Sunday Stash


January 23 can officially be dubbed the week of the stomach flu–yikes!  Glad to be onto a new week.  Luckily my super mommy germ fighters were working in full force–I’m pretty sure they kick in under extreme germ exposure & lack of sleep. =p  My girls had it first followed quickly by Ryan (I told my mother-in-law I’m not sure if Ryan had it the worst of the three or if he was just the most vocal about it).  We are hanging out at home today to make sure we aren’t too “sharing” at church. =)

Not a whole lot of sewing took place–I did have a chance to work more with Brrr and hope to have a finish to share with you tommorrow.  And, I received my Pillow Talk Swap partner–I pulled the fabrics above but I might change my mind about them…I have to mull.

Be back tommorrow! =)

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9 Responses

  1. Cindy Sharp says:

    Oh my. It is never fun when the whole family gets sick at once. I hope you are all over it soon.

  2. Margaret says:

    Not fun at all. Last week I helped out my daughter and stayed at her house for three days. They both had the flu and my grandson was teething. Not sure who felt worse there either. Ryan just laid on the couch and whined or groaned. He didn’t get a lot of sympathy from me.

  3. It went ’round our house last week, too! Infected us all! Hang in there!

  4. Love the fabrics you pulled. Sorry your family was sick, that is the pits.

  5. Jean C. says:

    Hi! Hope everyone is feeling better now. Our house uses hot peppermint tea for that type of thing… with a spoonful of honey! Hang in there Super Mom! lol 🙂

  6. Barbara says:

    The only ‘good’ thing about stomach flu is that you probably won’t get it again for ages! That’s what I always tell myself when I’m sick. Your fabrics are gorgeous – I wish I had them in my stash!

  7. Ugh. I think stomach flu is the.WORST!!! This week will be better for sure!

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