SMS Giveaway Day!


Welcome everyone to Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Day!  If you are new to my blog, thank you so much for stopping by!  It’s always great fun to participate in SMS’s giveaway day–be sure to check out the many blogs participating in great giveaways listed over on Sew Mama Sew’s blog.  This is always a great way to find some new exciting blogs and snag yourselves some swag in the process.

Pillow Tops

This is a multi- part giveaway so make sure to ready everything!(I saved a great part for last)

Regular readers of my blog know that I have been working on a set of  chalkboard inspired pillows using some chalkboard fabrics I designed and printed.  For my giveaway, I thought it would be fun to give away one of the chalkboard panels of your choice(you can see all three of them here).  In addition, I’m including a 100+ piece mini charm square pack(2.5″ squares) & a fun mix of coordinating buttons.

Giveaway Goodies

The charm squares are a mix of fabrics cut from the fabrics pictured below(the same ones I used for my pillow tops):


I am also including a copy of Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Volume 7:

100 Blocks

Now, keep reading because there’s one more very exciting part of this giveaway!

I am also including a custom fabric bundle of your choice. =)  If you’re the winner of my giveaway, you can let me know know what fabrics/designers/colors you like and I’ll put together a fun little bundle for you.  I’ve got such a large stash to choose from and I love putting together fun little bundles!  Here are some bundles I’ve shared on my blog in the past.


Giveaway Sum Up

  • Chalkboard Pillow Panel of your choice
  • 100+ mini charm pack bundle
  • coordinating buttons
  • Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks issue 7
  • Custom Fabric Bundle

To Enter My Giveaway:


(US & International Welcome!)

Just leave a comment below letting me know your favorite Christmas tradition.  Make sure I have a way to contact you!  And that’s it!

If you are into my blog and you’re interested in following along, I’d love if you’d subscribe via email or bloglovin’ (links are over on the right) or follow my new facebook page!

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729 Responses

  1. Janine says:

    We make lemon sugar cookie cutouts for Christmas every year. The last four years we lived in an area with lemon trees and boy, those were the best tasting cookies ever! The difference freshness makes is amazing!

  2. Jennifer B says:

    I love reading a new Christmas book every year with my kids, and driving them around to see the lights.

  3. Emma says:

    Such a fun giveaway! I think my favourite tradition is simply the fact that our whole immediate family comes together from 3 different countries for Christmas! Love this time of year!

  4. Anita says:

    I love to bake all the different Christmas cookies my mother taught me. The nice smell it gives to my house is just yummy, and they taste so good!

  5. Oh what a lovely giveaway. I love your chalkboard prints.

    My favourite Christmas tradition is driving around whatever town we are in at the time looking for Christmas lights. We don’t follow the ‘plan’ we just drive up and down streets to see what is hiding.


  6. Angela H says:

    What an awesome giveaway!!!
    We have a summer Christmas – so it is enjoying the sun and everyone playing games outside and the Christmas BBQ……

  7. Irina says:

    GREAT OPPORTUNITY! My favorite Christmas tradition – it is a family dinner and Christmas songs that we call carols.

  8. Well when I was young we never had much money, but the one thing I can remember my mum doing, was making a Christmas Plum Pudding with the flour crust on the outside.
    And to this day I still carry this tradition on with my Family.

  9. Lynn D in NC says:

    My favorite tradition is the “Trim the Tree” party. Family gathers to decorate the tree. Christmas carols are playing and cookies, egg nog, and other snacks are enjoyed. Along with some adult beverages.

  10. Heidi says:

    My favorite tradition is reading the Christmas story on Christmas morning just before we open presents. It draws our attention back to the real meaning of Christmas. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  11. Anne says:

    What a fantastic bundle of goodies, thank you! 😀
    My favorite tradition is the time before opening gifts. All the dishes have to be done, and everyone seated in the family room before gifts will be passed out. My dad is always the most antsy about it, so of course we love to torment him by dragging out the dishes and getting into the room for as long as possible. <3 my family!

  12. yenni says:

    i love this awesome giveaway…^^ and my favourite tradition is preparing gifts for christmas..

  13. Sarah says:

    Amazing giveaway goodies! Thank you so much for the chance to win. My favourite tradition is getting together with my brother and his family and our parents on Christmas Eve for a big family meal. It’s an evening of excitement with the children and a nice way to be together before we have other family commitments on Christmas Day itself.

  14. Jacquelyn says:

    Thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway!! My favorite tradition is having appies on Christmas Eve after church and before we open our presents. We have always opened the non “Santa” gifts on Christmas Eve and my kids (all now grown) wouldn’t let me change it now if I wanted to.

  15. Robyn says:

    My favourite tradition is trimming the tree. Drinks, snacks and music in theme and it’s a fun activity. This year my boys were big enough to do it all themselves while we sat back and watched.

  16. Katie says:

    My favourite tradition is new pjs for us all on Christmas Eve, helps the children get excited to go to sleep and gives me an excuse to make things for all the family. Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  17. Rebecca says:

    My favourite Xmas tradition is going and choosing a tree on Labour Weekend (October) and tagging it at our local tree farm, this year we took Miss C ,18 months which was more fun with her running up and down the Xmas forest.
    You know I already follow you Corey via email, I would love your bunch of goodies 😉

  18. Michelle says:

    Oh Wow!!! What a great Christmas present this would make…The dynamics of our Christmas have changed with some loved ones now living abroad but Christmas for me is catching up with lot’s of my family all under one roof! It’s usually pretty noisy but fun too!

  19. Saira says:

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. Christmas in the UK is very traditional and we always look forward to lots of family and friends time which seems so hard to find during the rest of the year. Much laughter, fun and (usually) too much drinking and eating!

  20. CJ says:

    Great giveaway!!! My favorite tradition, that we’ve been doing for 19 years (since my youngest was 2) is to go to a movie and out to dinner on Christmas Eve. We used to follow that up with midnight candlelit service at church but we moved 13 years ago and the church here doesn’t do that service.

  21. Sue says:

    Lovely give away:) I just love getting together with all my family, we are all spread over uk so we all go to my mum’s and have a wonderful noisy time together 🙂 It is our family tradition and we include the 6 family dog’s too who also love to meet up with each other 🙂

  22. Diane V says:

    With the exception of about 10 years my husband and I have chosen a different(and maybe different denomination) church to attend midnight Christmas services. It has always brought us such JOY.

  23. Nancy W says:

    Favorite tradition was as a child getting out new Christmas pj and taking the yeah photo at the fireplace hanging out stockings up.

  24. tessa says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is first thing in the morning, opening santa presents with our kids. Enjoying the magic of the day! thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  25. Helena Ahman says:

    I love the time just before giving the gifts. Spending the time with all the family. It is worderful.

  26. Karen says:

    WOW! Now that is a super giveaway. Thank you. My favourite tradition is thinking about something I can make for my favourite people. I love making something, generally little like a bag or zippered pouch, for my family and friends that I know will appreciate what I have made. I try and think of something practical that will be used.

  27. Ruthie Peterburg says:

    What a fantastic give-away. My favorite tradition is making plum pudding from a recipe handed down to me from my grandmother.
    Warm hugs,

  28. Judi says:

    What a great give away it would really make my day to win. One of my favourite Christmas traditions is our annual boat ride through the canals to see all of the houses lit with Christmas lights. As it is summer down here this is a very pleasant time for boating and the grand-kids just love it.

  29. Sara says:

    Christmas has always been a very hard time of year for me. As a child m my favorite tradition was opening my stocking before chores. As an adult it was and has been helping a family in need anonymously when we were able to do so. Sadly it’s been along time since I (being on my own) have been able to do this. Merry Christmas!!!

  30. Mary says:

    Big family party either my sisters and their families. Lots of fun.

  31. This year will be very special…our grandson Thomas will have his first Christmas!And our youngest daughter will be coming home from her 7 month-Africa trip…
    We are looking forward to it!

  32. Nancy Andrews says:

    My favorite tradition has to be Christmas morning with my grandchildren. I love how their faces shine and the excitement that seems to just hang around them as they open, show and try every new gift. It’s also a wonderful time to reflect when my children were little and the joy those holidays brought.

  33. mary says:

    Lovely giveaway – great idea to put together custom bundles. My favourite tradition is the carol singing by candlelight in our park

  34. Kelly says:

    I love watching The Nutcracker.

  35. Grada Lamb says:

    Since I was born and raised in the Netherlands I took my Dutch traditions with me. We also were/are a military family that lived in Germany for a long time. Plus being from Jewish decent we celebrate Hanukkah also. The eve of 5th December the kids now the grand kids put their shoe out and the next morning there are goodies. I’m my youth there were the big presents at night, I still could hear Sinterklaas on his white horse on the roof. ( no reindeers). Then of course the Jewish holiday which we did the candles, my grand kids love that. Christmas in Europe is 2 days. The first day was always very quiet, the second day, visiting neighbors and friends, and drink schnapps and in Germany we did a lot of gluh wine. In Germany the tree is not being seen until Christmas Eve. No Santa there but the christ child delivers the presents. We just came back this year frim a 7 year tour and are now retired and live in wonderful Virginia with our daughter and have our grand kids nearby. Over the years I have neglected some of my Dutch tradition, but the other day when I visit my grand kids they came running to me and showed me their presents for Sinterklaas. My dear daughter kept that tradition going and I did not even know she did that all those years. It made me so happy I burst out in dutch songs that I did not even know I remembered, it was very emotional but I stopped since the grand kids looked at me if I was losing it, the language was totally new to him. But my daughter grinned from ear to ear, she remembered our tradition, and kept it going. I am only writing this since I am so greatfull for my family, country, and so lucky of having those memories of Sinterklaas, Christmas and Hanukkah. Merry Christmas to you all

  36. Michelle Smith says:

    I LOVE this time of year. We have lots of traditions, some have been carried over from our childhood and others are of our own. My favorite is the Saturday before christmas, we get in the car, grab some hot chocolate and drive around looking at everyone’s lights. Christmas carols play on the radio and we sing along

  37. Merrilee says:

    Actually enjoying the comments on this almost as much as the post!! I think my favorite would be making cookies with my big sister- sometimes we only get to make one batch and sometimes it’s ten, but our boys get to play and we get to catch up. Thanks for a chance to win some goodies!!

  38. Sheryl says:

    I love your giveaway!

    Our favorite tradition is to open one gift on Christmas Eve, and it’s always new pj’s!

  39. Paula says:

    Excluding the whole Christmas day tradition I would say that my favourite tradition is the tree. Bringing my sons shoppping for one, bringing it home, decorating it. Although I must admit that we started a new tradition last year which nearly became my favourite – I have some Christmas themed lego sets so our new tradition is to sit down together an build them on Christmas Eve morning and set them up as decor.

  40. Katrin says:

    I love making cookies. My hubbies favourite cookie cutter is the duck so he can create an “Army of Duckness”… Thanks!

  41. Emma Hill says:

    We usually go to the local Carols by Candlelight held outdoors in a park- hopefully it will be a nice warm summer evening! It’s lovely to catch up with friends and to see all the children running to see Santa when he arrives on the fire truck.

  42. Jeanie says:

    I just love your chalkboard pillows! Thank you so much for such a generous giveaway! My favorite tradition is to hang a stocking for Jesus with a birthday letter to Him, thanking Him for the year….things I’d like to change, etc. It’s fun to read the old letter each year when I hang the stocking to see how things came to pass. Thanks again!

    • Susan Clayton says:

      30 years ago my husband started reading the night before Christmas to our daughters. They are all grown up now but when they are here on Christmas Eve he still reads it. They all giggle with delight.

  43. Lynn Mc says:

    Christmas baking has become a big part of my Christmas routine, and is now a tradition in our family. Planning each years treats is almost as much fun as the baking and it is great to make enough to share with others.

  44. charlotte m. says:

    I host cookie Sunday every year. We buy all the ingredients and my daughters and grandsons come and we spend the day baking cookies. When we are done, we divide everything up so that we all have a variety. I love sharing a tradition with my grandsons.

  45. Julia says:

    I love making Italian cookies with my mother, aunt, and children! Three generations spending the day making these cookies. The recipe was handed down from my great-great-great grandmother and they are the absolute best! Avery special treat that we have only once a year!

  46. Sarah @ FairyFace Designs says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is snuggling up with the kids on Christmas Eve, late in the afternoon, on the sofa and watching a Christmas movie with hot chocolates and goodies. Then having some dinner, opening family presents and putting out milk and cake for Santa to find before getting the kids to bed.

  47. Lindsey F says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner and then going to the 11:00 pm service at our church. When we get home, it is so peaceful to sit for a few minutes in quiet reflection in the warm glow of the lights from the tree.

  48. Ashleigh says:

    My family like to play a board game in the afternoon. Usually ends up in tears – of laughter of course!

  49. Lenore says:

    I love only putting a few gifts under the tree in the days before Christmas. Then when everyone is asleep on Christmas Eve, Santa comes and fills the stockings and loads up the tree with presents!!

  50. Dorian says:

    What a generous giveaway! Thank you. On Christmas Eve I get a batch of cinnamon rolls ready and pop them in the freezer, so on Christmas morning I can take them out and put them into the oven and we have fresh cinnamon rolls while opening our gifts. My children always look forward to them. Merry Christmas!

  51. Joyce Mitchell says:

    For Christmas, I bake lots & lots of cookies – for friends, co-workers, family, the mailman, etc. Thanks.

  52. Kim says:

    Every year, my mother gives me a sterling silver Christmas ornament. It’s lovely and now (many years later) I have a lovely collection to share during the holidays.

  53. Jackie Walton says:

    My family carries on the “honey cookie bake” tradition started by my grandmother 50 years ago! Thanks for the chance to win — really nice stuff!!

  54. Tara says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is gathering as a family on Christmas Eve and opening all our presents that aren’t from “Santa” – it’s a great way to spend Christmas with family and still be able to be home on Christmas morning. 🙂

  55. Sarah says:

    My favourite tradition is putting up the tree and decorating it. What a fantastic giveaway. Thank you!

  56. Judy W says:

    What a wonderful giveaway!!! I think our favorite tradition is making cookies together! Thanks for the chance!

  57. Linda says:

    The favourite tradition in my family is opening one gift on Christmas Eve. What a generous giveaway. Thanks!

  58. LauraC says:

    On Christmas Eve, we have a bunch of snack/appetizer foods on our fancy Christmas plates and play Christmas music in the evening and the kids get to choose one gift to open.

  59. Sarah Schraw says:

    Super great giveaway!! Thanks. As I get older Christmas is definitely more about time with family than anything else.

  60. Susan says:

    Our annual trip to the Christmas panto in Dublin is one of my favourite traditions then hot chocolate and a stroll down Grafton Street with the kids to see the Christmas lights!

  61. Our family’s Christmas brunch with Scottish sausage my brother travels half way across town to buy. A very special tradition! 🙂

  62. Rebecca Silbaugh says:

    Favorite tradition? My family has so many to choose from. I think my favorite is probably decorating the tree with an old egg-shell ornament a great-great-great grandparent made and has hung on the tree of our family through the generations. I love antiques and trinkets with a story and that one is pretty special! Merry Christmas, thanks for the giveaway!

  63. Toni Anne says:

    We have Christmas Eve at my parents house and Christmas Day at ours, I love the holidays. Also making many different types of cookies and candy’s or give to friends and family. Merry! Merry! ;-> Toni Anne

  64. KarenD says:

    We have 2 christmas traditions that are favorites. First of all I make over 100 dozen cookies and on Christmas Eve we make up pretty boxes of cookies. We don our santa hat and a christmas bell and we head out to the neighbors and to our mail-lady. We ring the bell and loudly wish everyone a “Merry Christmas!” It brings us such joy to see the happy faces.

    Our second tradition takes more planning, work, and dedication. We call it our 12 days of christmas. We choose a family/person…someone who is lonely, alone, or going through a hard time. For 12 days before christmas we secretly deliver to their door a little gift pertaining to the 12 days of christmas in the song. for instance, on the first day, we deliver a fabric partridge (handmade) along with a can of pears. We leave a little note with each gift (and at the beginning of our 12 days so our recipient knows what we are doing). It is meant to be corny and fun. On Christmas Eve (our 12th day), we reveal ourselves with a pan of 12 homemade rolls (12 drummers drumming….drum “roll”) or a box of cookies (….cookies “drummed” up for you) and sometimes along with a pillow (to help muffle the drums). This is a huge commitment on our part as we have to plan, organize, hand make most of the gifts, and drive (in sometimes bad weather) at least 1/2 hour each way. Usually by the 6th day the fun has worn off and we are running on just total commitment. On Christmas Eve, though, it becomes magical as we meet our new friends and share our experiences. Some years it has been funny. Such as when I had a nephew call to find out the family’s schedule. The husband answered the call and wondered why a young man was calling for his wife and he teasingly accused her of having an admirer. Another time it was scary as a neighbor got suspicious of us dressed in dark clothes and quickly approaching the house and leaving. He was going to call the police on us. all in all, it MAKES our Christmas! Opening presents always comes in second. For us the Christmas season is all about brightening someone’s holiday season and it has never ever failed to bring us the bigger blessing!

