
I thought it was about time to dive into my Flea Market Fancy stash and my Katie Jump Rope stash & I have begun making some little squares.  These little 5″ squares will soon be a quilt–I hope the end result looks as fabulous in real life as it does in my head.  Sometimes my head vision is a bit skewed LOL! =)

I have really been enjoying working with these fabrics–the feel of them is really 2nd to none.  They almost have a voile-like quality to them that makes sewing with them just lovely.  I have used these fabrics in bits here and there but, this will be the first large(ish) quilt made from only FMF & KJR with the addition of some white Kona.

I’m trying to whip this one out in between bouts of sickness…Chloe is sick, again.  I’m hoping Elonie stays healthy.  How is it even possible that Chloe gets sick while she is still on antibiotics from the ear infection she just had?!?  Summer can’t get here soon enough!


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17 Responses

  1. Angela says:

    can you see the drool over here at my house? Oh you can? Sorry! I’ll clean it up later. I need to stare obsessively at these simple little squares of deliciousness. Oh the power of beautiful fabrics!

  2. Angela says:

    loooking good! I’m sure it will turn out lovely. and I hear you about the sickness and winter… enough already!!!

  3. Lynette says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
    May you have:

    A world of wishes at your command
    God and his angels close at hand
    Friends and family their love impart,
    And Irish blessings in you heart.

  4. Jennifer says:

    That is going to be one beautiful quilt! I agree with being ready for warmer weather! I’m so sorry your girls have been sick… my daughter has had her fair share this winter too. We had the same thing happen with her being on antibiotics and getting sick again and her dr. told me that can happen because antibiotics can lower your overall resistance. 🙁

    I hope you will be back to healthy girls and quilting soon!

    Jennifer 🙂

  5. I can’t wait to see what they look like when they are all put together. Hope the girls get better soon. This crazy weather is reeking havoc around here.

    Debbie K

  6. nicke says:

    amen to summer getting her fast! i am so sick of cold weather and sick kiddos!

  7. Kelly B. says:

    ooooh! That quilt is going to be so pretty!

    Sorry Chole is sick! Usually it’s viral so the anti-biotics don’t do any good anyway! Hope she recovers soon!

  8. Cat says:

    Love your little blocks. Hope the girls start feeling better. Hugs

  9. Peggy Aront says:

    Those are too cute!!! I have some of both of those fabrics…I ought to pull mine out and do something with them too 🙂

    I love how they look!

  10. Karen says:

    The random stacks of blocks certainly looks good, and the quilt will be wonderful if that’s anything to go by!

  11. Tracy says:

    Stunning fabrics, and I hope everyone gets better soon.

  12. I was just working with FMF last night, and you are right–the “feel” is wonderful! Your pictures are so dreamy. I’m glad I have some FMF and KJR of my own, or I would be incapacitated by envy…

  13. Jo says:

    Those simple little squares look like the perfect ay to show off special fabric! Can’t wait to see this come together.

  14. wendy says:

    Wow, judging by what you’re doing with them so far, it’s going to be a gorgeous quilt

  15. Cristina says:

    Hi, I found your blog browsing. I love the Birdie Bom, and I decided to start doing so. I invite you to stop by my blog to see the embrodery.
    I look forward to publish the next block.
    kisses from Spain

  16. I love your use of FMF! So cute!!!! sorry to hear about your sick kiddos. Unfortunately, colds are viruses that aren’t actually treated by antibiotics, so maybe she’s getting a cold? Bummer. I’m currently reading a helpful and recent book called “Food Cures for Kids”. has some interesting thoughts for me!

  17. Susan says:

    Oh those cute Denyse Schmidt fabrics. I have collected some Katy Jump Rope (reasonable) and FMF (through the roof). I have enough pink FMF for a baby quilt. Hope to get on that soon. Love your little blocks. I also got some Hope Valley in cool tones for another quilt project over at Hawthorne Fabric.

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