A versatile little block

Man, I’ve been trying to do this post for days now but for some reason I just can’t get my photos to upload–this is what I have been getting:
Lovely right–anyway, I think that I have finally gotten chite (that’s pennsylvania dutch for decent/right) enough photos to share with you–now that your eyeballs have been burned from the images above! =)
Anyway, I have been playing around with these little blocks:
They are basically little log cabin type blocks starting with a 1 1/2″ square & finishing at 3 1/2″.  I made this block:
for the Sew New to Me VQB based on this wonderful block.  After completing it I wanted to play around a little bit with the 3.5″ blocks.  I sewed up a bunch of the little colorful ones up above and turned them into this block:
Fun right?–this block is a 12.5″ block and is perfect for using up scraps–you need a total of 16 of the 3.5″ blocks–1/2 starting with a white block and 1/2 with a colored block.
Then I decided to try out an orange/purple/gray colorway and go bento-style.  I admit I wanted to try out some of my new Nellie’s Garden fabric as well as my new Farmdale fabric & they mixed so perfectly with Hope Valley.
I am really digging this colorway and am hoping that my Quilting Divas Bee does a 2nd round because I think this may be the colorway I end up with.
I also noticed that this new quilt pattern by Jaybird Quilts is basically the same block on a larger scale.  It is such a fun little block to play around with. =)  You really can come up with a myriad of options.

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10 Responses

  1. traceyjay says:

    I'm hoping we do another round too (though I think we will).

    Isn't that Farmdale great.

  2. live a colorful life says:

    This is a great block!! Fun to play…

  3. Kristine Hanson says:

    these will look great with the other block you did with the tiny litte sqaures 🙂

  4. Stray Stitches says:

    I love your block with the little birds – so cute. I guess I need to start experimenting. I have been so stuck on just using patterns and varying away from the printed word. You make my mind at least explore the possibilities.

  5. Rachel at Stitched in Color says:

    Thanks for sharing these with us. Very neat!

  6. a good yarn says:

    For all your troubles, the blocks look terrific and I really like the fabrics/colourways you have chosen. ann…

  7. peaknits says:

    Thank you for sharing, this is a great little block! I get so much inspiration from you and your blog. 🙂

  8. Pat Sloan says:

    logcabins in any form are so classic and you can do so many things with them!! I was just on FB with a group chatting about how many different things we can do with that block… love your colors!

  9. trish says:

    Your blocks are great! And I just love the one with birds in the middle. :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  10. Debbie says:

    I love the orange/purple/gray block. Lovely together! I love the birds, too!

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