  65. Lisa Marie says:

    I like baking lots of homemade cookies and giving them to friends, neighbors, and family. Wonderful giveaway, thanks for the chance.

  66. Sandy N says:

    I love going and picking the perfect Christmas tree. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  67. Lorene says:

    Christmas morning. I fix mrs santa egg casserole. Everyone comes just for a few minutes to have some of the casserole, the grands are excited to share what they got for christmas. Then the are able to go to other places. Oh and hot chocolate!

  68. Our tradition is to attend our church’s Christmas Eve pageant. My kids are now in their teens and this will be the last year for either of them to be in the play. High school aged children are then given task of helping with the candle light service. Our annual trip to church at ‘dark time’ has allowed us to see the special star illuminated on a neighbour’s barn.

  69. Lori M says:

    Lots and lots of baking–cookies and bread to share with family and friends, that’s my favorite Christmas tradition.
    What a generous giveaway! Love the “chalk board” panels”

  70. I’m a Spanish living in Ireland..then I adapt to make the Irish Christmas pudding,
    which feeds to much …LOL, but I love make it with my Irish fellows at Jennifers home… is definitely the meeting that marks the beginning of Christmas Time … then come along the days with family and traditional Spanish food ..;-))

    I also follow you via email, and I would be happy with your bundle fabric…wow!
    Thanks for the opportunity Corey.
    I’m running a blog now in English, all of you are welcome !

  71. Carmen Attie says:

    Love cooking for everybody and joke Presents

  72. Sarah F. says:

    I think my favorite tradition is picking out a christmas tree. Growing up in Southern California, we always had a fake tree. But now that I live in MA with my husband, we get a real tree every year. And it takes almost the whole day for my husband to find “the” tree. Its lots of fun and very silly. 😀

    Thanks for the very generous giveaway!

  73. Megan says:

    I absolutely love your Christmas pillow panels! My favorite Christmas tradition is a caroling party that my best friends parents hold in my hometown. We go back every year walk from house to house signing carols and then we have snacks and visit. It’s so much fun!

  74. Sandy R says:

    Oh, how things have changed. We used to go to Mom and Dad’s for Christmas but since they have passed away, my family rarely gets together. But, they all get a nice box of baked goods and candy from me, including a box of Lifesavers! Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  75. tiara says:

    I love Christmas eve we all get together and have dinner with white elephant game. I love bright colors and fun geometric shapes. Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. kaholly says:

    We make and decorate cookies every Christmas. The more kids, the more fun!

  77. Sandal says:

    What a lovely idea to share favorite Christmas traditions! My favorite is attending church and singing all the Christmas carols. Such a peaceful way to celebrate Christmas. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share and to win such a fabulous package of items! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  78. Linda nelson says:

    When I was a young adult (coming home from college), my sisters and I slept under the Christmas tree. Now my girls do that at our house. Warms my heart!

  79. Heather says:

    I love filling and opening the Christmas stockings. They are a special and fun way to start the day. We all have stockings made to match the one given to me when I was born and I am carrying on the tradition by making matching ones for each grandchild.

  80. Diane Gill says:

    We love to play Christmas music and sit by the fire looking at the Christmas tree. My kids are grown and I have one grandson with another one on the way. Just having my family together is the best Christmas present in the world! Going together to Christmas Eve service at church tops it off.

  81. Teresa says:

    I love that all 7 brothers and sisters get together at my mum’s home, I bake a lot of cookies and then the last night of the year each one eats 12 grapes as a sign of good luck.

  82. laura says:

    It seems that Christmas traditions change as families grow, move, and passing of parents and others, but the one thing that hasn’t changed for me is the kindness of others. It may be charity functions or just a personal one, but it is the season of giving to others, thinking of other people first that makes a wonderful Christmas tradition.

  83. kara says:

    Reading Christmas books nightly in December, the advent calendar, and elf on a shelf (homemade, the store-bought guy is a little creepy).

  84. Sheryl F says:

    My kids and I love baking and decorating cookies every year.

  85. Cynthia says:

    I love this give away. Your chalkboard panels are great! What we love to do the best is go to our Zoo and see the what they call the Wild Lights show. Their are thousands of lights all over the zoo. It seams like you are in a wonderland and when we have snow it just seams even better. They hot chocolate,cookies, ice skating,rain deer and you can even see Santa ! My kids are older but they still ask when are we all going to the zoo !

  86. Pam says:

    We don’t have a fav Christmas tradition, yet. This is our first in our new house. But, as a kid, just having dad home and not on deployment was the best. I think we may to to make a list and check it twice. 🙂

  87. elsa says:

    Amazing giveaway! My favorite tradition is one we started when we moved to Portland, OR. There’s a street not far from my house ~ Peacock Lane ~ to live on this street you have to agree to decorate your home with Christmas decorations. It’s the most amazing street I’ve ever walked down at Christmas time. My son, dil and I always take a walk (along with every other person in Portland) after they open up the street and then go for hot chocolate at Pix (a place where they only serve desserts). It’s a magical night!

  88. Renita Sullivan says:

    My favorite tradition is one we have been doing since our kids were little. I go to the library and borrow 25 christmas story books and wrap them up and label them 1 to 25. Then each night the whole family sits together, the kids take turns unwrapping the books and my hubby or I read it. We really enjoy this quiet time together before bed each night leading up to christmas. Even though the kids are older teens now, they still look forward to this. Thanks for asking and for your wonderful give a way. Merry Christmas to you!

  89. Sandi in TN says:

    My most favorite tradition is spending Christmas holidays with my daughter and her precious family. On Christmas Eve we have light snacks and gather around the Christmas tree and open one gift each. It sends all of us to bed with a happy Christmas spirit. Love my family!

  90. Joy Gunter says:

    My Daddy was never able to wait for Christmas morning so we always found an excuse to have “Christmas” on Christmas Eve. We ” kids”, all adult, still have our Christmas together on Christmas Eve. Mother & Daddy are no longer with us and this allows us time with our own families on Christmas Day.

  91. Erin says:

    your giveaway is wonderful! my favorite tradition is baking cookies with my kids. they have so much fun decorating them!

  92. robin says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is our family only late night Christmas Eve dinner at a favorite local eatery.Then we come home and watch Its a wondeful Life or the Christmas tree or our eyelids!

  93. Sigrid Golnik says:

    Favorite Christmas tradition is, after the church service Christmas eve – our family gathers around with favorite Christmas snacks to take the annual Christmas picture and open our gifts. (A European tradition – our children love it!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  94. Jane Andersen says:

    What a wonderful giveaway on my birthday!! As a child, we had a progressive dinner with my aunts and uncles on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Day we had dinner at my grandparent’s home. It was a great way to see the lights and decorations at the other homes.

  95. Kim says:

    What a wonderful give away!!! Our tradition is that we open our gifts to one another on Christmas Eve. From youngest to oldest each one opens one gift at a time, but we also have to “guess” what it might be before we open it. It can take hours but it’s fun family time leading up to Santa coming the next morning. Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful giveaway and have a Merry Christmas!

  96. Jessamyn Hawkins says:

    We love staying in our pajamas on Christmas morning for a while. Also, we have homemade hot chocolate and popcorn at least a couple times and watch vintage Christmas movies, like Rudolph, Frosty, and Home Alone.
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  97. Julie says:

    We have two favourite traditions. Firstly we put up our tree in early November and have a tree trimming party with family and friends. We trim the tree, read the Christmas story, sing some carols and enjoy festive treats. Then Christmas Eve we have a buffet supper in front of the TV where we watch “It’s a wonderful life”.
    What a very generous giveaway. I have been following your blog with email feeds for a while, but have now followed with bloglovin.

  98. Kathryn Knox says:

    Watching Christmas movies, we have our favorites but try to see them all.

  99. Kenna says:

    Our favorite Chrstmas tradition is to kick off the season with laughter! On Thanksgiving night we watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. We prefer to enjoy our holidays one at a time. Each holiday starts earlier and earlier every year but it’s not officially Christmas season at our house until we have enjoyed that movie.

  100. Franny says:

    I always love decorating the tree together and getting to sort through the ornaments and thinking about who gave them to us and why.

  101. Renea says:

    Love reading your blog. One Christmas tradition we have is to decorate the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. This way we enjoy the holiday season the whole month of December plus some extra days. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Love the pillows, especially the O Holy Night.

  102. Kim Calhoun says:

    We all get together for lunch on Christmas eve. We eat and talk until evening and then open all our gifts. That way the kids are very excited about Santa coming. Then we all go to my on laws for a second Christmas.

  103. Sarah R says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating cut out cookies as a family. It is fun to watch my children’s creativity come out with frosting and sprinkles. Thanks for the wonderful give away.

  104. Tammy Lyons says:

    We love to go each year to this huge church that has a fabulous live nativity. This will be either or 11th or 12th year. I forget at this point. It is beautiful and done at night. I love the angels they are glorious and they are all backlit with lights that make them shine. After we do this each year then we ride around and look at how people have their homes decorated with Christmas lights.

  105. Becky S says:

    I love folding German paper stars to hang on the Christmas tree. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  106. Kerri Larsson says:

    My favorite thing is to sit with the kids (or sometimes even by myself) 🙂

    and watch Rudolph, Frosty and all the classic Christmas shows.

  107. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway. Since my kids were little, I always put a puzzle in his/her stocking. Even though they are in their 30s, the tradition continues. But now it is much more difficult to find something different and still challenging to them! I love the hunt!

  108. Marie says:

    We have a huge breakfast every Christmas morning! Starts the day out perfectly.

  109. Nancy of IN says:

    I love getting together with friends–ASG gatherings, church party, and family get together.
    Making cookies with grands.

  110. Diane A Parks says:

    It is a tradition that carried over from my parents…….Christmas Eve is for food, family and gifts! Christmas Day is rather quiet around here! We usually go to our son’s to see to see our grandchildren’s Santa gifts and my daughter-in-law cooks breakfast for us. I love your chalkboard pillows!

  111. Yvonne says:

    Christmas tradition at our house is all about family. Everyone who can comes to grandmas house.

  112. wendy says:

    My favourite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree. Each year we buy 2 new baubles to add. We don’t have a colour coordinated tree, we have a tree of memories!

  113. Janet Crossman says:

    Our favourite tradition is the Huge seafood chowder we make on Boxing Day for all the family and friends, a break from the turkey and it extends the family time over the season. This year I just want my hubby home for Christmas, he has been in hospital for a month. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  114. Peggy Hendrick says:

    My partners family takes up a collection each year at the annual Christmas eve get-together…then they present it to a family member who has had a hardship that year…they call it “Gift from the Heart”…

  115. Laura says:

    We have had many traditions over the years, but my favorite one is one that I started the year my first child was born: we buy a dated ornament every year. Now, when we put up the tree, we look at each ornament’s year and think about the good things that happened that year. Even now, when my two boys are grown, my husband and I keep the tradition going. It makes the tree very special!! Hope your Christmas is special and full of joy.

  116. Helen S. says:

    I bake a special “handed down” recipe from a neighbor each year. It’s an anise type of biscotti.Love this opportunity to enter! Merry Christmas to you!

  117. Mary says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is filling everyone’s stocking with fun things. As my kids get older one thing they look forward to is the lottery tickets included. What a generous giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  118. Laura says:

    We love to make Christmas candy for friends and neighbors. Thanks for the chance!

  119. Melanie J says:

    Spending time with family.

  120. Brenda says:

    Our family’s tradition is to attend our church’s Christmas Eve service and then come home and have pizza while watching a Christmas movie.

  121. karen peachey says:

    My family gets together at a cabin every year between Christmas & new years & we all look forward to it all year long!

  122. Judee says:

    Love the chalkboard idea! My favorite Christmas tradition is absolutely Christmas Mass where we celebrate Jesus’s birthday.

  123. Bonnie says:

    Our Christmas is filled with so many traditions…. all centered around family. We spend Christmas eve with all of our family, and have Christmas Turkey with Family as well. Another favorite tradition is baking with my daughter.

  124. Mary Chalupsky says:

    When I was growing up, we always had oyster stew on Christmas Eve and Steak and Raisin bread on Christmas morning. I never liked the oysters, so changed to oysters to a fish chowder. We still have both – sometimes we have to wait until New Years, but the tradition continues!

  125. Pat says:

    I look forward each year to baking Christmas cookies and then gifting them (along with the jams and apple butter I’ve made) to my family and friends. What a wonderful giveaway – thank you for the chance to win!

  126. annabelle says:

    I grow up in rural GA. and I remember when my brother, sister and I were little Daddy took us in the woods behind our house to find the best wild Christmas tree. Some years it was a little pine and some years a cedar. Now I live in rural AR. My husband and I take our three little ones to find our own Christmas tree in the wild woods. This is my favorite Christmas memory and with Daddy gone it means so much more to be making the same kind of memories with me little ones.

    Thank you!!!

  127. Carissa says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree as a family with ornaments we’ve collected over the years while listening to Christmas carols. 🙂

  128. Sandra Visser says:

    Wow such a generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win. My favorite tradition would be driving around to view the christmas lights.

  129. Christine says:

    Our Christmas tradition is the weekly lighting of candles on our Advent wreath.

  130. First, thank you so much for the fabulous giveaway. We didn’t have a lot of traditions when I was growing up, so over the years, I’ve gone crazy creating our own. One of my favorites is decorating gingerbread houses. Now that my daughter is grown, this year my neice and I will decorate houses. I think she eats more candy than makes it on the house 🙂 Merry Christmas everyone!

  131. Lisa C in Dallas says:

    I love to bake during the holidays but this year I decided to make close friends a Christmas pillow for their birthdays and a companion pillow for Christmas. It has been a lot of fun. Years ago (many years) I made some of the same friends cross-stitched pillows. Some precious (very non-crafty) friends kept the original pillows and are pairing them with the new pillows. It was been a joy to give and to receive the pictures!

  132. PennyDog says:

    I always wear my hat upside down because that’s what my dad used to do!

  133. Connie says:

    We have a Return to Bethlehem dinner. . .flatbread, fish, rice, cheeses of all kinds, grapes, etc–we eat with only candlelight. The children love it! Then we spend some time reading from Luke 2 in the Bible, the children acting it out with robes, towel headpieces, and so on. It gives a moment of peace to remember the reason for the season!

  134. Katherine says:

    Our favorite Christmas tradition used to be going to my mom’s house on Christmas Eve where all family and extended family would come and we’d sing the 12 Days of Christmas, but she’s 80 now, so we can’t do it anymore. We’re making a new tradition. I’d have to say making homemade eggnog is one of our favorite current traditions…

  135. Amanda says:

    Going to Grandma’s on Christmas Eve!

  136. Barb N says:

    Since we live in a resort community, our Christmas Eve tradition is to go to Sun Valley and watch the ski patrol ski down Dollar Mountain for a Torch Light Parade, followed by a wonderful fireworks display, hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. Carolers dressed in old-fashioned costumes add the perfect touch when everyone sings Silent Night.

  137. Shelly says:

    Our favorite Christmas tradition is to make handmade gifts for people in my family. This year it’s handmade pillowcases for the nieces and nephews and handmade lip balm and lotion for the ladies. My favorite time of year. I love your work. Just made your Ruby and Pearl quilt.

  138. Miss Nancy says:

    My immediate family have always given each other a Special Christmas card on Christmas Day. That is my favorite tradition. Thank you for this great giveaway.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  139. Kris Allen says:

    I love to read a Christmas story/book everynight with my kids on the couch in front of the Christmas Tree.

  140. Leslie says:

    Hi Cory! Thank you so much for this holiday Giveaway!
    I guess my favourite tradition is all of it! Getting out our Christmas Village, setting up the display, decorating the Christmas Tree, putting out Christmas cushions, towels, etc. Cooking, baking, planning! Shopping is good, but I hate wrapping and I leave it to the end, unless Hubby does it!
    All Joy and Peace to you this Holiday Season!
    Take care, Leslie

  141. Audrey says:

    I love Christmas! And having two boys makes it even more fun to share traditions. I love making cookies and decorating the tree the most, I think. 🙂

  142. Karee says:

    For each of our nativity sets, we do not put the Christ child out until Christmas eve after we set out hundreds of luminarias.

