Blocks Aplenty

I told you I’d be back in a flash–did you even have time to blink? =)

As promised pics of my blocks for the Quilt Along–I’m not sure how many blocks total there are(I’ll get right on that after I feed the kidders, get at least one of them down for a nap, tidy up a bit, let the dog out, weed the flower beds, say hello to hubby, get supper cooking, tidy up again, clear the dishes, tidy up the kitchen, try to get both kidders down for bed, get in bed myself…oh wait, when did I get that counting in?–maybe tomm. after I….). =)

I am really enjoying sewing along with all of these great ladies–there are currently 575 members in the Flickr group–I am sure that some of them are just along for the ride but, I bet a large portion of members are actually participating in the Quilt Along. There were just under 300 members when I joined so, the number has almost doubled in about 2 weeks time–just amazing!

Oh and be sure to check out Stick up hair down below–love that kid!

Back Later!

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1 Response

  1. Barbie says:

    Your Quilt along quilt is going to be gorgeous! Can't wait to see it come together. Thanks for joining the stash busting bee!

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