Blockheads {Block #39} My Block!

Good Morning and welcome to Block #39 of Blockheads!  Skip to the bottom of the post for the pattern, or read on for a great time saving resource.

I’m excited to share with you my Bordered Granny quilt block.  I used a fun mix of Strawberry Jam (coming in March) & Sunnyside Up fabrics–the white tonal is from Flower Mill.

  Before you let those HST’s square you away…it’s a big 24″ block.  So that makes them a very nice manageable size….they will be 2″ finished.  I know you’re still a bit concerned with all of those triangles.  What if I told you I made all of those triangles in about half an hour?

I see that you are not quite believing me… =)  It’s true!–If you haven’t ever used triangle paper, today is the day to begin!  And I’ve got a fun resource for you to get you on your way.

If you haven’t ever heard of or seen triangle paper in action, here is a YouTube video on how the product works:

Other YouTube videos are available as well just search “triangle paper” and you’ll come up with quite a few different options.

There are a lot of different types of triangle paper by different companies…sheets in various sizes or on a roll are the primary types.  I really like using the papers by Lisa Bongean and often have them on hand.

On Monday, when I went to make my Bordered Granny block, I realized I didn’t have the correct size triangle paper on hand.  When purchasing triangle paper, you would purchase the size you need for whatever finished size HST you are making.

Now, I really didn’t want to head out to my quilt shop to purchase triangle paper–but I even less wanted to spend time making all of these HST’s without it!

This leads me to the nifty resource I referenced earlier.

Printable triangle paper–purchase it, and print out however many sheets you need in the size you need from home!  You can see it peeking out under the pattern.

My friend, Lee of Freshly Pieced, designed this handy product and it was so nice to be able to use on Monday when I needed it right away.  You can read all about it on her site if you’re interested in more details or to purchase it.

Because we are printing on copy paper, it will be heavier than traditional triangle paper.  For that reason, you may find that you need to shorten your stitch length a bit more than you would with the lighter weight paper.  I set my stitch length at a “1” on my Juki and had no problem removing the paper.

I timed myself making the HST’s–the sewing, pressing, and removing paper time took me from 10:15-10:48.   I only had to cut out (5) 8″ dark squares of fabric & (5) 8″ light squares of fabric…so, it saved me time on cutting my fabric as well.

It’s so handy having these tricks up your sleeve when you need them!–Making HST’s without triangle paper takes quite a bit longer so I am always glad to have this resource.

You will find my Bordered Granny PDF Pattern HERE.

If you are using the coloring page you’ll find it HERE.

Happy Sewing!


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19 Responses

  1. Alycia says:

    Wow! Your block is beautiful! And you may have just nudged me off the fence on trying triangle papers! One of my quilting resolutions for 2019 was to try new things I had been avoiding and paper piecing is one of those on my list. While triangle papers isn’t exactly the same as paper piecing, it will help me get me feet wet on sewing on paper! Thank you for the link to download and also the YouTube video. I also always appreciate your coloring pages.

  2. Donna says:

    What size paper do you use. Just wondering

  3. Ruth Wilfong says:

    Love your block and thanks for all the hints on triangle paper. I din’t realize there were so many sized available.

  4. Patty Grattino says:

    Where can I purchase this triangle paper?

    • Corey says:

      Click the sentence in my post above written in pink that says, “You can read all about it on her site if you’re interested in more details or to purchase it.”

  5. Betsey Law says:

    Thanks for all the info re: HSTs. I saved that site as a Favorite for the future.

  6. Lee says:

    Thanks for the shout-out, Corey! I’m glad my HST templates came in handy!! : )

  7. dotpaulk says:

    Just wondered what you think about using the Strip tube Ruler for HSTs?

    • Corey says:

      That is not a method that I have used but I always encourage people to use the methods and tools that they prefer. In quilting, there are so many different options and preferences.

  8. Georgi Sears says:

    I use Lee’s Perfect HSTs triangle paper every time ~ they’re fabulous! Instead of copy paper, I use white newsprint paper sheets that I bought on Amazon ~ it’s thinner and easier to tear!

  9. Kim P says:

    Carol Doak’s foundation paper is a great alternative to regular copy paper when printing HST patterns, it tears much more easily! Brenda Henning’s Triangulations is another great source for HST of any size! Thanks for the beautiful block!

  10. Toby says:

    Thank you for creating a 24” block! I love it!! There is a volunteer organization in Ohio that makes fabric dolls for children with various needs and each doll given includes a 24” square blanket. This pattern will be perfect for me to use in sewing doll blankets to donate to the cause. Bless you!

  11. Lynne Peck says:

    Curious, did you press your HST seams open?

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