Flower Mill

Hey, Hey everyone!  I’m considering diving back into this blog again.  I have been very active over on Instagram but I often feel like I can’t share all of the words that I would like to share over there.  Too many things to say and Instagram isn’t always the best for that.  I’ve been tossing around the idea of getting back into blogging again–I’d love to get back into the habit of sharing at least once a week…thoughts?

I think we all get inundated with far too much social media jazz but it is often quick and surface.  I’d love a spot where I can share a bit more.  Does anyone still read blogs?  I know I get a lot of traffic here so at least folks still visit blogs!

So many things have happened since the last time I wrote.  Some really exciting & some I could do without. =)  I think we all have both of those in our lives don’t we.

The images sprinkled throughout this post are my new quilts from my Flower Mill collection of fabric.  The pre-cuts have just started to ship and the yardage is on it’s way.  It’s always fun when a new collection hits the quilt shops.

The quilts are new quilts designed just for this collection.  Oh, and those reds and greens in Flower Mill…they make perfect Christmas quilts.  I may have made one and I may just love it!

Leave me a comment and let me know what’s up with you, what you might like to hear/learn, if you read blogs, if you like them…or just say Hi.  I hope to be back sooner rather than later.

{Oh, and if you were a previous subscriber, you’ll need to resubscribe if you’re interested in receiving post notifications via email.}

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154 Responses

  1. Karen Dobbs says:

    YES YES YES please keep blogging! Pics on instagram are nice, but blogging is superior. Love your designs.

  2. Jan says:

    Blogging is the best!!

  3. Julie Lofurno says:

    I can’t make comments on Instagram because I don’t have the type of phone that lets me. I prefer the blog.

    • Corey says:

      This is good to know Julie!–I didn’t realize that not everybody could comment on Instagram.

      • Julie Lofurno says:

        If I can, I sure haven’t been able to figure it out. At the very least I can’t download anything because I need some type of app. Can you tell I have a very old cell phone (flip style)?

        • Corey says:

          Got it, that makes sense. Nothing wrong with a flip style phone! I hung onto mine as long as I could until I needed a smart phone to be able to process credit cards. I love simple & easy and getting to know a new device is not my favorite.

  4. Jeanne Van Fossen says:

    I would enjoy your blog. Looking forward to it.

  5. Lilian says:

    Yes, Corey, do continue to blog, please. I learn so much from experienced quilters. I follow several blogs. I love mini quilts and am making some from blogs that I really like. Blogs are a wonderful source of inspiration, too. There’s a wonderful online quilting world out there.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for these comments Lilian!–I know when I found the online quilting world I was so blown away. You are right—inspirational for sure!

  6. gwen adams says:

    Blogging is the best!!! I don’t have instagram… I did but it became to much. Can you post the names of the patterns when you post a quilt…. that way we know which pattern to buy if we like it…. 🙂

  7. Dorothy Schreyer says:

    I enjoy reading blogs, may not have a lot of time to do so, but I DO NOT DO INSTAGRAM OR TWITTER don’t know how and really don’t want to learn.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks for sharing this Dorothy!–I know that I don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter or Facebook so I know how it is to have a definite preference for where you spend your online time. We only have so much time to spend online so we need to spend it wisely!

  8. Julie A. says:

    Yes, yes, yes. I LOVE reading blogs. I never got into Instagram and FB has a mind of its own so please keep blogging.

  9. Cathy says:

    I have missed your posts. I read blogs everyday. Hugs

  10. Sharon says:

    Hi Corey! I’ve been following you on Instagram and love to read blogs.

  11. Cathy says:

    I ❤️ blogs!!!

  12. Hildy says:

    I love to read blog posts! IG is fun but it’s sometimes really hard to see all the pictures and remember what was this and that about blog posts are just neater (hope you understand what I wanna say).

    • Corey says:

      I do understand Hildy!–You can just share more and more in detail on blogs. And plus it’s there and easily searchable if you ever want to remember something or go back to something.