    Merry Christmas!

  143. Carol says:

    This is an amazing giveaway.
    Christmas Eve is our time for our family to be together. We start with lunch out. Then we gather at our home to chat and have an evening buffet. Then we open presents and head out to a local subdivision that puts on the most amazing light display. Then we attend Midnight Mass.
    Merry Christmas

  144. Carmen says:

    Wow, that’s a giveaway to end all giveaways! My favourite Christmas tradition is probably going with my cousin to buy all the groceries and prepare a massive dinner for our family. There have been some kitchen disasters, but mostly it’s a lot of fun!

  145. Joelle says:

    One Sat morning before Christmas we bake a fresh coffee cake, make hot cocoa and head up to the mountains to cut down our tree. We enjoy our breakfast out in the fresh air amongst the trees.

  146. On Christmas eve, we always watch George C Scott’s A Christmas Carol.

  147. LisaAnn says:

    We get everyone together and open presents with extended family on Christmas Eve night. The kids love it! And we have food and chatting and pictures and it is so much fun! Christmas morning is for stockings and Santa presents and of course, Christmas breakfast, usually homemade cinnamon rolls! Love your giveaway and thanks for the chance to win!

  148. Lesley says:

    Honestly, I’m not a big tradition person and even if I was, my family doesn’t really have an specific traditions. I really just like spending time with my family so that’s my favorite part of Christmas.

    If I do win, I love any fabric that’s geometric and bright. I like chevrons and herringbone prints and turquoises and oranges and yellows.

  149. I love to see Christmas lights, but mostly catching up with family while eating delicious food! I’m a simple person.

  150. Mary says:

    What a nice giveaway! We have a tradition of a mother/daughter luncheon each year.

  151. Mary says:

    I love those chalkboad pillows. I am a follower of yours.

  152. Shelley says:

    My favorite tradition is making new ornaments for our tree and sharing them with friends and neighbors. And of course, baking cookies and treats!

  153. pkmegs says:

    Reading Christmas books to my boys, it is they way we start the countdown to they day.

  154. Jill Jones says:

    My favorite Christmas activity is making penuche (candied) walnuts and pecans as gifts for family and friends. For my family, I also make handmade ornaments each year.

  155. Suzie says:

    Oh what a wonderful giveaway!
    My favourite Christmas tradition is to go out for a walk in the evening around the neighbourhood and see all the decorated houses and Christmas trees twinkling through the windows!

  156. Melanie D says:

    We make Lukken cookies. They are a Belgian tradition. You cook them two at a time in an iron press.

  157. Jan says:

    In our neighbourhood, Santa rides around town in a large fire truck on Christmas eve so all the children can see him as he goes by before he heads for his sleigh to deliver presents. My grandkids love rushing to the door when they hear the sirens to catch a glimpse and wave. I love watching how excited they are. Merry Christmas!

  158. Flaun says:

    In our house, we open stockings as soon as we’re vertical, there’s no need to wait for everyone to be awake. It was quite nice as a kid (and again as an adult with littles) to tear into a few little things before the rest of the house was awake (or sleep in while someone else did the tearing). My mom was always sure to put in a small hand project for me, usually cross-stitch, so I would haven’t something to keep me busy until she was ready to sit with coffee and gifts.

  159. Deb says:

    Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway. We watch “It’s A Wonderful Life.” I have seen it many, many times and cry at the end every time. Happy Holiday~ May you days be merry & bright!

  160. Carla says:

    My grown kids still love their stockings! Now with a new daughter in law and grand babies we have even more fun. Thanks so much

  161. My favorite tradition is baking apple pies, and hanging up my favorite decorations from childhood.

  162. rosemarie garone says:

    my children are older and married. i do not buy them gifts, instead i give money. i came across this pin ball type of game where you can put the money in the slot and close it. once the slot is closed, the game has to be played in order to open the slot and get the money out. we have been doing this for several years. even though they all know how to play, you have to see the frustration on their faces when they can’t open the slot. my granddaughter gets hysterical watching the adults. inevitably, the girls always open the slots before the guys. thank you for the holiday giveaway. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to All!

  163. Dawna says:

    The best part is being together with family but one thing we do is after our Christmas Eve service we love to have an ‘appy feast’ and celebrate together the reason for the season.

  164. Lindsey says:

    Our family has a handmade gift exchange. Everyone has to make something and then you either get to open a gift or steal something that has already been opened. It is lots of fun and I am always amazed by the creativity of my family members. Grandma’s homemade baking is usually the most coveted present 🙂

  165. Jane says:

    To make the gift opening last and so we know what gifts each person receives and from whom, we open them one by one. The first person starts and then that person, after opening their gift, choses the next gift, and so on. It makes the gift opening much more enjoyable! Our kids are all adults now but we still follow that tradition.

  166. Kim says:

    Hey- That’s an amazing giveaway! I love your chalk board inspired fabric. How fun!
    Our Christmas tradition is to have breakfast together. Our kids are all adults now and may not always be home for dinner. We usually have a big fruit salad with eggs Benny or an egg strata and a big pot of coffee. Way less fuss than a turkey dinner, lol! It’s relaxed and fun and we all love it 🙂
    I already follow your blog on bloglovin.

  167. In early December, our kids and grandkids come over for soup and cookie day. After church we have homemade soup, then our son and daughter-in-law go shopping and I make cookies with the grandchildren. It is my very favorite holiday tradition. What a fabulous giveaway!

  168. Jamie says:

    We always have homemade beef vegetable soup on Christmas Eve and a fancy breakfast Christmas morning before we open gifts.

  169. ang says:

    cute idea!

  170. Millie says:

    I love to trim the tree and I use a quilt as a tree skirt. Thanks for the chance to enter your fabulous giveaway. 🙂

  171. Sophie says:

    Decorating the tree is my favorite tradition. For me, it’s a lot like a Hallmark commercial, I love the ornaments I have collected over the years and pulling them out brings back lots of lovely memories.

    Thank you for this fabulous giveaway–so many goodies for the lucky winner.

  172. Sharon says:

    We love to drive around town and look at the houses all lit up!

  173. Robbin says:

    We have a tradition of a surf and turf meal eaten on Christmas Eve. There is usually shrimp involved and a really good steak. We look forward to it every year! Thanks for the most generous giveaway and all the inspiration throughout the year!

  174. Taryn says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is our family gift exchange on Christmas Eve. No wish lists allowed, so it is fun to see what everyone gets each other!

  175. Our tradition has been clam chowder on Christmas Eve, then presents. We hope to add in a Christmas morning ride on our horses if weather permits 🙂
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!!

  176. My favorite holiday tradition is a Polish one. We have pierogi for Christmas Eve dinner, share some oplatke and hugs and kisses and then go to midnight mass.

  177. Alison says:

    Just spending time at home with my family. 🙂

  178. Monica says:

    Going to the movies on Xmas day with my family. It’s not much but I’ve been doing since I was a kid.

  179. Our Christmas tradition is to have the children in the family play out the nativity. It is always hilarious! Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  180. Jen R says:

    Wow, what a great giveaway! I’m enjoying creating traditions with my 2 daughters age 2 & 4, looking at christmas lights, making cookies, reading christmas books, etc.

  181. Gina S. Ia says:

    Spending christmas with my daughter and her family.

  182. Ashley Williams says:

    Eeek this is practically the best giveaway ever!! I think my favorite is that my dad always wakes up and makes his amazing biscuits and sausage gravy! It’s so good and I can never be too old to love my daddy cooking for me! Going home is the best 🙂

  183. Bethany Martini says:

    My favorite tradition is decorating our 12 ft christmas tree!

  184. Judy H. says:

    making cookies with my daughters and listening to Christmas music while we do it.

  185. Karen K says:

    What a wonderful giveaway!! Love all of it! Things change once the children have grown up. Not every year are they able to come home. So something I enjoy every year is going to our church Christmas program. It is always so beautiful and uplifting. Love the praise and true meaning of Christmas. Thanks. Karen

  186. Kathleen says:

    My favorite tradition is to bake cookies. I usually bake 5 or more varieties and give them to friends. Butter season is the best season!

  187. Emma says:

    I love Christmas dinner. Its great fun to cook and then we have a lovely time chatting and celebrating whilst we eat it.
    Your give away is just amazing – keeping my fingers crossed.

  188. annette says:

    I have been so enthralled with all of the chalkboard art that’s around lately — and love your fabric! What a great idea. A favorite tradition is hanging out together for a day making edible gifts for teachers and others. The conversations with my kids are always memorable.

  189. Lani says:

    My favorite is getting my whole family together. I miss when we all lived near each other so everyone getting home for Christmas is special 🙂

  190. Denise Cabral says:

    My favorite Christmas is the cranberry bread that my husband always makes.

  191. Wendy says:

    Wow, what a wonderful and generous giveaway!!! My favorite tradition is baking my grandmother’s Swedish cookies. They take forever (2 days) but while I am making them, I think of her the whole time…and miss her. It is my way of spending time with my Grandmother during what was always her favorite holiday!

  192. Vicky says:

    I love the tradition of family getting together for a big turkey dinner. We watch the kids open gifts, then they are off to play with their new toys and the grownups start telling–I remeber when- or – When I was young. Those are the best!! Thank you for a great giveaway. Love following your blog.

  193. Jen B says:

    My Mums birthday is on the 19th, so we don’t put up the tree untill about the 21st, when the old christmas records go on and the decorations go up.

  194. Colette says:

    I make a cross stitched stocking for each new family member with their name and they are hung at my mother and father’s house. OK right now I am a bit behind, people were adding family members left and right over the past 2 years. 3 husbands, 2 grandsons, a nephew, sister in law I am way behind.

  195. Kathleen OGrady says:

    Oh my Goodness, what an awesome giveaway! I so hope I am a lucky person for this one! My favorite tradition would be baking Christmas cookies and sharing with friends. It is always more fun to give something homemade to people you love. I love to decorate my house also.
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  196. VickiT says:

    WOW! What an amazing giveaway you have put together. Thank you for the chance.

    My favorite tradition is going to the Christmas tree farm, even now that we no longer buy a real tree. I LOVE going there as it just really puts me into the holiday spirit so quickly to go and see the fireplace with the big fire, having the freshly made fudge and sugar roasted almonds, and watching the little kids seeing Santa there. Now we are taking our Granddaughter with us while she and her parents are living with us so it’s very special to me. This tree farm is now it its 4th generation of being run by the same family and I have gone to this same tree farm myself since I was a small child so for over 50+ yrs I have had this tradition. We weren’t able to go for a few years and it just didn’t feel like Christmas those years to me.

  197. Charity says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is making cookies… But really there are a handful of things we do every year that are special: picking out the tree, decorating the house, going to see The Nutcracker, and driving around looking at light displays. I love them all!

  198. Lindsay B says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is opening our presents on Christmas Eve. We have a yummy supper and then we gather around the tree, read the Christmas story and open our presents. 🙂 Then on Christmas day we do Stockings.

  199. Brooke says:

    The kids and I make sugar cookies every year. 🙂

  200. Barbara Orozco says:

    This is a generous giveaway, thanks for offering!
    Our family tradition is Fondue at Christmas Eve, the only time a year we have Fondue. I look forward to having it every year.

  201. Terri says:

    Such a generous giveaway!! Since it’s just my husband and me (our families are in South Dakota and Minnesota) our holidays are simple. For that reason, I think my favorite tradition is grabbing a mug of hot cocoa and driving around through some of the great neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights. It’s even better if it’s raining out, but that doesn’t happen often! 🙂

  202. Katy(LethargicLass) says:

    my favourite tradition is driving around to look at the lights… thanks for being so generous!

  203. Cheri says:

    My favorite christmas tradition is the baking! I LOVE LOVE LOVE baking cookies at christmas time! I’ll never forget teaching my 3 year old grand daughter how to make/bake sugar cookie cut outs and at that age, she memorized the recipe!
    Thanks for the giveaway and oh, did I mention… I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalk board creation and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this giveaway! Very awesome and inspiring!

  204. Lorrie says:

    What a wonderful giveaway opportunity. Thank you.

    It’s hard to choose a favorite Christmas tradition, but the moment when we say grace at the Christmas dinner table is very special – looking at the faces of those I love most in the world. After that would be making as many gifts as I can.

  205. CJ says:

    Tamales! It’s a relatively new tradition since I moved to Texas, but I’ve thoroughly embraced it.

  206. Sherry says:

    Making and sharing Christmas cookies. Between Christmas and New Years, we cookies and hot tea every night after dinner.

  207. Tracy H says:

    We have a favorite breakfast that has become a tradition to have for Christmas. Now that the kids Re grown we still have that meal even if it is for dinner on Christmas Eve if that is the time when we all can be together!

  208. Darlene says:

    One of our favorite family traditions is opening one gift on Christmas eve and sharing scripture.

    Wonderful giveaway, thank you!

  209. Jo Hinchcliffe says:

    I love putting up the tree & decorations (usually the Sunday after the first day of the 12 days of Christmas) with my partner. It’s a simple affair, but it really is lovely switching off the main lights & turning on the Christmas ones 🙂

  210. Carol B says:

    Wow! What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
    My favorite tradition is to decorate the Christmas tree with my children. As we unpack each ornament we laugh and remember stories that go with them. The time spend is so precious.

  211. Julia Glotova says:

    Just being all together at home, I think. Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com

  212. Siobhan Henn says:

    My favourite tradition is on boxing day when we have cold turkey and sausagemeat (my fav) with mashed potato.. followed closely by midnight mass and coming home from mass with my hair smelling of insense and getting to open my first present at like 2am

    Thanks for the opportunity

    I follow with theoldreader

  213. Shauna says:

    I love our tradition of Christmas Eve services and then driving around looking at lights, then home for snacks and Christmas movies

  214. Katie B says:

    I love my son’s Advent calendar!

  215. Kristen says:

    We see all of our family between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and eat a lot and open presents, and it’s just such a nice fun time.

  216. Kathie says:

    My favorite tradition is having all our adult children and their families home and having Christmas dinner together. We each have poppers and wear our little crowns and share our prizes. Since we only have everyone home every other year it is becoming a more precious time to my husband and I. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!

  217. What a super fantastic giveaway! I LOVE your blog and your projects are always over the top beautiful!
    One of our many traditions include my husband making Eggs Benedict every Christmas morning. He’s been doing it for years and my boys (who are now grown) and their girlfriends always look forward to it. It’s a great time to be together around the table and enjoy each other.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  218. Sally says:

    Our family tradition of singing The 12 Days of Christmas in turn, we each draw a number, is a lot of fun. Fond memories of family no longer with us too. Thanks for the chance – what a lovely bundle!

  219. Lolita says:

    I’l love to win the wonderful chalkboard print pillow top and the other great items!
    I love Christmas, the giving, the Christmas Eve Service, the family, cookies, dinner, reading the Christmas Story, decorating with my Christmas Village, International Santas, etc. They are all my favorite traditions, I don’t think I can pick a favorite.

    Bless you for the the blog and the great giveaway!

  220. Sunnybec says:

    We moved to France 10 years ago so all my traditions have been left behind with my famil, except one…… I always watch Scrooge on the TV!

  221. Wendy says:

    I never celebrated Christmas I until my husband and I got married four years ago, so no real traditions. But I do like watching Its a Wonderful Life every holiday season.

  222. What an awesome giveaway! Your panels are beautiful!
    My favorite Christmas tradition is taking my girls to see the Christmas Village out town puts up. There is so much joy and excitement!

    happierthanabird at gmail dot com

  223. Celia says:

    What an awesome giveaway! My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree with a glass of wine and Christmas music!

  224. Jan says:

    My family is scattered, so I choose one new special ornament to send to each family.

  225. Lynda H says:

    We make Chinese noodles on Christmas Eve – my mother did it because she always cooked a Christmas dinner for 40+ on Christmas day so we opened presents on Christmas eve – this was a quick and easy dish to make with little clean-up needed (always had to have the dishes done before presents). Somehow, the tradition has continued – I have served them every year – one year I had 19 for dinner on Christmas eve, and now I have two friends that also make the noodles on Christmas Eve since they have moved away – my youngest daughter who lives too far away to come for Christmas also makes them now – funny how traditions get started

  226. Jeanne Jones says:

    We bake and decorate Christmas cookies. The decorating is done using frosting paint and paintbrushes. We pack the cookies in handmade Christmas houses made from recycled Christmas cards. We give them to special friends and neighbors.

