Category: Projects


Pattern Testers Wanted

Hello All!  I hope everyone’s Monday is off to a great start!  Here at the Yoder household it is off to a sleepy start.  The Spring time change is never a welcome one here....


Winged Blog Tour

Hello, Hello!–I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  We made it through–complete with the requisite holiday germs.  What is it about holidays and the sickies?…almost seems like you can’t have one without...


Block of the Months

I love getting a “fabric-y” package in the mail–even better if they arrive on a routine basis.  You’ve probably run across various Block of the Months here and there–Fat Quarter Shop always has an...


Vintage Fancy Quilt

I’ve been working on my Vintage Fancy quilt this week.  Yesterday was spent making and attaching the grey border along with the flying geese border.  Just a couple more borders to go and I...


Wednesday WIP

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Last week, I decided to dive into the B&C fabrics that I shared with you.  I think about right after I published that blog post, I just had to start on...