  13. I love reading blogs! And I love your new fabric line 🙂 I can’t wait to play with it! <3

  14. Pat says:

    Yes, I still like to read blogs even though I find myself spending more time looking at quilts online than I do actually sewing my own! I need to find a balance. I was at the quilt shop hop this past weekend and thought for sure I’d find Flower Mill on the bolt, but sadly no. I’m so anxious to see more than just the precuts!

    • Corey says:

      It is so hard to find that balance when we are constantly tantalized by beautiful quilt pictures! I have some bolts of Flower Mill that I ordered that haven’t shipped yet but it is finally showing as in stock on the United Notions site so it shouldn’t be too much longer until it arrives in shops!

  15. gracythewonderdog says:

    Yes, please keep on blogging! Like some of the other posts, I don’t have instagram or twitter. I love reading blogs! I learn so much from them.

  16. Tracie says:

    Blogging is a great way to share content that’s “more” than easily shared on Instagram. I don’t think a regular schedule is as important as making the content worthwhile—two to four times a month suits me.

    • Corey says:

      This is exactly where I am coming from. And I too think not being tied to a regular schedule will make the content more worthwhile. No sense sharing when there’s nothing exciting to share!

  17. Sharon says:

    I follow many blogs and, in fact, I look forward to reading them with my morning coffee.

  18. Deborah says:

    Yes, please continue your blog. While I enjoy looking at the many gorgeous quilts and fabrics pictured on instagram, I learn much more about the quilting process through blogs. Love your fabrics, patterns and creativity!

  19. Jan Altomare says:

    I enjoy reading blogs. They give you more information and details. IG is good for quick pics but like the details from a blog.

  20. Vicki says:

    Love it. Hello.

  21. mogsinc says:

    Love blogs. I can’t get into Instagram. Glad your back

    • Corey says:

      I am very encouraged by how many people read blogs! It has been so long since I’ve posted I wasn’t sure how much things might have changed.

  22. Lesley says:

    Your quilts are gorgeous and your fabrics are so beautiful! Yes, I love blogs. I write a blog and I read blogs, but don’t always comment as much as I used to…keeping busy in my sewing room instead! Will look forward to following your blog!

    • Corey says:

      Thank you so much! I have noticed that not as many people comment as they used to–it’s one of the things that I miss–that interaction. But I totally understand needing to prioritize time!

  23. Sharon says:

    I agree, there is only so much you can share on IG. I like to read blogs but often forget to check if there is a new post. I like how Sherri from A Quilting Life posts about her blog posts on IG. It’s a good reminder to go read the blog:)

    • Corey says:

      Sherri is such a blog inspiration, isn’t she! I love reading her blog and she’s so faithful about posting weekly with interesting posts too.

  24. Lisa Marie says:

    I’m not on Instagram but I read a long list of blogs. Many bloggers don’t post as often as they used to, but I do enjoy reading when they post. Love seeing the lovely projects and learning about how they are made or what inspired them and also learning about the blogger. Your new fabric line is beautiful!

    • Corey says:

      I would love if you’d share your favorite blogs! It’s always so fun to stumble on a new one that you really enjoy. Thanks so much for your kind words about my fabric line!

  25. Rita Nichols says:

    When I get up in the morning I put the coffee on and check my e-mails and facebook to see what’s new. I’m not there long but I would love to have a blog or two to read while drinking my coffee.

    • Corey says:

      I think a lot of us love having a little eye candy while we enjoy our morning coffee! It’s almost like a beautiful morning newspaper isn’t it!–Without all the scary politics and world happenings. =)

  26. Sandy A in St. Louis says:

    I love reading blogs and don’t have an instagram account. Blogs I can read at my leisure and go back to if something interest me. Please do keep up the blog!

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for your feedback! I agree, being able to bookmark, is one of the great things about blogs. So much easier to search for that information and re-read if you want to.

  27. Love the tulip quilt. My shop is Pink Tulip Quilting:)

  28. Linda says:

    I prefer blogs over FB and Instagram. I have given up on FB and now do Instagram because not many people do blogs. Even if you only have time every other week. The only other thing I enjoy is You Tube. After a long hard day, it is nice to come home to either read a blog or watch a video related to what I like. So yes, yes, yes come back to blogging.

