March Bee Blocks

Woowee–March was a very busy bee month for me.  It didn’t help that my household was down and out for almost two weeks with bronchitis.  My 4 year old and 1 year old required some extra mommy time which was fine with me because all I felt like doing was hunkering down on the catch with my girlies and watching some Backyardigans–ok, maybe not so much the Backyardigans.  3 trips to the Dr. in one week, twice for my girls and once for myself, is 3 too many!
For the International Stash Busting Bee Barb requested one of my favorite Red Pepper Quilts blocks.  She sent us each a couple white squares and a couple scraps from her stash.  We supplied the rest of the fabrics from our own stash to make these wonderful blocks.  It is a wonderful block and one you may recognize as I used it as my block for another bee that I am in.
The A Piece of Work A Bee has been running a couple months behind–well, I guess March was catch-up month LOL.  I received fabrics for Jan., Feb. & March all in one swipe.  Trish sent some fun Ginger Blossom fabrics for her blocks and asked for squares in squares.
Melissa sent some fun fall prints and asked for Drunkard’s Path blocks.  She specified that they didn’t have to be assembled as traditional Drunkard’s Path blocks & asked that we use a bit of the floral in almost every square.  This was my first time piecing any kind of circles–normally I applique them so I thought it was a fun challenge.  Here’s what I came up with.
And last up for APOWA was Andy.  She requested an Oh Fransson map of the states block.  She chose green and gray as her primary colors with splashes of orange.  She also included a narrow black strip of fabric to add as a border to our block.  This was my 2nd MOTS block & while the block is somewhat time consuming it is an easy block and it comes together beautifully.
For the Scraptastic Quilting Bee Kristin sent two different Amy Butler prints and asked for raw edged circle blocks to make a quilt like this Cluck Cluck Sew quilt.  She’ll be taking the 4 blocks, cutting them into 4ths and then reassembling them.  She asked that we try to keep the colors similiar to the original quilt which happens to be right up my alley.  These were easy fun little blocks to make–the hardest part was coming up with a 6.25″ circular pattern.
For the Red & Aqua Bee Tami sent out various reds & aquas(surprise, surprise) & black & asked for a paper pieced endless chain block.  This group seems to love paper piecing which is good and bad—good because I have to branch out and try different blocks and bad because for some reason paper piecing is a very slow process for me.  I thought it turned out pretty nifty.  And the resulting quilt is going to be very eye catching!
In the Hip 2 Bee Square quilting bee Mary requested blocks done in a Gee’s Bend style.  She sent a variety of fabrics both in color and material.  I must admit this block was completely out of my comfort zone.  The incredible wonkiness of this type of block just throws me for a loop–I can handle wonkiness with straigh seems–but, in Gee’s Bend style even the seams are wonky and crooked.  Mary asked that we add something from our stash–nothing new or fancy but, maybe some fabric from an old shirt or some vintage fabric etc.–I decided to add a bit of denim to my block. 
And that sums up my March quilting bees.  March was my month in the Sew New to Me Quilting Bee so if you want to hop on over there and see what goodies I have been receiving you can. =)  I’ll be posting pics of all of them here once I have received them all.  Just a couple more to go–and they are so pretty.

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