  227. Greta says:

    Holy Batman! A custom bundle from your stash-sign me up 🙂 My favorite tradition is that before we open presents we read the Christmas story. It’s actually from a book my aunt gave my brother when he was a kid. A few years ago my mom tracked down a copy of the same book for me from a used bookstore. It’s a special time to reflect and remember just what it is we are really celebrating. Thanks for a chance to win!

  228. Jill says:

    My favorite tradition is playing games after dinner with family.

  229. margaret says:

    Having all my family together at christmas , and seeing all there happy faces means a lot to me.May you and your family have a happy christmas. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  230. Margaret A says:

    I can’t imagine winning a fabric bundle from your stash … I’m drooling! The other prizes are lovely as well and I very much appreciate the opportunity to win. My favorite holiday tradition is the simplest of all – the yearly gathering of my immediate family at my parents’ home and the pleasure of their company. The older I get (and my parents), the more I appreciate what may seem like the small things. Aside from the religious celebration, Christmas isn’t about the material gifts to me, it’s about the gifts of family love that I am so blessed with. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  231. Shellie says:

    Love all your bundles. What fun!
    My favorite tradition is traveling to Denver to stay at my aunt’s house. She goes all out. Her house is always the center of family gatherings. She’s the best!

  232. Randa says:

    Oh, only to be as talented as you!!!

  233. Chiska says:

    Our favorite tradition is cutting our Christmas tree from the forest. We love going out for a walk in the woods to find one

  234. Judy says:

    It has got to be a new tradition for my granddaughter to make something for her Mom and Grandma for Christmas; last year we made fabric ornaments! I love it!

  235. 1kadybug says:

    What a fantastically generous giveaway! Our favorite tradition is making a new cookie. Every year we bake something new and give some of them away.

  236. Eliza Crandall says:

    My favorite tradition is going to Christmas on the Prado in Balboa Park. All the museums are free and decorated for the holidays. There is so much entertainment going on all around the park. My daughters favorite still is the ST. Lucia procession.

  237. Becky M says:

    I love decorating the tree. A lot of our ornaments are sentimental and it’s fun to relive those memories.

  238. Woah!! That’s some giveaway!!

    My favourite tradition is when my daughter opens her giant tree-bauble-box after her bath on Christmas Eve. We’ve done it since she was a year old and although it can be difficult finding things small enough to fit it means Santa is almost here and the work is all done!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  239. Cheryl L. says:

    Our tradition is a simple one. Our entire family gathers on Christmas Eve for dinner, presents, love and laughter. We then have a ‘white elephant’ gift exchange, which are gifts that are funny, unwanted from last holiday, or practical. Our purchase limit is $15 (that’s negotiable). The wrapped presents are in a pile, and we draw numbers for picking order. You can steal a gift that has been chosen when it’s your turn (gift stealing only up to 2 times per gift). Kids 12 and over love to participate. The younger ones are to busy playing with their new toys, or each other!

  240. angela bullard says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of stuff to win!

    We just started the tradition of opening one wrapped book every night between December 1 and Christmas. I’m hoping my little one will enjoy it as much as I do :).

  241. Sara says:

    Whoa! That’s a great giveaway! Favorite tradition? Making Christmas cookies, my husband and I started the tradition when we were just dating. We made cookies yesterday and my daughter vomited everywhere after, so that’s a new memory to go along with that tradition! LOL!

  242. Terry says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is getting out the vintage Santa that was my husband’s when he was a child (that makes him vintage as well lol!!!). It is how we always start to decorate for the holiday. Thanks for the sweet giveaway 🙂

  243. Kathleen Dalecio says:

    My favorite tradition (with no little ones about for years now) has become baking Christmas cookies to give to our neighbors.
    Thank you for your Giveaway opportunity!
    May you have a blessed, happy & healthy Christmas!

  244. melissa says:

    I love Christmas morning. We all wake each other up and open gifts together then we cook a big breakfast and just enjoy the relative quiet before all the family visits begin!

  245. Sherry says:

    I love decoration our tree with the help of our grandchildren. We make hot chocolate and turn on the music. We make a few adjustments after the little ones go home but it is worth it to have them help

  246. Meredith says:

    I love going to Christmas eve services with my family. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate with friends and family and take a minute to pause in the busy season and remember the reason we celebrate. And christmas cookies. 🙂

  247. Cheree says:

    My favorite tradition is Mass on Christmas morning. Another is how I always have a little something handmade for all of the kids to open on Christmas Eve.

  248. M says:

    The Christmas family get together dinner:D fun!

  249. Kris says:

    We’ve had a tradition in our family for years and that is to have a big fresh crab feast on Christmas. Yummy!!!! Merry Christmas

  250. Siobhan says:

    What a generous giveaway! Hmmm, fun Christmas traditions. We allow the kids to open one Christmas gift on Christmas Eve. It’s always pajamas, and they actually look forward to that each year. My husband also reads them a Christmas book each year as they’re going to bed on Christmas Eve. They pile into bed together to listen to him reading. They’re 19 & 23 now and LOVE the traditions.

    I follow you through Blog Lovin!

  251. Kay says:

    Pulling out the 50’s & 60’s ornaments that my parents used to decorate the tree when I was little. I still use them today!

  252. Jacqueline VH says:

    Hi, I am a follower! Love your blog.
    My favourite Christmas tradition is doing up my mantle in a Christmas village. I try to find something new to add to it every year!

  253. Anne Marie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is making cookies and eating as many as you can 🙂 Cookies fresh out of the oven are the best!!

  254. Crystal says:

    My favorite is just spending the day with family.

  255. Gunilla says:

    Wow- great giveaway! My fav christmas tradition is sitting in front of the fire, early in the morning, just befire the hustle and bustle of christmas!

  256. Alexis K. says:

    My favorite is baking and decorating cookies with my grandma. I’m so luck to still have her around!

  257. Teresa says:

    What a fantastic Christmas giveaway!! My favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas pjs for my grandkids. They get flannel pj bottoms made by me and a white long sleeve t-shirt with either an applique or an embroidery, ie. a pirate embroidery, a snowman applique out of bottoms fabric, & a hello kitty applique from bottoms fabric.

  258. nancy mcmahan says:

    Your chalkboard fabrics are so cool and different. I love our family tradition of having Christmas brunch together. Family is the most important thing to me.

  259. barbara corbitt says:

    my favorite christmas tradition is gifting my quilts. i have quilted for over forty years. all of my quilts are hand pieced and hand quilted and donated. this year, i made lap quilts and put one in each food basket my church fixes for the needy. my problem is money. i receive less than four hundred dollars monthly for disability, so buying fabric is not an option. a few bloggers have generously given me fabric, but i have used it all.

  260. jo says:

    playing card games together is great!

  261. Tiffany says:

    Okay, those pillow covers are AWESOME! This is probably the best giveaway so far. Someone is going to be very lucky. I love spending time singing Christmas songs with my mom and sisters every year. We try to perform for some kind of event every year, whether it’s a church party or an old folks home or whatever. I love it.

  262. Stephanie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to a Christmas show with my two daughters and my daughter-in-law. Always good for a few laughs, lunch and girlie fun!

  263. SueAnn Wirick says:

    Having 2 Christmas birthdays in the family makes our celebration so much more exciting. We get 4 celebrations on 1 day how cool is that????

  264. Jessica says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to our Christmas Eve service at church, where we read the Christmas story from the Bible, light and hold individual candles and stand in a circle singing Christmas carols. Afterwards, my family drives around town to see lights on houses.

  265. Jane S. says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is opening our stockings Christmas morning. We have sweet rolls and coffee, and we take turns pulling out one item at a time. It takes at least an hour but it’s a really nice way to wake up!

  266. Mary Reinhardt says:

    Our family tradition has always been to meet at my Mom and Dad’s house on Christmas Eve with all my brothers and sisters. Now that the families have grown (28 people ranging in ages 91 to 5) we meet at my sister’s house to open gifts and have a big feast and to socialize. I love you blog and thanks for the giveaway. Merry Christmas.

  267. Katie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is opening presents on Christmas Eve and looking at all the Christmas lights. Thank you for a fantastic giveaway!

  268. Michele T says:

    I love to drive around town checking out all the Christmas lights!!

  269. Michele T says:

    I follow you via Bloglovin’ – thanks!!

  270. Löni says:

    midnight sledging-walk on Christmas Eve (I sledge the others walk .. yeah I know I will never grow up) … ohh and the food .. potato salad and sausages .. so easy yet such a must … and it’s sort of a last breather before the eating starts …

  271. Laverne Alves says:

    Our family tradition goes back to my childhood. I am 72. My dear Mom made flannel nightgowns for girls and PJs for the boys. Mom and Dad said if we behaved we would get to open 1 package on Christmas eve. It always was their choice. We loved these packages of soft warm flannel. We took our baths and snuggled in our beds to sleep until morning. I can still feel that soft fabric in my imagination, even today. They just don’t make flannel like that anymore. I still carry that tradition for my grands and great grands.
    In the 1940s our Christmas was simple. Our stocking was filled with Oranges and nuts and a box of Cracker Jacks(with a toy inside) . Our presents were new clothes(home made), jacks, marbles, pick up sticks, books.
    Thank you for inviting me to reminisce. Please remember the real reason for this season.
    Thank you, Miss Shabby for your wonderful blog from LaVerne

  272. Jeana says:

    We’ve recently started going to the movies on Christmas day and I love it! Movies are a rare occurrence in my house so it’s a fun treat to enjoy. And thanks for the chance!

  273. Anita says:

    I love baking Christmas cookies and then giving away. Happy Holidays.

  274. Kim M says:

    What a generous giveaway! I love the chalkboard prints and I’m working on collecting mini-charm squares for a large postage stamp quilt! And the custom bundle is such a great idea!

    My favorite tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner. We always get a honeybaked ham and my mom makes green beans and potatos and we all have a nice long dinner together. I also love decorating the tree with all of the ornaments we’ve collected over the years.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  275. Marie G says:

    we collect items from wherever we travel and use them as tree ornaments. each one has a story. each year the ones collected from the past year go on the tree first.

  276. Emily C says:

    I love giving away toys for the children for Toys for Tots.

  277. Well, we’re Jewish…BUT my birthday is December 26 and when I was little, a man from my synagogue told me that the neighborhood had put up all those pretty lights for me! Of course I know that’s no longer true but maybe a little piece of me still likes to think it is 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!

  278. Dawn Frisch says:

    One of our family Christmas traditions is to watch Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (animated cartoon from 1964). I’ve watched it every year (and only missed once) since it was televised. So my hubby, my son and I gather around the TV to watch it every year. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without watching it! LOL
    Happy Holidays!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  279. Carrie P. says:

    what a very generous giveaway.
    My favorite tradition is driving to our NC mountains to pick our Christmas tree. This year we were able to go the day after Thanksgiving.
    Merry Christmas.

  280. Beulah says:

    my favorite Christmas tradition…star gazing Christmas Eve night…wondering what it must have been like the night the angels came to the shepherds.

  281. Heather M says:

    Holy Moly, what a giveaway. thanks for the chance. I love making gingerbread houses with my kids.

  282. Jessie S. says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is bundling up with our kiddos and going to see the Christmas lights, it’s always a magical time!

  283. We make Christmas tree decorations to give to special people. 🙂

  284. ^A^ngel says:

    I enjoy putting up the Christmas Tree it feels like my Dad is right there with me… He use to love to sit and watch me put ours up …his eyes and smile always bright…. ( I miss you Dad!)…now my kids look at me every Christmas the same way…. 🙂

  285. What a wonderful giveaway! Our favorite tradition is opening our gifts on Christmas Eve one by one youngest to oldest. It’s so fun to slow things down and really enjoy seeing everyone’s reactions!

  286. Lili says:

    My favorite tradition comes form Europe. It’s St. Nikolaus who comes on the 6th of December and I am keeping it up for my son. The kids clean their boots on the 5th of December and leave them outside their door or the front door before they go to bed. They also leave water and sugar, for the donkey who is transporting the gifts for St. Nikolaus and cookies outside. St. Nikolaus leaves little presents, nothing big, oranges, nuts and chocolate in the kids shoes. So once the kids wake up on the 6th, they have a little surprise in their boots, which is so great.

  287. Anne says:

    We exchange small yet meaningful gifts among siblings on Christmas Eve, then have our tried and true Christmas Eve ham. Midnight Mass caps it off!

  288. Sarah R says:

    Our family loves the tradition of decorating sugar cookies together. It is fun to see everyone’s creativity with frosting and sprinkles.

  289. Melanie says:

    On Christmas Eve night we have fondue for supper and a red velvet cake roll for dessert. We all love it and it’s super easy to make. A win for everyone!

    Thanks for the glorious giveaway! I have my fingers crossed!

  290. Angela Guinn says:

    This is an exciting giveaway, and you create such beautiful things! Thanks for the opportunity to get some of that into my house. 🙂 My favorite tradition is new jammies and a Christmas movie on Christmas eve. Of course, my boys are only JUST old enough to actually sit through a movie…

  291. Nancy says:

    I love the Christmas tree. Growing up we usually would go and cut one down. Now that I live in Arizona we have to buy it from a lot but it stills smells great and I love decorating it! Thanks for the great giveaway:)

  292. Lisa McGriff says:

    Hello what a giveaway! My favorite Christmas tradition is a LARGE breakfast on Christmas morning before we open gifts!!

  293. Gill says:

    We go to the midnight church service on Christmas Eve then back home for mulled wine and mince pies!

  294. audrey says:

    LOVE your chalkboard panels! Too sweet. My favorite Christmas tradition is getting boatloads of snacks ready on Christmas Eve with my daughters helping out.:) Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. Would love to win!

  295. Sue says:

    As children we use to go caroling on Christmas Eve, that was a favorite part of the holiday. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  296. Sarah says:

    On Christmas eve we have chinese food, games and santa comes to bring the kids their christmas Pj’s. the air about the whole evening is magical.

  297. Kim says:

    What an amazing giveaway! Thank you! My favorite tradition is a family ornament exchange on Christmas eve. Everyone has a collection and it’s nice to look back at the collection from year to year.

  298. Esther F. says:

    I love having my parents come to my house and just hang together and watch old movies.

  299. Sonja says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies. We make a whole week of it. Five days of baking and two days of sharing.

  300. Sarah says:

    Dad cooking breakfast 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  301. Andrea C L says:

    my parents always do a scavenger hunt with our presents!

  302. Erin says:

    Our family tradition is the month of December – decorating, baking, holiday films, time together, looking at lights, etc. magical!

  303. I have only entered a giveaway once before . No luck .
    I would love to win the book of blocks .
    my favourite on Christmas day is the smell of the cooking and the excitement of the little ones

  304. Anya says:

    Making gingerbread houses! Thanks for the chance!

  305. Amber says:

    I love waking up Christmas morning, watching everyone slowly wake up, have breakfast together, and then unwrap presents throwing wadded up wrapping paper at one another. Good times! Thanks for the giveaway!

  306. mendy says:

    I love everything about your website, it always brings me such joy when I look at your beautiful quilts and designs and know your heart for our Savior.

    My favorite memory since I was a little child at my grandmother’s and it is still continuing: on Christmas night after dinner and before gifts with extended family we read the Christmas story in Luke and then bring out our Angel Food cake with drizzled strawberries on the white whipped topping and we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and the little ones blow out the candle. The representation of the red strawberries as His blood washing us white as snow.

  307. LINDA says:


  308. Mary Jane says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is to wrap gifts while watching “Miracle on 34th Street (the original version of course)”. And I must have a glass of eggnog while doing this!
    P.S. I love your blog

  309. Mara says:

    Wow! What a generous giveaway :-). My favorite tradition is that Santa brings everyone at the Xmas eve party matching pj pants. We party in comfort and wake up ready for pictures

  310. Heather says:

    My favorite christmas tradition is cutting down a tree.

  311. I love getting new PJ’s on Christmas Eve to sleep in!

  312. Liz M says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is that my brother, parents and I all have a set of matching champagne flutes, at 1pm on Christmas day we all share a toast wherever we are (now accompanied by technology so we can all see each other)
    Great giveaway – i love your bundles, hope I win!

  313. Huge family get togethers, thanks

  314. Kristen Sanderson says:

    My favourite tradition as baking all the yummy treats! Thank you for the chance.

  315. Karen Caron says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is everyone getting to open one present of their choice on Christmas eve. Because who doesn’t like getting a present early!? 🙂

  316. Jennifer D says:

    I loved those pillow tops when you showed them the other day. Thank you!… My favorite tradition is going to church on Christmas Eve, to worship with and enjoy the company of so many that I love!