    • Corey says:

      There is something very relaxing about settling in for a good read or watch. I think both Instagram and Facebook are quick and fun but not as much content driven as they are picture driven. Blogging definitely allows for both content and pictures!

  29. Helen says:

    Why yes I love to read blogs . I lay in bed in the early morning and catch up with my reading so please keep posting.

    • Corey says:

      I do my catching up in the early mornings as well. Sometimes (often =), it takes me a bit to get going in the morning and that’s such a nice way to ease into the day.

  30. Jean Etheridge says:

    Blog addict here. I follow blogs usin Feedly. Yes, please do blog. I need to get back to my own

  31. Jackie says:

    I love to read blogs – please start writing again!!!!!

  32. Julia Plunkett says:

    Great to read something from your blog! Love the photos of your new collection. Hope to see more on your blog.

  33. Faith in Texas says:

    Have missed your blog. I don’t use instagram, and check into face book maybe 3 times a yr. I prefer the blogs.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for letting me know!–I think I take it for granted how involved people are with other social media. It’s nice to know there are many people that prefer a good old blog post!

  34. Sue H says:

    Welcome back, Corey! I’ve missed your blogs. I’m not on Instagram so would love to hear from you weekly again!

  35. Jocelyn says:

    Yes I do still read blogs. And write on mine as well. Not as much quilting going on lately, but I still enjoy connecting with people.

  36. Oh, yes!!! Please blog! I don’t have the time to dig into Instagram. I can read blogs much easier at my leisure. 😊

    • Corey says:

      I understand!–It’s so much easier to share in a blog form than it is on Instagram too. Instagram is great for a quick photo but it doesn’t allow much room for sharing other things.

  37. Mary D says:

    I love reading blogs and am looking forward to reading yours. Congratulations on another beautiful line of fabrics and patterns.

    • Corey says:

      Thank you so much! It is always so much fun when I can share new fabrics and patterns. There is always secret sewing and working going on over here so I love when I can finally share!

  38. Melisa Williamson says:

    I have several blogs that I follow. I enjoy reading them at my leisure, usually Friday evenings are my blog evenings!

  39. Mary K says:

    I would enjoy reading your blog. Really look forward to it since I seem to always enjoy your designs. 😊

  40. Linda S says:

    I don’ always get to read all of the blogs that I subscribe to but I enjoy it when I do have the time. You are such a talented designer that I would love it if you would continue to blog.

  41. You know I’ve always loved your blog! So fun to get to visit at market!

    • Corey says:

      Sherri–I loved chatting with you at market(every time we talk, I feel like we see eye to eye on so many different things). I’ve been thinking about blogging again and our conversation at dinner gave me a huge prompt to start things up–so thank you!

  42. Rochelle Summers says:

    I do love blogs. No smart phone and wouldn’t really know how to post to Instagram. I really like to read more in-depth information from a blog post. Showing my age!!!

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! And, not showing your age at all–I think all of us prefer content rather than fluff! And blogging definitely allows that so much easier than other sites.

  43. Lynne Snow says:

    Please continue to blog. Blogging gives more information than just a picture

  44. Nancy H says:

    Yes, I read blogs. I would rather read a blog. I usually look at IG on my phone and find the picture small and the comments are usually hidden. I read blogs everyday. IG maybe on the weekend when I have time to mess with it.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for letting me know. I have always appreciated all of the pretty pictures that blogs allow one to share. Inspiration abounds in blogland, that’s for sure!

    • Corey says:

      There is just something great about reading a blog, hearing the story behind the design or project, and seeing all of the pretty pictures!

  45. dispack says:

    Yes, I “still” follow you, it’s been many years… 🙂 Loving your fabrics!!! Thanks!

  46. carlottabuckley says:

    I read blogs every morning with my coffee as well as throughout the day. I don’t “do” IG. Love getting to know the bloggers through their pics, posts and tubes. 🙂

    • Corey says:

      It seems that there are quite a few that don’t do IG or Facebook even. It’s nice to know that there is definitely still room for blogs.

  47. Lou says:

    I don’t ” do” instagram so would love more blog. Words are good.

