Sewcialites Round 2, Block 11

Today’s block for Sewcialites is brought to use by Lissa Alexander.  It’s another sweet little block full of square in a square units.

You can find the block pattern available here.

You might have heard “square in a square” and given a little groan. =)  I’ve really been enjoying the square in a square units in the last blocks.  And, that’s almost 100% due to the square in a square paper I’ve been using.  Now, to be fair, I don’t mind making square in a square units.  However, this paper keeps things so tidy…especially in this small size.

For these 3″ finished blocks, it’s the 1″ square in a square paper you’ll need.  For the 6″ block, you’d need 2″ paper.  For the 9″ block size, you’d need 3″ paper.  I’ve used the 1″ paper several times so far this round and I know I’ll be using it in upcoming blocks as well.  Do note that the size paper you need varies from block to block but for today’s block, those are the sizes you’d use.

If you’ve never seen this paper in action, Kimberly of Fat Quarter Shop has a great video tutorial on it here.  You may already have a tool or technique for making square in a square blocks that you really like using…I know that I use different ways of making them depending on the project and my mood.  But, if you’ve struggled with them in the past, this might be a great notion to add to your sewing tools.

Have a wonderful day and happy sewing! Corey

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3 Responses

  1. Dotty says:

    Those little blocks are so 😎

  2. So adorable! I love the tiny sunshiny gold square in a square blocks!

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