    And I already follow you on FB and Pinterest.

  317. Carla says:

    Stockings are my favorite tradition. Thank you!

  318. Jessica says:

    What a generous giveaway! I love to go see the holiday lights at the Mormon Tabernacle!

  319. Jessica says:

    I follow you in Bloglovin!

  320. Erin Myone says:

    My family has chicken noodle soup with butter balls every year for Christmas eve. It is my favorite holiday meal of the year. This year we will be gathering without my grandmother for the first time, it will be up to someone else to prepare the butterballs but I won’t let the tradition be forgotten.
    Happy Holidays and thank you for the lovely collection of giveaway prizes.

  321. Kim says:

    I have several:

    1. Our family gets together at my father’s house for a meal and to open our presents to each other on xmas eve.
    2. My husband and I have not giving each other presents since we have been together opting to devote the day to each other and our children (we are empty nesters now) but we do get to see them sometimes. We spend the day talking about the past year, what we want to do for the upcoming year, and thank God/Jesus for all that they have sacrificed for us.

    The one tradition I remember the most is when we were little kids our mom would take us out to look at Christmas lights. It was very special and we always had a great time. It was something simple and easy but yet made us feel very connected.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. ; ]


  322. Robin F says:

    I love making “Tea Cookies” with my cookie press. I made this with my mother when I was a little girl and it reminds me of those times. My children made them with me when they were little and their favorite part was making the different colored frostings for the cookies. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  323. Sallie says:

    Christmas Dinner is standing rib roast, Yorkshire pudding, green beans with almonds, and cherry pie. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  324. gillie bjarnason says:

    My favorite tradition is driving around looking at the lights on houses. Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  325. Amy DeCesare says:

    Oh, my goodness – you had me at the Chalkboard panel – what a fabulous prize bundle you are giving away. My favorite Christmas tradition is listening to the holiday music, especially when it’s at a school concert featuring my sons!

  326. irene says:

    We don’t have Santa in Spain (at least traditionally because lately American films are having a lot of influence) but the Three Wise Men deliver presents to children on Epiphany Day. It’s my favourite day of the year, I’d say!

  327. Danijela says:

    Amazing giveaway,so generous of you.We have a lovely walk and after dinner watch movies,nothing too fancy,just relax and enjoy time with family.

  328. Fave Christmas tradition is the Dutch Oliebollen my mom makes. mmmmm.

  329. Dortha Clemmons says:

    We always spend Christmas Eve with all our extended family. Such a nice get together.

  330. KatieQ says:

    On Christmas our family has lasagna for dinner and then we go to Midnight Mass. We also bake a creche cake using a special cake pan mold.

  331. The Mrs. says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition actually happens before Christmas. Every year, we pick a family ornament for the tree. Usually it is a souvenir from our family vacation in the summer. This year it was a hand forged spoon won at the Idaho State Fair this year.

  332. rosa says:

    Awesome giveaway.I love cooking and one of my fav day is New Year’s Eve and the arrival of the New Year, is a special night and the tradition of eating grapes for good luck and exchange gifts. The New Year’s Eve we try to meet the whole family.It`s a great night.

  333. I love buying and decorating the tree, opening one gift on the 24th, and finally Christmas lunch

  334. Amy Wathen says:

    My favorite tradition is just being home with my husband and 2 boys on Christmas Day with no where we have to be. Just hanging out watching movies, playing with new things and enjoying the calm. Thanks for the chance to win- What a fantastic giveaway!

  335. Allison C says:

    I love making Christmas cookies with my entire family. Plus I like “testing” them to make sure they taste okay.

  336. Leslie says:

    On Christmas Eve we read “’twas the Night Before Christmas” and the Bible story of Christ’s birth. Last year my oldest grand-daughter did the reading so I think we have added a new dimension to the tradition.

  337. We always eat crepes on Christmas morning! Thanks for the giveaway. It’s a really great one!

  338. Angela says:

    I love baking cookies!

  339. Leigh Anne says:

    I love going out to choose our Christmas tree. Which we just did this past weekend 🙂

  340. Julia Perucca says:

    I love to decorate the tree and of course, the gifts!! Best wishes from Argentina

  341. Emme says:

    Giveaway day is my fave holiday tradition!

  342. Lara says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is singing Christmas carols, out loud and very loudly. I don’t care if i am on key or not!

  343. Lindsay says:

    I love making Christmas cookies with my daughter, sister and mom.

  344. Sue says:

    Our family tradition when the kids were little was to have them open one gift on Christmas Eve. They always looked forward to this and it made bedtime much easier.

  345. Marti M says:

    Baking cookies. Lots of cookies.

  346. abby says:

    How cute are your chalkboard patterns! Great giveaway! My favorite tradition is watching Polar Express with my kids. I think it brings such a fun spirit to the holiday season.


  347. Heidi says:

    I love having gifts in stockings on Christmas morning.

  348. Kelsey says:

    My favorite tradition is always decorating the Christmas tree with my family. 🙂

  349. Kim in SD says:

    My favorite tradition is going into the woods and cutting down our Christmas tree.

  350. Every year my sons and now their wives and fiancees decorate the Christmas cake on Christmas Eve. It may not be the most stylish cake you have ever seen but it is the most fun 🙂

  351. Kirsten says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree on the first of December – thanks for the chance to win!

  352. mary smith says:

    My fave Christmas tradition is from when I was a kid in Germany.

    From this site:
    Christmas starts early in Germany. On the night of December 5th-6th, Nikolaustag, St. Nicholas Day, children leave their shoes or boots outside the front door.

    That night, Santa Claus, Nikolaus, visits and fills them with chocolates, oranges and nuts if they’ve been good. Nikolaus also has a sidekick, in the form of his servant Knecht Ruprecht, who leaves bundles of twigs in the shoes if the children have been naughty and are listed in his ‘black book’.

  353. Philippa says:

    Singing Christmas gigs with my fabulous chorus, Rhythm of the Rockies.

  354. Judith says:

    For me, it’s all about the lights, so decorating the tree and going out to look at Christmas lights are my favourite traditions. Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway.

  355. Tanya says:

    I love reading Christmas books to my kids. Once December comes they’re read every night

  356. Carolyn says:

    Our tradition is baking, my boys love it!
    Thank you for the chance 🙂

  357. Linda Pawlak says:

    On Christmas Eve we light bayberry candles for luck, feast on ham and cold salads and then open small gifts found under the advent tree!

  358. Whitney says:

    AMAZING giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!

  359. Jocelyn says:

    Our family has gotten together for Christmas Eve for over 50 years. My hubbys mother passed away a year ago, so we are hoping to continue the tradition. Thanks!

  360. Julie says:

    Wowee, this is one heck of a giveaway! I have my fingers so tightly crossed, I’m cutting off my own circulation – those chalkboard panels are *adorable*! My favorite Christmas tradition has to be watching A Christmas Story with my family — even though my brother and I are now completely grown-up children, I still wait all year for it. My family has lived away from the States for a very long time now, and that movie isn’t shown here or even much heard of. So it’s a litttle cosy bubble when we watch it – any Christmas stress is washed away and we all laugh so hard we cry. Every year. 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  361. Bridget says:

    Every year we watch “It’s a Wonderful Life!” That movie is a classic and a tradition at Christmas. Reminds us to be grateful for the life God has given us and for His Son.

  362. Tabitha Klucking says:

    I really enjoy doing advent activities with my girls

  363. Margaret Schindler says:

    Our family tradition is on Christmas Eve when all the family comes over plays games, eats finger foods and then Grandpa puts on the Santa hat and gives out presents.

  364. Kari M. says:

    We are German, so we have a tradition of placing a Pickle ornament on the tree Christmas Eve, whoever finds the pickle first on Christmas morning gets an extra gift. It encourages the kiddos to admire the ornaments on the tree!

  365. Katy says:

    My family gets together on Christmas Eve and watches Christmas movies by the fire, eats dinner together, opens gifts from each other and plays games the rest of the evening. Love it!

  366. Darby says:

    I love Christmas Eve candle light service. Watching the glow on the faces of my kids as they sing carols brings tears of joy to my eyes!

  367. Ellen M. says:

    What an amazing giveaway – I love the chalkboard panels! Our tradition is that Santa hides the presents at our house. This was a tradition I had growing up and have done it for my children too! It makes Christmas morning like a treasure hunt, but also make the present unwrapping go a little more slowly! Thanks for sharing with us!

  368. Melissa says:

    We open our stockings on Christmas eve while watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. Nice and relaxing!

  369. karen says:

    growing up, my siblings and I always woke up at 4:30 am and waited for my parents to wake up. Even now, as a parent myself, I can’t help myself! I’m up even before my kids. My husband longs for the chance to sleep in. 🙂

  370. Jillmc says:

    My favorite tradition occurs on December1st….hanging the handmade advent calendar! My boys took turns hanging an ornament on it, and now my oldest grandson (3 1/2yrs) gets to carry on the tradition….until his brother and cousins are a little older)!

  371. Lorraine says:

    Our tradition is to put our names in a drawing – on a volunteer basis, open to family and close friends. Whichever name you draw, you have to make a gift for that person. Food is not allowed, especially cookies. The gifts are exchanged on New Year’s Day. It is great fun to see all the creativity and ingenuity that people come up with.

  372. Vicki H says:

    We always take a couple of nights to drive around looking at Christmas light displays.

  373. Sandy K says:

    Love taking the kids to visit Santa and get their pics taken.

  374. kerri horne says:

    my favorite tradition started when we had our first child. He was so wound up waiting for santa. so on christmas eve night we when out riding around looking at the lights on houses. This would end up with him asleep in the car and off to bed by 8:30!!

  375. Hayley says:

    My grandmother was Polish and before she passed away she taught the grand kids how to make traditional Polish food. Each Christmas we each make something. It keeps her memory alive and her with us at a special time of year

  376. Polly says:

    Spending time with my family is definitely the best tradition of all! The older they get, the harder it is fr everyone to get together!! Thanks you for the givaway!

  377. Sue says:

    Every year my Mum and her friend, who used to live next door to us, make fantastic spicy gingerbread type biscuits. They are great. Love them!

  378. Mariah says:

    My mother was raised in Hong Kong and doesn’t like turkey. When she moved to North America, she started making a special roast duck dish (Peking Duck) for Christmas. It takes two days to prepare the duck, the skin must be dried out to be crisp when roasted. We also make flour “pancakes” seasoned with sesame oil, in which you wrap pieces of roast duck, crispy skin, and a sweet thick sauce called “Hoi Sin”. Making the pancakes is an all day event, everyone helps out, the men do the rolling and the women season and brown them in a dry pan. They are steamed on the day of the feast. It is my favorite part of Christmas!

  379. My favorite Christmas tradition is excitedly waiting for our son and his wife & babies to arrive for their yearly visit!!! This lonely home (just the 2 of us now) becomes a magical place filled with giggles and running feet and loud voices – ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    Thanks for such a great giveaway! Hope you and yours have a magical, marvelous Christmas season!

  380. Jane says:

    Thank you so much for this chance. Every year we make a gingerbread house. We now make them with our grandchildren. Yes, we do eat quite a bit of the decorations!

  381. Elaine says:

    We don’t have a lot of traditions but one they insist on is that Dad reads the Christmas story before any gifts are opened.

  382. Julie says:

    We have a Christmas Eve tradition – starts with kids in Christmas PJs, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, then prepping for Santa – that’s my fave tradition!

  383. Pat says:

    I really enjoy seeing all the lights – great giveaway.

  384. Anda says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is baking several types of treats and giving them as edible gifts to friends! awolk at rogers dot com

  385. Michell says:

    I love spending time with family

  386. Karrie Smith says:

    I love spending Christmas Eve night with my fam. That’s my fave tradition. Thanks For the chance to win!

  387. Jena says:

    Christmas morning brunch at my parents’ farm with my siblings and all the little nieces and nephews.

  388. Jessica T says:

    My favorite tradition is going to my sister-in-laws on Christmas eve where we have dinner and stockings and a gift exchange. It is always such a nice time.

  389. Sarah says:

    Leaving a picnic for Santa on Christmas Eve 😉

  390. Jen says:

    Wow, such a generous giveaway! There are many things I enjoy about the Christmas season but one of my favorite things is making crafts and baking with my girls!

  391. laurelry says:

    Getting the tree! 🙂

  392. Jenny says:

    Wow! This is an amazing giveaway!!! Thank you so much. My favorite tradition is that we go to my family’s house for dinner on Christmas Eve, and then my family comes to my house for breakfast the next morning. Thank you again!

  393. Julia C K says:

    Wow, awesome giveaway!
    I love decorating the tree!

  394. Donna says:

    My favorite tradition when the children were small was doing the Advent calendar each day. Now, we read an Advent devotional together.

  395. Laura F. says:

    My favorite tradition is making delicious goodies with my kiddos 🙂 They make the holiday for me!

  396. Lori says:

    My favorite tradition at Christmas time is … making pierogi. Well, eating pierogi is even better.

  397. Angie C says:

    Great Giveaway!! My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my Grandmothers on Christmas eve! Thanks for the chance to win!

  398. Margaret says:

    My favourite tradition of the Christmas season, is having all the family together. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Oz so this is usually the only time we all come together as a family.

  399. Diane says:

    My favorite tradition is getting together with family. We’re all spread out so it’s nice to be together.

  400. Valerie says:

    Amazing giveaway! My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve dinner with friends and family. We combine dishes from all our backgrounds and it is always amazing!

  401. Rachel Pryer says:

    What an awesome giveaway! My favourite Xmas tradition is our 2pm lunch. After our big brekkie, no one can bring themselves to eat before 2pm 🙂

  402. Super generous giveaway. We don’t have any specific traditions. Just spending time with family and savoring the joy of the holiday.

  403. Bonnie Pfrimmer says:

    My 3 daughters and their children and me get together before Christmas and have a baking day. We do all our baking for the holidays. It is alot of fun to get together especially when the kids are little. Thank you for a nice givawy.

  404. Bonnie Pfrimmer says:

    I follow you by e-mail.

  405. Lyn says:

    Lovely giveaway! My favorite tradition is oplatki (if you want to read about it: .. my family is originally from Slovakia.)

  406. Carrie says:

    We are working on the next generation of traditions – we’ve had fun driving around checking out lights with our two grandsons!

  407. Cheryl says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is eating Chinese food on Christmas Eve. This started, way back in high school, when my family and our closest friends started going to the Chinese restaurant after the Christmas Eve service at our church. We included visiting family and friends, then, the kids (one being me) started to get married, and have kids, and it just kept growing. We had well over 30 one year. After I moved away and couldn’t go home to visit, my own family would find a Chinese restaurant to visit. This year will be the first year in almost a decade that we’ll miss out on Chinese food. Thanks for the chance. I still love that pillow that is almost hidden in the picture. It’s my favorite!

  408. Barb says:

    Um, wow, Corey, that is the most generous give-away! My daughter still uses the little quilt I made her from a charm pack I won from you a couple of years ago! My favourite Christmas tradition is leaving beer for Santa 🙂

  409. Linda T says:

    My favourite tradition was when we would open gifts with our grandparents. My Opa would come in the room with a few ho-hos, and he would throw peppernotten (little cookies). My Opa is no longer with us, and the tradition has gone by the wayside now!

  410. charlotte l says:

    I love making Christmas cookies with my family every year. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  411. kathy says:

    Hanging the stocking for santa and watching the grandkids faces when they open their presents, thanks, kathy

  412. Holly says:

    What a great giveaway! My favorite tradition is making cookies with my mom and sister.

  413. Jill R says:

    Great giveaway! My favorite tradition is driving around to see all the Christmas lights.

  414. Sandy W. says:

    Two favorite traditions: first, going to midnight Mass and participating in the singing of hymns. It still gives me shivers to hear the congregation belt out thunderous melodies. Second, eating Mom’s homemade ravioli on Xmas Day.

  415. We love to watch “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” together. 🙂

  416. Pat V. says:

    My husband and I have our morning coffee together by the Christmas tree each morning. We always try to notice something new, ornament-wise.

  417. Paige says:

    Wow!! Such a wonderful giveaway. My favorite Christmas tradition always has been our Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. Such a beautiful way to celebrate, singing Christmas hymns by candlelight all together.

  418. Karen Seitz says:

    My favorite tradition is to give handmade gifts, whether it is snack mix, stitched samplers, quilts, or notecards. Handmade is from the heart!