  48. Dorian says:

    Welcome back to blog land! I much prefer blogs, do not do instagrgam, twitter, or FB at all. So it’s nice to see you coming back 🙂 I love looking at pictures of new fabric lines, seeing new patterns, but I also like to get to know the person behind the fabric too. Have a happy day.

  49. Jocelyn Fiederer says:

    I read quilt blogs everyday for inspiration. I do not do IG because I do not like it. I love seeing your pictures of quilts.

  50. Sharrie says:

    Blogs are awesome. Instagram is lovely, but like you said, it does not let you expand thoughts or ideas.

    And Facebook is a great way to share information too, but it just doesn’t do enough on its own. I prefer to read complete sentences too. So many writings on social media are quick and choppy so I think blogs are informative and smart!

    • Corey says:

      I think you nailed it. Blogs allow you to expand on your topic and for readers to get to know things a bit more from the writer’s perspective.

  51. I follow many blogs and enjoy reading them. I find Instagram confusing, and it’s frustrating trying to find the content I want. I like that blogs give me concentrated time with each quilter I follow. I get to know them! I prefer “real” content, not just something put up because it’s on a schedule. Even a couple paragraphs with a picture of a gorgeous quilt would make me happy.

    • Corey says:

      Instagram can be frustrating when you are trying to find or relocate something specific. I know, i have at times, had to give up the search as I was spending too much time on it. And, I agree with you about the importance of not just throwing up fluff in order to keep to a “schedule”–it’s gotta be good content!

  52. Ruth says:

    I love reading blogs with my morning coffee. Inspires me to quilt!

  53. Kate says:

    I still enjoy reading blogs and blogging and I don’t do Instagram.

  54. Becky says:

    Please continue to blog. I love to see and hear about everything you are working on. You are amazing!

  55. Cheryl Martin says:

    I’d love to read your blog again!

  56. Mary Ann Scanlon says:

    I love blogs and miss them a lot. It does feel more connected then the quick look and short comment on Instagram. Thanks for all the lovely fabrics and patterns, now if we could all find more hours in the day.

  57. Doris stclair says:

    If follow your blog 😆

  58. Deb says:

    It does seem that folks are reading blogs less and less, which I think is a shame. I’ve been blogging almost 13 years and can tell fewer people read and comment. When I saw on your instagram that you had written a blog post, I was so excited!!!! I think more people should get back to it. Love the quilts pictured on this post and your new Flower Mill! Thank you!

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much Deb!–that’s so nice of you to say. It is kind of a bummer that less people are both writing and commenting on blogs. I miss that community of people!

  59. Sharlene Barrett says:

    Love to take the time out of my day to catch up on my blogs. Much more meat to them than IG posts.

  60. Pam Eckert says:

    Please keep blogging. I loved meeting u at little foot quilt shop and seeing your quilts up close . They were so beutiful. I have purchased fabric and patteren to start one or 2. I really loved your hand quilting also,
    I’m inspired to give it a try .

    • Corey says:

      It is so good to “see” you here! =) Thanks so much for your kind words about my quilts–I love sharing them when I am visiting guilds and quilt shops! And, you should try hand quilting–it is so much fun.

  61. Cheryl says:

    I love to read your blog. Please keep blogging,

  62. Jan Taylor 🌻 says:

    Please blog….I hate Instagram. I loved meeting you at Hollyhill. Instagram just seems so unfriendly.😀

    • Corey says:

      It’s so good to “see” you here!–i would like to keep blogging and it seems there are many ladies who much prefer reading a blog over other social media. I’ve learned so much just from reading through these comments.

  63. Béatrice says:

    I prefer to read blogs, I don’t have instagram.

  64. Jodi says:

    Thanks for posting on your blog. Five years ago when I got into quilting, I relied on the blog universe to inspire and teach. Love getting to learn more about the details of the design, fabric, or unique background you use.

  65. Susan K says:

    Hey! I enjoy Instagram for the pictures but love blogs too. Blogs give more details including the thought process behind the design, tips in piecing (always a favorite of mine), and just life in general.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much for letting me know!–These are the things that I like about blogs too. Just the possibility of providing so much more information.

