Waiting in the Wings

Bonnie & Camille


You know when you finish(or at least, mostly finish) one project you have a million others just waiting for you to dive in?  Well, that’s where I’m at this morning.  I just finished up my Underground Railroad quilt top yesterday:

Underground Railroad Quilt Top

And, now I’m ready to start another project–I know I should finish the quilting on this one but there is something so much fun about starting a new project and cutting into new fabrics.


It’s a little bit like when you finish a book you’ve been reading for awhile, you’ve become quite familiar with the characters, have lived with them, know their flaws and imperfections, their strengths.  And then, the book is over…and the characters in the next book are waiting, waiting to surprise you with their quirks and personalities.  It’s a blank slate, another opportunity to fall in love with a new cast of characters.  Finishing and Starting a new quilt is kinda like that.


I have 2 stacks of fabric taunting me from the sidelines, this wonderful Bonnie & Camille stack which is a mix of a number of different lines.  I have the pattern written up for this one and am just ready to dive in.

And I also have another Bonnie stack waiting for me–this one from Bonnie Christine:

Bonnie Christine

A mix of fabrics from Winged, Sweet as Honey, & Reminisce.  For this quilt I have the pattern somewhat ready–I think that I am going to offer it in tutorial form on my blog so I don’t really need to make a fancy pattern.


So, two bundles just waiting to be made.  And of course my little houses bundle also anxiously waiting to be built.

Liberty & Essex

Oh how much fun it is having fabrics just waiting to be transformed into a quilt!

I’m not headed to Quilt Market this weekend so that means I will have some sewing time.  Now to decide which project to start on!

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16 Responses

  1. Betty Harden says:

    Bonnie & Camille which you hav ready to go. Will anxiously await your choice. Love the Liberty of London. Saving up to purchase some of that. It is so lovely. Glad to see your post today. Have missed them.

  2. Lauren says:

    Love B & C, but I am a little more curious on what you are going to make with the Liberty fabrics. Sew on!

  3. Myra says:

    I’m always ready to move on to the next project, too! Love digging into the fresh pile of fabrics!

  4. Mary says:

    I love the new quilt with so many pieces.

  5. Linda says:

    How I wish I could sew that well. Beautiful quilt and materials!!!

  6. Holly says:

    Love that Bonnie bundle…can’t wait to see what you come up with!!

  7. Carolyn Stewart says:

    Liberty of London, lovely fabric. I made a beautiful quilt out of that fabric that I actually purchased from a lady that had an Etsy Shop at the time. I’m anxious to see what you made with it.

  8. Barb Rechtfertig says:

    Very pretty!

  9. Kathy says:

    Love the book analogy. I so agree!!!

  10. Diana Nelson says:

    Can’t wait to see what you make.

  11. Marie-Claire says:

    Fabrics and quilt so beautiful Marie-claire

  12. billiemick says:

    Really love your quilt. It’s wonderful.

  13. Louisa says:

    Your quilt is beautiful, can’t wait to see what you do with those Little Miss Shabby fabrics, gorgeous!

  14. Anne Alston says:

    Hello, this is my first time conversing with the group. Any one of the above fabrics works for me. They are all so beautiful. I am a new quilter. I have only made 4 quilts, currently working on my fourth entitled “Lantern Lights”. So I am anxious to see what “Waiting in the Wings” is going to look like.
    So far I have enjoyed viewing “Little Miss Shabby”. The quilts are absolutely beautiful.

  15. Judy P says:

    I also agreed with your book analogy but to take it a step further, I am also conflicted at the point where you know you are close to being finished and you are so excited to see the finished product but you don’t want to stop the process. Another analogy, it’s sort or like raising your children….happy to see what they’ve become but sad to see them leave home. Maybe that’s why some women have another baby when the older children start becoming independent. And maybe that’s why I have at least 25 other projects in various stages of completion when I decide to start a new one.

  16. aw, i love this!! can’t wait to see how it turns out!

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