  419. Flor Chavarria says:

    my favorite is cooking for my family and reading bible stories to my grandkids.
    I love Amy Buttler for purses, any color combo works for me

  420. Kristi says:

    What a generous giveaway and of course what beautiful fabrics! My family’s Christmas Eve traditions include attending candlelight services at church where we take our lit candles outside while singing “Silent Night” so we can share Jesus’ light with the world. Then after dinner together, we snuggle up on the couch and watch “The Nativity Story,” as a reminder of the difficult realities of Jesus miraculous birth!

  421. Patty says:

    My favorite tradition is driving around town looking at Christmas lights. We usually do it on Christmas Eve, and while we are gone Santa sneaks in with the children’s gifts.

  422. Kim S says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is celebrating a country Christmas in a small town near our city.

  423. Stacy Alfano says:

    Great giveaway!! We always make hot chocolate and drive around and look at Christmas lights!

  424. Cheryl says:

    Holy cow, what a prize!!! My fav tradition is Christmas Eve service with the family!

  425. Deborah Clark says:

    We always eat made from scratch Mexican food for Christmas! Yummo!

  426. Delores says:

    Love your giveaway – very generous!
    One of my favourite traditions is having all the familiar Christmas dishes for dinner – so reminds me of my childhood!

  427. addibrae says:

    My favourite tradition is watching Christmas movies while decorating the tree.

  428. Kirsten says:

    My favourite tradition is going to Butchart Gardens (back home) to wander and look at lights. This year we have moved but I’ve heard that the zoo does kind of the same thing. Lights are a big part of Christmas for us.

    Fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  429. Emilee says:

    One of my favorite things is reading “the night before Christmas” and the true nativity story on Christmas Eve! Super giveaway! Thanks!

  430. dispack says:

    mmmm fun giveaway. I love reading the Christmas story out of Luke each Christmas Eve!

  431. nita says:

    I love Christmas baking 🙂 happy give away day!

  432. My husband and I go out to eat and to the movies. Christmas is normally a quiet day, we do our visiting Christmas Eve and let our grown kids enjoy their families Christmas day. I worried the first year we did this that we would miss out on something, but after it was over… it was wonderful US time and I think in the past we have forgotten US during holidays.

  433. Marcia R says:

    The coolest giveaway yet! Favorite family holiday tradition is the wine, and more wine. Ever since we started that tradition, all the tension has gone away. Just being real…

  434. Baa. xxx says:

    Great giveaway! We all love the tradition of carol singing.

  435. Kelly says:

    My favorite tradition is drinking hot chocolate with my family.

  436. My favourite Christmas tradition is filling the stockings and putting them at the end of my sons beds.

  437. Fran says:

    Wow! That’s an extraordinarily generous giveaway. I am a big fan of Denyse Schmidt’s fabrics. My favourite Christmas tradition is when we decorate the tree as a family & my daughter places the angel on the top of the tree that she made when she was in kindergarten. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  438. bess says:

    Cute bundles! My favorite tradition is that we add a picture ornament of each child every year – our tree is really filling up, but in a beautiful way. 🙂 Great giveaway!

  439. Nerida says:

    My favorite tradition is simply having all of the family and relatives together on Xmas day.

  440. Darlene Crosby says:

    One of our favorite Christmas traditions is getting the family together on Christmas Eve to open up presents from each other, then going home with our family to have the normal opening of presents on Christmas morning.

  441. Betsy Naragon says:

    Baking Christmas cookies was always a tradition when I was a kid and now I do it with my own children. Thanks for the gret giveaway!

  442. Nati says:

    We write wishes in a paper and tie it to the tree, next year on we read to see if the wishes were made true. Thanks for the chance to win.

  443. Peggy says:

    Everyone always looks forward to home baked Christmas cookies, singing carols and a fire blazing.

  444. I love preparing some Xmas decoration with my kids.
    This year I’ll start a new “tradition” (hope it becomes one): we’ll put a jar where we can write in small papers de nice things that happen and put inside the jar. Last day of the year we’ll pick the papers and remember so many good moments during the year.

  445. I buy a special ornament each year for my kidlets, based on what they are into at the time (i.e. my son is getting a Lego Yoda this year!) and they get them in their stockings. It’s special going through the ornaments each year and talking about them as we hang them on the tree!

    Thanks for a fab giveaway!

  446. Becky Greene says:

    I love driving through the Shenandoah Valley to reach my family’s home in NC. Nothing like being with family on the holidays! Thanks for the chance to win!

  447. Helen says:

    I love driving around to see the lights with my little ones! Merry Christmas

  448. Nykie P says:

    Our favourite tradition is to decorate the tree as a family, complete with carols playing in the background and big mugs of hot chocolate. Such a lovely offer – thank you, and Merry Christmas

  449. I love opening the presents on Christmas eve, with a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie!

  450. AMY C says:

    Oh my goodness oh my goodness what a giveaway!! My fingers are totally crossed!!! My tradition is to make an ornament for my tree every year and I do like a tea towel with the year on it too!!

  451. Kelli says:

    We all go to my Grandparents’ house in Illinois for Christmas. That’s a 15-hour drive for me and 18-hours for my parents and brother. My sister usually flies in and my cousins all drive up too. We spend it together and that makes it extra special! Great giveaway!

  452. Paula says:

    Baking cookies with my daughter is a wonderful tradition. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  453. Jennifer says:

    We sing Xmas carols constantly, for about 2 months around Xmas! And we have lots of lovely church services (we’re Orthodox).

  454. Oh, I love those pillow panels!!! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂 My favorite Christmas Tradition is waffles for breakfast!!

  455. Jessica w says:

    I am German, and we celebrate Christmas on the evening of the 24th (Christmas Eve). I love how cozy it is, and if you have kids there is no point in waking the parents up early on Christmas day unless they are just hungry ;p

  456. Wendy Hatton says:

    I love singing Christmas carols. My voice could stop a train but who cares, I love singing along to all the old favorites anyway.

  457. Erin M says:

    Awesome giveaway, seriously! My favorite is making cookies with my mom, the house smells so great.

  458. Amanda says:

    I love baking and decorating cutout cookies! 🙂

  459. Bethany says:

    I love the Pj’s for Christmas Eve tradition. 🙂

  460. Maya says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is getting hot cocoa and driving around at night looking at all the lights around town.

  461. madeline t. says:

    New traditions in our new home! great giveaway, hope I win. Thanks!

  462. karen f says:

    I enjoy getting together with groups of friends for exchanges like ornaments and fabric.

  463. Amy says:

    Wow, what a giveaway! I love so many traditions…cutting the tree and taking a picture to make it look like it fell on the kids, making cookies, crafting, watching my daughter sing in the Christmas Eve choir, waiting for Santa to come on the fire truck.

  464. Aletta says:

    What a great giveaway! My favorite Christmas tradition is that my family comes together and we all bring a course for the Christmas dinner. Nothing fancy, but just a time to be together and enjoy!

  465. Kate says:

    I love going to midnight mass!

  466. Kathy says:

    We host a big open-house party at the end of the holiday season – we call it the Last Noel, and the house is usually packed to the gills and we play Christmas music at high volume.

  467. Ana Couto says:

    I love the “count down to Christmas” calendar we make every year. Thanks for the giveaway. Ana

  468. A favorite tradition at our house is watching White Christmas while putting up/decorating the Christmas tree and drinking egg nog or hot chocolate.

  469. What a special giveaway Corey! Our special tradition is to attend Christmas Eve Mass with as many of our children and grandchildren as we can!

  470. Nupur says:

    I love the tradition of baking cookies and fruit cake!

  471. Lauren says:

    There’s nothing better than church on Christmas Eve for me. 🙂

  472. Beth T. says:

    How generous you are! My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree. I pull out each ornament and share the story and reminisce about the people who are connected to each memory. Within that tradition are some very special ornaments made from photos; for awhile we made new ones each year and it’s tender to see those familiar faces smiling back.

  473. Susan says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Midnight Mass or an earlier Christmas Eve Service.

  474. jayne says:

    I have always wanted to do something with chalk board fabric! Love this giveaway…..I’m crossing my fingers!

  475. Susie says:

    My favorite tradition is going with my family to the 11 pm church service on Christmas Eve. Our choir sings, but some years I sit with my grown children.

    What a lovely giveway package!!

  476. Stephanie says:

    I like to make sure we are home for Christmas morning. I always had to travel everywhere when I was a kid so I make sure we are always home on Christmas morning!

  477. Jacklynn Grimm says:

    My favorite tradition is going out after dark and driving around to see the Christmas lights. This started as a kid – my father would take us out while mom was at home wrapping gifts. We have a park on the Mississippi River here that our Rotary Club decorates all the trees for Christmas, it’s so beautiful, especially just after it snows. Thanks for the give away!

  478. Jessica says:

    On Christmas Eve my mothers side of the family all meets up at my grandmothers house for a huge dinner and we all exchange gifts but the best part about the whole get together is having all the kids in one place to play together and run wild!
    We don’t all get together any other time of the year so I really love Christmas for this and so many more reasons!!
    Thanks for the chance, Jessica

  479. Erika says:

    The weekend before Christmas, my sister and I go to my mother’s house and we spend the whole weekend baking cookies and candies to give out. It’s a lot of work but also a ton of fun and something I look forward to every year!

  480. Christina Watson says:

    Every year for Christmas we go to my husband’s grandmother’s house on Christmas Eve. We have food and spend time with family and it’s always one of the highlights of my holiday. I enjoy spending time there and seeing family we haven’t seen throughout the year.

  481. OH my!! I adore all the goodies that you are giving away! Thank you so much for including international participants!
    my favorite Christmas tradition is decoration all my house with Christmas quilts, snowman and angel handmade, and especially decorating my huge Christmas tree, with many ornaments, some of them that my mother gave me, that are from when I was a child! I loooove this!

  482. Nina says:

    Boy what wonderful fabrics!!!
    Our favorite Christmas Eve tradition is a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Everyone must select something they already own and really, really want to get rid of it. It is wrapped and everyone takes turns selecting an opening a gift. Gifts can be stolen, rarely happens, and there is much laughter and story telling. We love it.
    Thanks, Nina

  483. Susan says:

    I host a Christmas Eve dinner each year for family and friends who would otherwise be home alone.

  484. Debra Neiman says:

    We love to drive around looking at Christmas light, even if we are visiting family in another city. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  485. Ali M says:

    Wow… my mouth is watering and it’s not cause of Christmas cookies for once! My favorite tradition is turkey sandwiches the day after Christmas actually, it means there’s no cooking and just relaxing to do!

  486. jamie says:

    wow! what an amazingly generous giveaway! thanks!

    i love getting together with nearby family, exchanging gifts, eating crepes, and watching the little ones act out the nativity.

    whoosk -at- gmail

  487. Julia says:

    Christmas trees are my favorite!

  488. Amber says:

    I love decorating the tree… I have such a hard time taking it down in January!!!

  489. Beth says:

    We drive around and look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve!

  490. AngieSue says:

    As a child I loved having the whole extended family gather for Christmas dinner…I was especially excited by the table full of cookies and candy that my grandmother made. We try and keep the tradition alive by making some of the same goodies every year.

  491. Mary Ann says:

    How fun! My favorite tradition is going to Mass on Christmas eve. Thanks for the chance.

  492. Brenda Hulsey says:

    I think watching the Christmas cartoons with the grandchildren and listening to the kids Christmas music is my favorite thing!

  493. SS says:

    My favorite tradition is cheese fondue for dinner on Christmas Eve

  494. Brianne says:

    Such a fun giveaway! I think my favourite tradition is everyone putting on PJs and jumping in the car to see Christmas light….everything is so much more fun with a 2 and 4 year old who think everything is amazing! Love this time of year! bjwagner812(at)gmail(dot)com

  495. db says:

    Favorite Christmas Tradition….. we trim the tree and play the Sesame Street Christmas pageant where Harry makes Burt be the tree. At the end, Prarie Dawn says “Now it’s dark, now it’s quiet, so let’s turn on our tree” and we plug in the tree and say Ahhhhhh. My kids – almost 40yo, still love this!

  496. sangeetha says:

    love to open gifts with kids on xmas morning in our pj’s

  497. Tawny says:

    Wow that is a very generous prize! Thank you for the chance! My favourite holiday tradition is on Christmas Eve every year we put together a jigsaw puzzle. The rules are that we are not allowed to start the puzzle until after dinner on Christmas Eve and we are not allowed to go to sleep until the whole puzzle is put together. The second part of the rules never actually works though. I always end up putting the rest of the puzzle together on Christmas Day. 🙂

  498. Donna Phelps says:

    I love your giveaway package and I love following you. I think the one tradition for Christmas we follow is allowing everyone to open one gift before bedtime on Christmas Eve. It is usually pajamas or a new stuffed animal to sleep with. After the opening, the little ones are ready to get tucked in and we big kids are exhausted.

  499. Quilting Tangent says:

    Baking cookies and desserts.

  500. annette says:

    I love doing the advent calendar. I remember counting down as a kid and am enjoying watching my children do the same. 🙂

  501. Lynne Tilley says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is bundling up with my grown daughter and walking the neighborhood to view all the Christmas lights. We do this every year that we are together, since she was a teenager (She is now married with 2 young daughters). Love this giveaway! You are so very generous!!

  502. Lia says:

    I’m afraid I don’t have any real Christmas traditions, as I’m not such a huge Christmas fan, I just like the lights, candles and the cookies and good food, lol.

    Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  503. Gidget Shenefield says:

    We watch the Polar Express on Christmas eve in our new pj’s!

  504. Andrea B says:

    Christmas Mass at the Carmelites – heavenly singing by candlelight

  505. Courtney Elwell says:

    I love decorating the tree. Every decoration is different and holds a memory of a past Christmas. It’s fun sharing the stories with my son. Thanks!

  506. bee says:

    what a stellar giveaway!! i love the morning rush for stockings and gift opening with the family.

  507. Kellie S. says:

    My favorite is loading into the car with some hot chocolate and driving around town looking at the lights at night. So beautiful!

  508. prsd4tim2 says:

    On of our traditions is sitting down to watch White Christmas. This was always a favorite time for the kids to spend with mom (and sometimes even dad), with hot chocolate, some sweet Christmas treat, and plenty of nostalgia. Now that the kids are grown and gone, every year at least one of them will make it a point to come visit and watch White Christmas. It is one of my favorite traditions of the season. And they all, even my almost-30 year old son, know all the words to all those great Irving Berlin songs – and sing along.

  509. Anne J says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is making pierogis for Christmas Eve dinner, when my family celebrates together. This year, we had four generations cooking together and it was wonderful! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  510. Kelly Williams says:

    Wow!!! That is a fabulous giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity. My favorite tradition is the family Christmas dinner. All of the kids & grandkids. Cooking with my daughters and daughter-in-law. Opening the gifts. It may not be on Christmas day but it is my favorite day.

  511. British American says:

    I like to pull British Christmas crackers at the dinner table before we eat – we get a hat and a small prize and a bad joke inside.

  512. Margareth says:

    I like to make a fresh green wreath every year.
    This is an amazing giveaway!

  513. Angela Greenwald says:

    Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite Christmas tradition is cookie baking and giving a gift to a family in need.

  514. Kathleen C says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is a thermos of hot cocoa, all the kiddos piled into the minivan, and driving around looking at the holiday lights in our town.
    Thank you for your kindness and generosity (even if I don’t win)!

  515. Kathy says:

    Oh,My,Goodness-what a giveaway!! Baking is my favorite tradition!

  516. Piroska says:

    My favourite tradition is baking Christmas cookies with my daughter.

  517. Rebecca T says:

    We have family story every night leading up to the 25th. The whole family cuddles together under quilts and I read a Christmas type story. Last night we read my childhood favorite: Emma Otter’s Jug Band Christmas.

  518. Pre says:

    Such a great giveaway – thanks for the opportunity! I would say decorating the tree is my favorite tradition.

  519. Lori says:

    Time with family and friends.

  520. Mara says:

    Holy Mother Lode! Sugar Cookies are a tradition if they can make it to the oven before I eat all of the raw dough.

  521. Heather in VA says:

    I love making gingerbread houses with my daughters on Christmas eve.

  522. Julie says:

    Yaozer! You are so generous. Our favorite tradition is to decorate gingerbread houses. I buy them from the market and then glue gun them together. They withstand a lot more rough decorating and there are no tears! Thanks for the chance and have a Merry Christmas!!

  523. Jodi R says:

    I love spending the 1st weekend of Advent with my family at my mums house. We put up her tree, lights and angel collection and eat food and play games and just relax and enjoy each other before we get into the full swing of the silly season.

  524. Kristin says:

    Wow! My favorite tradition is the Christmas cookies my grandma makes.