  66. Janan Doster says:

    YES YES YES PLEASE ! I love to read your blog. And the photos of the quilts you share. I love Instagram too, but you just can’t write all that needs to be said there, and it sometimes is flooded with photos so you don’t always get to see things your friends add because of so much feed. I love to grab a cup of coffee and sit down at the laptop and read all the blogs. Please start back posting here. We love it, and we have missed you!! PS – Flower Mill fabrics is so pretty.

    • Corey says:

      Oh, I really appreciate your comments Janan!–I have been feeling a little bit frustrated that Instagram hasn’t been showing me all of the people i follow in my IG feed and I always feel like I am missing things. I so much wish it was as it had been where everything just showed in order!

      • Janan Doster says:

        I just got my Flower Mill fabrics yesterday! I plan to make the Tulip Market Quilt, full size. I want to order the pattern but I am waiting until you add the Barn Block quilt pattern, (Etsy shop) because I have to have that pattern too – and I will make it with Pepper & Flax. I recently closed in my back porch to make it my sewing room and studio. I have used Sundrops fabric to make my sewing machine mat and pin cushions. (The Abbey Lane bag)
        I spy a pretty gray in Flower Mill that will become my iron board cover.!!

        • Corey says:

          Yay!–That Tulip Market pattern is a popular one–I’ve already had to order more patterns before the fabrics even came out. =) I hope to have the new P&F patterns up next week–PDF’s might come sooner.

  67. peggy hendrick says:

    I don’t do Instagram…would much rather read a blog so that I can get details and info that you can’t get from looking at a bunch of pictures!

  68. Kathie L says:

    I only have time for one medium, and it’s bloglovin. Lovin your blog.

  69. Janey Brookmyer says:

    I found your new fabric line on Instagram…love it! So when a friend from a quilt shop in Ohio shared a picture of the two of you at Quilt Market – I found you again. I love reading blogs, so please continue! Thank you for sharing your art with us.

    • Corey says:

      Thank you so much for tracking me down!–I’m so glad you have found my blog & fabrics. I do love sharing little pieces of my life with all of you. =)

  70. I read blogs (I’m behind at the moment) and don’t do other social media, like instagram.

    • Corey says:

      It’s so easy to get behind isn’t it–there is so much to read and see! Thank you for letting me know that Instagram isn’t your thing. Hearing how many people don’t do other types of social media is definitely encouraging me to continue blogging!

  71. Barbara says:

    Apparently I’m not the only one who still loves to read blogs. I do follow quilters on Instagram, but love to hear more from fabric designers and quilters. I used to follow LMS, and really like your fabric collections.

    • Corey says:

      From reading the comments it almost seems like those that don’t read blogs any more might be in the minority! I’m looking forward to sharing again here with all of you–especially since I am realizing that many of you haven’t been seeing any of the things I’ve been sharing on Instagram and/or Facebook.

  72. Lostinspace says:

    Yes please, I’ve looked at Instagram but it is one step more and too far, there is only so much time and space in a day but Instagram compresses it too much. I think especially with quilting a little bit of the process and how it happens is so interesting and humanising. I love your new fabric line and especially the quilt at the top of this blog. Will there be a pattern?

    • Corey says:

      It is a lot of fun to be able to share more of the process on a blog. I just can’t share as much as I would like to over on IG or Facebook. The quilt at the top of this post is called Tulip Market and it is available in my Etsy shop in a large version (the one pictured) as well as a mini version.

  73. I love Instagram, but I tend to scroll through my feed unless something catches my eye. I set aside time most weeks to catch up on the blogs I subscribe to. I really enjoy fixing some coffee and settling down to read what’s new in the blogging universe!

  74. Julie says:

    Blogs seem mich more personal to me. I love getting to know bloggers through their writing as well as from the picture they post. Instagram is great for a quick picture fix but blogs are so much more interesting to me.

  75. Gina M. says:

    Instagram is nice but seems somehow impersonal. As a lover of books, I’ve always found it much more enjoyable to have the words and thoughts and ideas too. I just received my FQ bundle of Flower Mill…it’s gorgeous and the colors are so cheerful and happy…I may have to just enjoy looking at it for a bit before breaking it open! 😉

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