WIP Wednesday

MBS Project

I think it’s time to let you all in on a secret…drumroll…I am a serial project starter–much less so of a project finisher.  Ha!–I know many quilters claim to have this same dilemma.  But, seriously ladies–sometimes the unfinished projects take over!

When I started quilting over 15 years ago, I told myself that I would only purchase enough fabric to work on one project at a time, finish said project and then move onto the next.  I even said this out loud…to other quilters…I am sure they all had a good laugh at that one!

So, my hope is that by sharing a couple WIP’s with you every Wednesday, it will give me the motivation to finish the project by the following Wednesday so I can share the finishes with you.  Hopefully it will help a bit, but I know that my personal projects often get pushed to the back burner for other deadlines.  Well, and of course, it is still summer and that means all kinds of summer fun with the girls!  I’m curious to see how my schedule pans out this fall…the littlest miss will be heading off to Kindergarten and it will be the first time in 9 years that I will have days with no kids at home.  Our school district is still deciding as to whether our Kindergartener’s will be going to school every other day or every day.  Either way, there are going to be kidless days…weird!

So, the project at the top of the page is MBS project–I won’t be able to share the finish with you next Wednesday but it will be completed by then!

My 2nd project is my sew-together-bag….it still needs sewn together. =)

Sew Together Bag

And the last project I would love to finish in the next week is a Metro Rings Quilt.

Metro Rings

I’ve been wanting to try out the Quick Curve Ruler and when I was asked to make a quilt to donate to auction off, I knew now was the time.  I am very excited about this quilt–the lady(a relative of my husband) left the pattern design and fabric choices 100% up to me…but, she mentioned several times during our conversation how much she loved my Ruby, Pearl, & Opal Quilt(my pattern is available on MBS).

Ruby, Pearl, & Opal Quilt

Ruby, Pearl, & Opal Quilt

I showed her the new Miss Kate line of fabric knowing it was a sister collection to Ruby which was used in my original design.  I got the feeling she wasn’t entirely sold on Miss Kate(much as I would have loved a good excuse to purchase some more of this line!)–so I raided my stash and pulled fabrics with a similar color palette to make a scrappy quilt with the same feel.  I cannot wait to see this quilt finished, I think it is going to be beautiful. =)  And, I think she will love it!

So, those are the 3 projects I would love to have finished by next week at this time…fingers crossed! =)

Tell me, what are your tried and true tricks for keeping the unfinished projects under control?

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12 Responses

  1. marcella says:

    Your projects are lovely! That sew together bag has been on my list forever but I just haven’t gotten there yet. Love it with your little bitty flower block!

    My secret is a Really Big Closet 🙂 True story. I have a zillion and three projects neatly bagged and shelved in there. I can find them when I need them and ignore them until the time is right to work on them. Lots of tops made when I was teaching classes that never got quilted. Sometimes the right home comes along and I quilt one up. It will happen eventually, I feel no pressure to deal with them. If they were underfoot in my sewing room I’m sure I’d feel differently.

  2. Becky (central oregon) says:

    All I have to say is that sometimes the purpose of the project is just to see if the colors and patterns in your mind are going to work… when you see that the project is “DONE”

    That’s my story and I am sticking to it!

  3. Mary says:

    I’m terrible for letting them pile up too. I am always too eager to move on to the next one.

  4. Lisa Clark says:

    I am bad at that as well. I have two quilts, a crochet along and your cross stitch sampler. I am glad I’m not the only one! lol

  5. Penny J says:

    I wish I knew – I think mine have taken over to the point of me being stalled completely. Can’t seem to finish anything because I know I’ve got all those to get QUILTED!!!

  6. Marie-Claire says:

    Magnifique bravo bonne soiree Marie-Claire

  7. Kim says:

    LOL! I’ve said that to myself too…and I keep telling myself, um ok-no more fabric until you use this! It’s more of yelling and inner screaming to myself. I love your projects tho! Great ones you have going!

  8. Cassandra says:

    I just posted some hints and tips for the Sew together bag on my blog yesterday, hopefully they will help you get that WIP knocked off! I was exactly the same, first 4 quilts I made I bought just for that project and worked on it until it was finished, even when it took 9 months. Last couple of months my WIP’s have exploded. I’ve been taking part in IG #nobuyjuly which has forced me to finish off what I’ve got and use my stash instead of buying more fabric. It’s been great to get some things ticked off the list! I highly recommend it 🙂

  9. Anne says:

    I love these three unfinished projects..there are so many ideas, and not enough hours.. I applaud your plan to rescue and finish these waiting items. I’ll cheer you on! I’d love to see them all again as you finish!

  10. Cristina says:

    Haha, I don’t think there are any tricks for keeping WIPs under control! I feel like I start a new project every week. I did figure out though, that when I have to stop working on a project because I’m waiting for more fabric or something, then I’ll never get done. But anyway, I love your WIPs and can’t wait to see them finished:)

  11. Wendy B says:

    Oh Cory, I”m sooooooo with you. I’ve finished one just yesterday…the first in a long time…thank goodness it was only small but it’s one off the list. I’m a serial starter so much so that I have over 80 projects (some WIPs and some KARTS ie Kitted and Ready to Start) ….and I still start new ones that catch my eye….am I mad??? I’ll be looking to you for inspiration!
    xox Sugary hugs
    Wendy :o)

  12. Bev Ritzenthaler says:

    Could you please post the instructions for the little flower that you put on a while ago. I accdentially deleted it. thank you. Bev.

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