WIP Wednesday

Sweet as Honey

I’ve been working quite a bit on the little hexie project I shared with you last week.

If you are an IG follower you have seen more hexies made:

In Progress 2

the beginnings of a pillow layout:

In Progress 3

more layout:

In Progress

and some applique taking place:

In Progress 4

This design of this pillow has changed so much since my initial planning stages.  I knew that I wanted to use the hexagon fabric(the background fabric) and mini 1/2″ hexagons inside the hexagons printed on the fabric but I had initially planned on more of a Grandma’s Flower Garden type design.

It wasn’t until I had made 75 little hexagons that I decided to change things up a bit.

Hexie Flowers

For  you applique lovers, I use Heat n Bond lite (almost always) and in this photo I am appliqueing using a blanket stitch which is a pretty standard stitch on most sewing machines.

Stem Applique

To the hexagons, I added just a small piece of Heat n Bond lite on the back of them to hold them in place while I straight stitched around them.  I still have a number of flowers left to make and then I’ll be ready to start quilting.

I have an idea in my head for some hand quilting–we’ll see if it turns out like I am picturing of if I will end up changing things! =)

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6 Responses

  1. Marie-Claire says:

    Hexagon est magnifique bravo Marie-Claire

  2. Marcia R. says:

    Love this! What size and type/brand of thread are you using on your applique?

  3. Christine M says:

    I love it! Great background fabric Corey.

  4. Susie says:

    This is soooo beautiful , even in its early stage. It is inspiring!
    What size of hexies are they?

  5. Carla says:

    Just read your little blurb over at the Moda site. Must have your book : )
    It looks lovely

  1. May 7, 2014

    […] can read more about the making of this pillow here and […]

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