripture and nature teach us that life is about balance. That “Today is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it”. I’m 74 and I’m so thankful as THIS is exactly the message I needed to hear this morning as I have my tea. So, I’m going to rejoice as I head out to my garden before the heat arrives.

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