  525. Angela says:

    I love Christmas! I love everything about it! I do look forward to putting on my music and trimming the tree. Now that my children are getting older, they are able to help, which only adds to the fun! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! Merry Christmas

  526. Kathy Davis says:

    Our favorite Christmas tradition is having a Christmas brunch after opening our gifts. I do it up with the good Christmas dishes, candles and my famous breakfast casserole and French toast. The best part, we do it in our pajamas, sometimes we even have matching ones! Thanks, Kathy

  527. Lisa Cox says:

    WOW! How generous!
    I guess about the only tradition we have is that I make homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

  528. Sheryl says:

    It hasn`t happened in years because my cousins haven`t been together, but the ritual smashing of the gingerbread house was a favourite growing up.

  529. Susan Ikin says:

    Decorating the tree together is my favourite tradition – we are all in a happy mood.

  530. Deborah says:

    My favorite tradition is celebrating Advent. My family celebrates with a Jesse Tree. We hang a new ornament each day and read the corresponding scripture. I make felt sets of Jesse Tree Ornaments and sell them in my Etsy shop. I would pick the panel announcing Jesus’ birth if I win.

    pinkscissorsdesign @ gmail. com
    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy

  531. patty says:

    i like decorating gingerbread houses with the kids.

  532. Judy says:

    Dinner on Christmas Eve is finger foods and homemade cookies. And the gathering of family. It is always exciting!

  533. Kathie L says:

    What great prizes. I love to bake cookies with my family. Then we swap.

  534. Jocelyn says:

    Spending some special alone time with my (now) husband, away from our families, the chaos of the world, under the tree.

  535. Lora W. says:

    We exchange a Christmas ornament on Christmas Eve. The ornament has to be representative of the person or something they like.

  536. Natalie says:

    What a great prize to win.

    We like to have some type of Advent Calender every Christmas.

  537. Joyce Cqrter says:

    Wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much. My favorite tradition is to go to the city park to see the lights and Christmas decorations.

  538. Janet in AR says:

    My girls are grown and married but one tradition they love is Monkey bread for Christmas breakfast -whenever we celebrate together. This year they will be here Christmas morning! with my one year old granddaughter! so excited.

  539. Kathy says:

    Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!! We have many Christmas traditions but one of our most cherished is our annual cookies and caroling party where friends and family gather for a low key fun evening of Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas!

  540. DebbieK says:

    I just love spending time with family and listening to holiday music. Thanks!

  541. My favorite tradition is decorating the tree with the family – so many memories come back with each ornament we put up!

    lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com

  542. Jezibels says:

    Our favorite tradition is baking cookies, sugar cookie cutouts and frosting them…and of course eating them! We wil lbe doing the cookie bake this weekend – supposed to be a bog snow coming!

  543. Cecilia says:

    When our children were young, we would make cookies the week before Christmas. I miss not being able to do that since they’ve grown up and moved away. I hope that when my grandchildren are older we will be able to start this tradition again. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  544. Cathie says:

    My favorite tradition is having my children and grandchildren over Christmas eve for pumpkin bread and hot chocolate. Then they get to open two gifts…new Christmas PJs and a new homemade Christmas ornament.

  545. Jenny says:

    I would have to say Christmas morning!! It lazy and always beautiful!!! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!!

  546. Beth says:

    Candy making with my best friend. So much fun and tasty treats too!

  547. Megan P. says:

    We have started many traditions with our young kids….of my favorites are making cookies, decorating the tree, and going on a lights tour in our pjs with popcorn and hot chocolate.

  548. Susan says:

    I love your panels! My special Christmas tradition is we have our big dinner on Christmas Eve and we have a special Christmas Rice Pudding with rice,chopped almonds and whipping cream with a cherry sauce. Hidden in the bowl is 1 whole almond and whoever finds it get a special present. We always have a lot of fun!

  549. Sheila Stauffer says:

    My Grandfathers bday was Christmas Day, mine is Christmas Eve. My favorite tradition was having my bday with his. Grandma would make a 3 tiered cake with candles all the way around and present it to both of us on Christmas eve. I adored them, and that was better than any Christmas present I ever got.

  550. Crystal says:

    Wow what an awesome giveaway! Thank you! My favorite tradition is getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve….we are always guaranteed a new set every year!

  551. Shannon says:

    My Mom’s side of the family always gets together on Christmas Eve and the tradition is that we don’t use any lights, only the Christmas tree lights and candles. As a kid we always thought it was dumb but I love it now.

  552. DeborahGun says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is reading Advent readings together each evening. Thanks for an amazing giveaway 🙂

  553. Jo says:

    My favorite tradition is driving around and looking at all the Christmas lights on the outside of peoples houses. Your giveaway offering is amazing thank you so much for the chance to enter. I have followed you for a while on bloglovin’ and always enjoy your posts

  554. Xenia says:

    Thank you for the incredible giveaway. I don’t have a favorite Christmas tradition, because Christmas is not much celebrated in Russia (that’s where I’m from), but we love New Year, and my favourite NY tradition is gathering around the table with my family and remembering all the important things that have happened during the passing year.

  555. Tanya says:

    I like doing 12 days of Christmas for families in our neighborhood. Thanks for chance to win.

  556. SandraR says:

    My favourite tradition is decorating the Christmas Tree.
    Thanks for the chance of an awesome giveaway.

  557. My favorite tradition is leaving the Christmas lights on through the night on Christmas eve. Growing up we’d only leave the lights on through the night on Christmas Eve and I always loved that when I would wake up in the middle of the night I could see the lights through the window. Plus, it was always to much fun to come downstairs and see the tree all lit up. Definitely a tradition I pln to continue

  558. Beth says:

    We make a gingerbread house every year, and then don’t want to wreak it so it gets all dried out an inedible. Probably healthier that way! We get some good photos and nibbles along the way!

  559. Megan says:

    Great giveaway! My favorite tradition is that for dinner on Christmas Eve, we eat several Swedish dishes made from recipes that have been passed down through my mom’s family.

  560. Deb says:

    My fav tradition is decorating the tree and the house with the children. It’s always on the 1st December!

  561. Kristen says:

    Christmas day breakfast is my favorite tradition!

  562. Moya Z says:

    Watching Nutcracker, viewing light displays on Peacock Lane and eating Cool Moon ice cream in seasonal flavors like eggnog, ginger chai, kulfi pistachio and black sesame! Thanks, from Portland, Oregon! artseedz (at) gmail (dot) com

  563. Louise B says:

    One of my favourite Christmas traditions is celebrating Christmas with some very close friends that I’ve known since I was a baby. As we have all grown up and moved to different parts of the country it’s harder to manage but it does make it much more special when we do all get together for lunch on Christmas Day and then again on Boxing Day. One day at my Mum and Dad’s the other at my Aunt and Uncle’s. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a fun New Year.

  564. Rhonda Desgranges says:

    We always put our tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. We have hot chocolate, egg nog and Christmas cookies too! Thanks for the chance to

  565. Julie A. says:

    Love your giveaway!!! My husband and I always go every year and pick out a live Christmas tree. After Christmas I prop it up in the yard for the birds. Thanks

  566. elflyn says:

    I love decorating the tree with my little men. It marks the beginning of the Christmas holidays for us.

  567. Southern Gal says:

    I love this giveaway!
    My favorite tradition is reading the Christmas story on Christmas Day. I also love baking with the kids and the Advent Calendar.

  568. Susanne says:

    Singing songs all togehter 🙂

  569. I do a cookie party with the grandkids, I make the aprons, hats and its a free for all with sprinkles.. Since I live in Texas its held outside..

  570. Laurie says:

    I love decorating the tree with my kids and grandson we make cookies together and give out trays of them to all the familys on christmas, then after the busy holiday we go up north to our cabin and spend several days together just the family that is the best for me our family time with no interuptions, just enjoying each others company I love it.

  571. Pamela V says:

    The tradition of keeping the traditions is important to me. It is hard to pick just one. Decorating the tree and seeing the ornaments from over the years again is special to me..

  572. jenny says:

    we started a new tradition this year i think. gingerbread houses. my son officially wants to be a gingerbread house maker when he grows up! i plan to stock up on the nasty gingerbread frames at the end of the season and be ready again next year…or geez, maybe even in July!! fun stuff the holidays…esp. with kids. thanks for a chance Corey, would love to be the lucky person!

  573. Making the advent calendar for my kids. Only one left at home, she is 9, and she is so happy opening her calendar gift every day in december!


  574. AlidaP says:

    A big dinner the night before Christmas!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  575. Gisel-la says:

    Just gathering the family together is fine.

  576. Catherine says:

    I love decorating the house for Christmas together as a family while we sing carols

  577. Nicole says:

    My favorite christmas tradition is cutting down the christmas tree!

  578. Vickie E says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is baking Christmas cookies and making chocolates for gifts for our friends and family.
    thanks so much,

  579. Hueisei says:

    We love to decorate the Christmas tree together 🙂

  580. Debora Kerr says:

    My favorite tradition is sending Christmas cards!

  581. Vivian says:

    What a great giveaway. My favorite tradition my family has is we make a different breakfast every year, no repeats. It makes for interesting things to eat.

  582. Dolores says:

    Wow! What a giveaway. Favourite tradition? There are loads that are associated with Christmas but I have to say it’s sitting at the table and having the whole family share a meal. I just love it when my dishwasher is going. It means that the family is home. Being empty nesters, we don’t get to see everyone all that often. Christmas morning porridge is another great tradition.

  583. Debbie says:

    wow! What a really terrific giveaway!

  584. kimberly says:

    Since my wonderful Grandmother just passed away on Sunday, and we’ll be celebrating her 98 year life on Friday, I baked Maids on Honor Tarts in her honour to share after the service. I remember those tarts from when I was very small and am so pleased that mine look *almost* as good as hers.
    Baking Deeda’s tarts will be my new tradition.

  585. Barb Leggett Carr says:

    I’ve just recently found your site – so exciting! My favourite tradition is going to Christmas eve church service with my family, where children re-create the nativity scene, then coming home for a candlelit dinner of tortiere (French Canadian meat pie) with Christmas cookies for dessert!

  586. lynaeve says:

    Mine is putting up the tree. thanks for the chance

  587. marilyn s. says:

    I love pulling out all the ornaments and other decorations made by members of my family!
    Great give away. Thanks for a chance to win.

  588. heidi says:

    we have a Chanukah party. thanks for the giveaway

  589. Lea says:

    I love to wrap gifts while gifts while listening to Christmas music or watching a Christmas movie.

  590. Ramona says:

    My favorite tradition is have a fun big breakfast after we open presents on Christmas day.

  591. Julie says:

    Our family loves to look at Christmas light displays while listening to Christmas music & drinking hot chocolate!!

  592. bonnie says:

    making gift mugs and baskets with my step daughter and making gingerbread house with my grand children

  593. Kari C says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is new pajamas for all of the kids on Christmas Eve!

  594. Diana Nelson says:

    Gosh just found out about your giveaway and if I have a chance at all to win I always love the baking of cookies and giving them to the people your care about over the holidays. They always love getting homemade goodies as so many people in their lives just don’t make homemake anymore. So giving someone something that makes them happy is so much fun. Everyone loves lemon and spice in my circle of friends so that is what I always give. Thanks for the away and may your holidays be merry.

  595. Lindsay says:

    I like doing pizza and presents with the in-laws on Christmas Eve. It is very laid back. Thanks for the chance to win!

  596. mechele johnson says:

    My favorite tradition is me and my daughter (17) making Christmas stockings for the children in our tribe. We make super girly ones and cool boy ones and fill them with small gifts and candy. We make about 70-75 of them and give them out at the annual Tribal Christmas party.

  597. Allison D says:

    When we were kids, we took a big plate of cookies to the fire station every Christmas eve. It was so much fun and they always appreciated it.

  598. stephanie says:

    Oh, I love this! My favorite tradition is making gingerbread/sugar cookie/rice krispy houses, trains, castles etc with the kids. We like to change it up.

  599. sherry says:

    i grew up in a very small town…the local hydro building always had a santa and his sled on the roof with christmas lights…it was a big deal 50 years ago…every christmas eve we went to our auntie mabel’s house and on the way my father drove us around looking at the light even tho it was about 10 houses that had them…it made christmas magical…now my husband take me out every christmas eve to look at the lights…we took out daughter and are looking forward to taking out granddaughter

  600. Jenny E says:

    My fav tradition is putting ornaments on the tree! I have collected so many over the years, a lot of them being handmade. Always lots of memories. Thanks for the giveaway!

  601. Jacqueline VH says:

    My favourite Christmas tradition is SAYING “Merry Christmas”!
    I also love to make and decorate sugar cookies. Used to do this every year with my son, before he became a teenager…I make them by myself now, and the teenager still enjoys eating them!!!

  602. Ruthann Assaid says:

    My tradition is to make baklava with whoever can be there. My husband’s Mother made the traditional Lebanese kind and passed the recipe and hands-on instructions to several of the family. She passed away this past spring so it will be a melancholy time this year.

  603. Amy says:

    I love cutting down our tree on a cold, snowy day! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  604. Elsa says:

    An indoor picnic is our tradition! a picnic blanket in the living-room, picnic food and fun!

  605. Sarah Chance says:

    My favorite tradition is watching the kids on Christmas morning!

  606. Becky says:

    the one I “member” bestest….
    Is opening one package the night before….
    It was new PJ’s of course…..
    And now even if its just me and hubby its still new PJ’s the night before…

  607. Chelsie says:

    I love baking cookies with my dad. Well, with my little boys now!

  608. wanda spain says:

    Christmas Eve is spent at the grandparents house. We all bring stuff to eat, spent time with cousins etc, go to church together, and everyone loves the tradition.

  609. kathy h says:

    We live to drive through the neighborhoods with luminaries welcoming baby Jesus on Christmas Eve.

  610. Connie says:

    Just being with family all day

  611. What an amazing giveaway!!!! Love everything! My favorite Christmas tradition is traveling to MI to see family and just relaxing and eating lots at my dad’s house!

  612. Kat Scott says:

    We spend Christmas Eve after church talking and playing board games till all hours…

  613. Barbara Bradford says:

    Our favorite tradition when our boys were small was the reading of Twas the night before Christmas. It was one of those over-sized books, and the boys thought it was the neatest book… How times have changed…

  614. Elizabeth W. says:

    There are many but I love looking at the lights on people’s houses and I love watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special. Thanks for the chance!
    Lwghosts at yahoo

  615. Janet says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is our church play. Yes it’s very amateurish, but it’s so fun to see the youth grow up and play different parts, and they are so thrilled to get to do it.

  616. marjolijn says:

    My family doesn’t live near enough that we can make it to each others houses ny Christmas Eve so we all try and meet up after Christmas if we can (usually in january or march) and then we get all dresses up, have a nice bruch and celebrate “fake Christmas”…it’s so wonderful to just be together and fun to have our own special celebration.

  617. Janice McLaren says:

    I love driving around town looking at all the lights.

  618. Marion says:

    Of course the christmas tree ! I really love decorating it and have a few hours in front of it together with my family.

  619. Miss Jean says:

    My own little Christmas tradition is to watch all the sappy Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I love them and it always puts me in the Christmas spirit.

  620. Courtney A says:

    Gingerbread cookies are my favorite tradition! Thanks.

    courtneyahrenholtz at

  621. Rosemary says:

    As I age and the family has spread out, the traditions still remain the same … some in my heart. It’s baking with the kids (still do), wrapping and disguising the names on the gifts when they were young and they never knew which were theirs, family from far away coming for dinner and sharing the love of Christmas … and cooking. The smells permeating the house. Starting the fire in the fireplace going before the kids got up to warm the house. Wonderful times, wonderful memories!

    Lovely giveaway and thank you for your generousity!

  622. barbe says:

    i love decorating the tree

  623. Tiffany says:

    I love opening PJs for the kids on Christmas eve 🙂

  624. vicki seals says:

    I like decorating the tree and thinking about where and when we got the oranaments. Thanks for the great giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  625. Patricia says:

    Thanks so much for the chance to win! Favorite holiday tradition is hard, there are lots, but we do have so much fun trimming the tree together. Happy holidays to you!

  626. Carolyn Montgomery says:

    my fav holiday tradition is baking my mom’s cranberry bread for family and friends. i love riley blake and the red and aqua colorways.

  627. Littlegreydog says:

    Baking (and eating) christmas cookies-it’s the one tradition I’ve done every year of my life.

  628. Ann says:

    My favorite tradition is looking at the decorated houses and neighborhoods. 🙂

  629. Sandy says:

    I love sipping mulled wine while decorating the tree and listening to my favorite Christmas music.

  630. Jane says:

    I think my favorite tradition is that each year my children choose a new ornament for the tree, and the each have a box for their ornaments. They love getting them out and remembering them as they put them on the tree. The plan is that when they leave home in years to come they get to take them with them in their new home. I’m hoping our tree won’t look too bare when that happens!

  631. Nicole Sender says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is to have presents and dinner with my grandsons!

  632. What a super fun giveaway!! Thanks for sharing your chalkboard panels – they’re so cute. I love quiet evenings reading on the couch with the fire going with my husband on the opposite end and my kids in the chairs..all of us together enjoying our holiday time surrounded by lovely decorations. It’s rare that we are all home on an evening, but it happens a few times over the holidays and I really look forward to it.

  633. Holly U says:

    Boy, that’s a toughie. We have many traditions I enjoy! I’ll say putting up the Christmas tree, because it’s laden with ornaments that have been made by me, my mom, my husband as a kid, our son, and friends. So many wonderful memories. Thanks for this incredible giveaway!

  634. Heather says:

    When my kids were old enough we began making Gingerbread houses for Santa. It’s be come a tradition now and “he” always takes big bites out of it for the kids to find on Christmas morning.

  635. My favorite holiday tradition is attending Christmas Eve Mass with my husband and sons. Thank you for an awesome giveaway!

  636. Marilyn says:

    Wow!!! what a wonderful giveaway!!! Um..what I love most bout Christmas…well, getting together with family…and not having to work:):)

  637. Jenniffier says:

    I love drinking hot chocolate and decorating the tree while listening to bing crosby. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  638. Samantha W says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is the White Elephant gift exchange. My dad always adds some element of silly surprise (last year he got us all silly hats to wear while upwrapping gifts). I also LOVE Christmas lights. They make such a difference when it gets dark so early this time of year.

  639. Leigh says:

    I love that we do German style Christmas on Christmas Eve with my family (we are in Australia),

  640. Holy Smokes! Awesome giveaway! As for tradition, decorating the house right after Thanksgiving, and having my boys fight about which ornaments they get to hang on the tree!

  641. jmniffer says:

    A favorite tradition of mine is to pick gifts for my kids following the ‘something you want, something you need, something warm and something to read’ motto. I stretch the thought sometimes but it is fun to start with the motto as an idea. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  642. Jamie says:

    Rolling, cutting, baking, and decorating sugar cookies with the kids. They love it. I think I love it more.

  643. Hope Mitchner says:

    My favorite tradition is the kids Christmas stockings. We skipped one year after I thought the kids were all grown up but they were not happy = so the next year we started it again.

  644. JoNell says:

    My family has always celebrates Christmas Eve at our family homestead. My grandchildren are the 6th generation to be a part of this tradition.

  645. Cat G. says:

    Eating stollen on Christmas morning, I haven’t had a Christmas without it. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  646. Carol Y says:

    I guess the tradition of opening a present the night before!

  647. Gene Black says:

    I love the Midnight Church Service on Christmas eve. That is my favorite tradition.

  648. Kristel says:

    My favourite family tradition is to open stockings on Christmas Eve with everyone. We used to only have stockings for the kids (which was me, my two sisters, and my brother-in-law), but one year my older sister and I decided to make stockings for Mom and Dad as well, and now it’s become tradition for us to keep doing that. Our Grandma (95!) is coming out for Christmas this year, so we’re also working on one for her too!

  649. KimR says:

    Oh my goodness! WHat a wonderful giveaway! I love your panels. Those colors that you used are some of my favorites.

  650. Mandy says:

    I love just getting together with family and that relaxed feeling of having nowhere to be but right where you are 🙂

  651. Patty says:

    My favorite family tradition is the day my siblings and their children all gather at my home. I bought the home from my parents so it’s almost like they are still with us when we are together. We still do the same type of day we did while our parents were here with us.

  652. Allison says:

    Wow! My favorite Christmas tradition growing up was dressing up and acting out the nativity. Now I love to see my kids do it.

  653. Sarah says:

    My mum and I love to go out and look at all the over the top Christmas lights on people’s houses. We have a competition to see who can find the best/worst!

  654. Logan says:

    Oh wow, those chalkboard prints are Ah-Ma-Zing! So fun! What a great giveaway, thank you!

  655. Mrs.Pickles says:

    thank you for the chance to win. decorating the tree is one of my fav traditions

  656. Andrea N says:

    We always read the story of Jesus’ birth from the Bible 🙂

  657. Jeannie D says:

    In my family, the children were given little candle figures to burn on Christmas Eve. This is so Santa could see the light and find his way. BUT you had to be asleep before it went out or Santa wouldn’t come. My son, who is 20 now, still gets one! And this year I will give one to my Grand-niece!

  658. Jeifner says:

    Far flung family gathering is what I like. And having dinner by candlelight on Christmas Eve.

  659. Am L says:

    Hi. Great giveaway. My favorite Christmas tradition is spending Christmas eve with just my husband and our kids. We have fondue and open most of the presents. It’s cozy and fun.

  660. usairdoll says:

    Holy cow! What an awesome giveaway! Your fabric bundles are so beautiful, you have a great eye for color! Well when the kids were small we always waited and opened gifts together Christmas morning. I still try to hold on to this. Now I have a three year old grandson I’d like to start a new tradition with him, maybe decorating the tree or making gingerbread houses, that I know he’d love, hehe.

    Thank you for a super generous giveaway and a chance to win.


  661. missmoozie says:

    Such an amazing giveaway! Thank you! Love making cookies with family and also make cookies with my friends. Thanks for a chance to win.


  662. Nova says:

    The eating of the Xmas cookies.

  663. Maria W says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is quite a new, only 6 years old – since all of our traditions are quite new since we moved to Malta from Sweden 7 years ago and we’ve created new ways of celebrating Christmas with our friends here. In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on the 24 so we do that here too at our friends place, we’re usually about 25 people there, eating, drinking and just having a lovely time. We usually drink a little too much so the day after is the tradition I cherish most:

    Then most of us come back to our friends place, in our PJs, a little hungover some of us ^^ And then we lay on the couch, and the floor and wherever there’s room, tons of pillows and quilts are brought out and we snack on the leftovers from the party the day before all day, while watching bad Christmas movies, napping and chatting. It’s so cozy and it’s my absolute favorite Christmas tradition =)

  664. betsy says:

    I love the raspberry waffles hubby makes me Christmas morning

  665. My favourite Christmas tradition is that the youngest person in the room, and around the tree of course, must distribute all the gifts from under the tree to everyone, before opening there own. This leads to some interesting happenings on Christmas morning!!

  666. Sam says:

    I love candle light Christmas service at Church!

  667. Jan Bolton says:

    My favorite tradition is putting my Great Grand Mothers red Lone Star quilt under the tree to lay the presents on.

  668. Christina in Cleveland says:

    LOVE the geese! Wow! My favorite family tradition is, Christmas Eve night, turning on the Christmas tree lights and then turning off the rest of the living room lights. The whole family holds hands around the Christmas tree and sings Silent Night before going to bed. 🙂

  669. These days my favorite Christmas tradition is the Elf on the Shelf. My kids love hunting for Elwood and I love watching their excitement and delight each day. Thanks for the chance to win such an AMAZING prize!

  670. Heather in CA says:

    I love doing the Advent Calendar each year.

  671. Catherine says:

    Love, love, love the look of your chalkboard blocks!

    I like decorating our tree, making cookies, and exchanging sibling gifts on Christmas Eve (can’t pick just one!).

  672. Victoria says:

    I like our family tradition of setting out a jigsaw puzzle the week of Christmas. We sit together, eat a few casual meals around it and talk and laugh, and cheer when just the right piece is finally located for Santa’s nose.

  673. Tatiana says:

    hooray for the christmas carols!

  674. Mom C says:

    We go caroling to neighbors and friends. Thanks.

  675. Cathy Haynes says:

    our favorite tradition is our Christmas Eve family get together. We have lots of fun singing carols, playing games, and having a Yankee Swap! You never know what you are going home with!!!

    Thank you for such a wonderful prize package, and the opportunity to win it!!

    haynesrive(at) aol(dot)com

  676. Sarah says:

    My favorite tradition is making cookies.

  677. Amy says:

    My favorite tradition is baking Xmas cookies!

  678. laurel says:

    holy cow – that’s a GREAT prize! my favorite tradition is sewing something for my girls – they tell me that’s the present they look forward to the most on christmas morning!

  679. Teresa says:

    New PJs in the Christmas Eve gift…. always has been since my grandparents gifted them to us.
    Next year we’re starting a new tradition of a Saturday of Christmas goodies cooking together…. since we can’t always be together on Christmas Eve or Day.

  680. Jill says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to a local botanical gardens that decorates with lights for the Christmas season.

  681. Lissa R. says:

    My favorite tradition is wearing a santa hat while passing out presents to all the cousins. We have a large family and to watch their little stacks pile up and then rip into them is so much fun.

  682. Debbie says:

    My favorite tradition is reading Luke Chapter 2 on Christmas Eve with my family. Helps keep everything in perspective.

  683. Allison Knaus says:

    Wow that’s a lot of entries! I think my favorite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my family, while we have classic xmas music playing. Thank you for this very generous and amazing giveaway opportunity!

  684. Jansie says:

    Hi there, what an amazing giveaway! So awesome! My favorite Christmas tradition is driving around our neighborhood looking at all the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. So fun. Thanks very much!

  685. Krista says:

    singing carols around the tree with hot chocolate!

  686. We don’t really have any traditions (I think we need to start making some!) but I do love singing carols with the kids!

  687. Jennifer says:

    My favourite tradition is picking out the Christmas tree, and decorating it. Thanks for the chance.

  688. Sasha says:

    I love going to see Santa, we go as a family to Longleat where they have a mini steam train line, it’s only a short journey to lapland and Santa, a few elves and his reindeer. Santa sits in his wooden workshop by an open fire and sees all the children and they get a special early present. it really is magical, I can’t imagine a time when we won’t go!

  689. Karen says:

    Since we moved to Germany about four years ago, we started to begin our Christmas season by first celebrating Saint Nicholas Day. On the evening of the 5th, each children puts their shoes by the door and Saint Nicholas (not to be confused with Santa) puts little toys or candies inside the shoe. If the child has not been behaving well, he might get a twig in his shoe as a reminder to behave better in the future. Thankfully, I haven’t ever had to go twig hunting.

  690. Julie says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is getting the tree and decorating it. This is such an amazing giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

  691. Claudia says:

    I like to do all the cooking and baking on Christmas Eve so Christmas Day is just reheating leaving the day to family time.

  692. Kate says:

    My favorite tradition is probably watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with my dad. He laughs HYSTERICALLY at the whole movie – it’s so fun to watch him!

  693. Laura says:

    My family’s Christmas is a feeding frenzy every year. It can get over the top, but I love it anyway!

    Thanks for the chance!

  694. Stephanie says:

    Filling stockings on Christmas Eve!

  695. Kim Stewart says:

    The elf on the shelf has become a favorite for the whole family.

  696. Kathi B says:

    Christmas cookie baking has been a tradition in my family as long as I can remember. 15+ yrs ago my 5 sisters and I started planning a “Cookie Day” each year to give our children a chance to make cookies with Grandma. “Cookie Day” now involves 4 generations of bakers and decorators turning out 30-40 favorite cookie recipes and gingerbread houses in a fun-filled 6-8 hour baking marathon. Many cherished memories!

  697. Leslie F. says:

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks! My favorite tradition is watching Christmas movies on Christmas eve.

  698. Sara says:

    Favorite tradition? Hiding the pickle in the Christmas tree!

  699. Anita says:

    My favorite tradition is decorating my tree while listening to Christmas music while hot spiced cider is cooking on the stove 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

  700. Amanda K says:

    My favorite tradition is picking out and decorating our tree. I even still sometimes help with my parents tree even though I have my own family now.

  701. Shayla Sharp says:

    We paint cookies every year—sugar cookies cut with old hallmark cookie cutters and then painted with evaporated milk that has food coloring in it–when baked they are so lovely…and tasty!

  702. Renee G says:

    One of our favorite traditions is getting together and making homemade raviolis for Christmas eve.

  703. Kimberly says:

    I love taking my kids out to look at Christmas lights. We do a big thing where we get them out of bed and have popcorn and hot chocolate in the car while we drive around. Thank you for the giveaway!

  704. Nin says:

    Wow! I think you are so talented designing those panels – stunning! Humm – lets see. I think our favourite tradition is champagne and strawberries on Christmas morning while we watch out little one open her presents (she doesn’t get a bubbles obvs) – the rest of the day I’m usually in the kitchen or cleaning up, so its nice to ease into it.

  705. sara d says:

    We have SO many traditions! Making literally dozens of different kinds of cookies and cakes, decorating, looking at lights, Xmas jammies, eating duck and cheese souffle for dinner! And lots of music, movies, and eggnog. I look forward to sharing them with our little boys!

  706. Niina says:

    Eating till I feel like I’m going to burst. I’m classy like that.

  707. Rae Haller says:

    I am the oldest of the children growing up. When I was just a little one, I cried when my parents took the boxes the gifts came in away from me, so we could all sit down to Christmas dinner. So from that year on, my Mom always had Christmas dinner the Sunday before Christmas. Then she’d have a ham already cooked so we could eat whenever we felt like it on Christmas. Less work for her, less crying from the children, all good. We all still do this. My parents are both gone now, but we still get together at my brother’s to celebrate Christmas dinner the Sunday before, then all get together on Christmas once the now grown children have Christmas with their little ones. Then we have a big Christmas gift exchange from all. Another thing we’ve always done is open our stockings after we have our evening meal. It makes it seem like we have several Christmases.
    Rae (

  708. Jolien says:

    Lovely giveaway! <3

    My favourite tradition is kinda boring, Christmas tree, lots of baubles and decorations. Family dinners and our yearly Christmas-birthdays of friends, if we manage to go & visit them (we live abroad). 🙂

  709. Desiree says:

    I love to give my daughter pj’s on Christmas Eve, just before she heads to bed 🙂


  710. Carolyn says:

    We don’t really have a tradition but I just love to have all my children and grandchildren with us for Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win some of your gorgeous fabrics.

  711. Debby says:

    Thanks so mcuh for the chance to win these delightful prizes! I’m so excited!!! My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner of the 7 fishes that started way before I was born (it also happens that it was my Dad’s birthday). I can remember my grandmother preparing tons of food (that I really didn’t like back then), then my mother took over the preps when my grandmother was no longer with us. Now my sister and I do all the cooking and we’re hoping that our daughters and granddaughters will some day continue the tradition. Merry Christmas!

  712. Marilyn Tucker says:

    I love baking cookies and delivering them to our neighbors. We don’t get to visit often during the year because they are all busy on their ranches.

  713. Kim says:

    my favorite tradition is leaving the ‘gift from santa” unwrapped. when the boys turn the corner to the tree, they go nuts! love that. 🙂

  714. Kat says:

    Wow! Great giveaway! My fav Christmas tradition is making fudge with my family.

  715. Karen says:

    We always sing the 12 days of Christmas with the family and every year we mess it up somehow!

  716. Jordan says:

    I love opening one present on Christmas Eve.

  717. Dede says:

    Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! My favorite holiday tradition is staying up late on Christmas eve to wrap presents. I used to try to avoid it, but now I’ve just decided to embrace the inevitable. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  718. katie says:

    we started doing an advent calendar this year and my little one loves getting prizes and snacks each day.

  719. Rebeckah says:

    Christmas Eve at Grandma’s house!

  720. Carla G says:

    Our appetizer dinner at our house for Christmas Ever. It’s fun to try so many different foods in one meal. 🙂 Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous giveaway!

  721. mary says:

    My family has pancakes and coffee/hot cocoa after opening presents, but before cleaning up. Thanks for the chance!

  722. Joy says:

    We always bake at least 2 of grandma’s cookie recipes (in addition to all the other types we bake!).

  723. Wow, great giveaway! I go over to my sister’s house on Christmas Eve and share a room with my little niece — a relatively new and cherished tradition!

  724. Claire Lewis says:

    I love the tradition of new pyjamas for the family on Christmas Eve, so we all look cute in our photos on Christmas morning!

    Following on FB.

  725. Eg says:

    Baking and eating!

    Also picking out gifts and watching the recipients open them!

  726. Missy says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is waking up early on Christmas day and opening presents with my husband. We open one present on Christmas Eve.

  1. December 11, 2013

    […] welcome to all of the new followers who have found LMS!  There is still lots of time to enter my giveaway–it’s a good one. […]